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Browse fonts. Web Platform. Web Site Optimization: Speed Up Your Site website optimization web speed optimize web site performance company. CrossSlide. CrossSlide is a jQuery plugin implementing in 2kB 1 of Javascript code some common slide-show animations, traditionally only available via Adobe Flash™ or other proprietary plugins. CrossSlide builds upon jQuery's animation facility, so it is as portable across browsers as jQuery itself (that is, a lot!) Internally CrossSlide does not rely on lookup tables, building instead a "chain" of functions. Each function starts a linear phase of the animation through jQuery, setting the next function in the chain as a complete callback.

After all the functions are prepared and the animation is started, no other calculations are made. This setup reduces runtime overhead to the absolute minimum, making CrossSlide the most optimized implementation of these effects. CrossSlide can create a few different effects, depending on how it's called. Static cross-fade The simplest effect, a cross-fade between static pictures is just as simple to set up: Slide and cross-fade Here is the jQuery code to set it up: Online Typeset Style Generator. EmbedPlus - Real-time reactions, chopping, movable zoom, slow motion, annotations, chapter / scene skipping, and more with embeds on your video site, blog, vlog, etc. < embed plus >.

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