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Automated deployment of node.js apps – Carbon Silk - Developing ideas by James Broad. This article has a simple aim to improve the process of developing and deploying node.js web applications. The Continuous Integration folks will refer to what I am covering as an aptly named Automated Deployment. As you explore this guide you will learn: How to run a node.js script using Upstart.How to manage Jenkins (was Hudson) with Git.How to make and use Makefiles. Lets crack on… I have detailed an environment scheme below which works well for me.

You are free to assign your machine names what you please but following this guide will be easiest if you follow my conventions. Getting a working node.js app and environment You will need to have an environment to run your app in. You can run node.js apps on your localhost but for this article we are just focusing the deployment process to an integration server ( The correct development flow for a node.js app should be that you test on localhost, then checkin when you are happy with your changes. Setting up your virtual machines #! Nodejitsu/node-http-proxy. Nodejitsu/module-foundry. Web Operations - Nodejitsu Inc. A Modern Stack - Development - MEAN - A Modern Stack - Development. Node.js Frameworks. How To Node - NodeJS.