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Job Interview Tips. What’s Here If you’re searching for a teaching job in 2015, this page will help you prepare for interviews and put your best foot forward. The main purpose of this page, though, is to help you really evaluate whether a school will be a good fit so you can get the right teaching position for YOU. Who Am I To Give Advice? I’ve changed schools a lot and have been on 14 job interviews during my teaching career: I was offered every position on the spot except two. An uninformed person might conclude that I’ve just got it like that, but the truth is, I was fortunate to have sought positions during extreme teacher shortages. It’s kind of like getting excited about selling your house in 2 days…in a seller’s market.

My advice on this page comes from that perspective, so I’m really not the best person to advise you on landing a position that hundreds of other teachers are vying for. What To Wear Tips for Landing a Job Interview 4 Tips For Answering Interview Questions 1. 2. 3. 4. Classroom Management. 10 Universities Offering Free Writing Courses Online. See our list of universities that offer free online writing courses. Learn about what courses are available and what topics they cover to find the course that's right for you. Online Writing Courses for Credit Many schools offer free online courses and materials through OpenCourseWare (OCW) projects. While formal admission isn't necessary to access lectures and other materials, these courses don't usually award college credit. Students looking for the same ease of access and the opportunity to apply their study time towards a degree or certificate program might want to consider courses that can lead to an alternative form of credit.

For far less than the cost of enrolling in a traditional class, Education Portal offers hundreds of online courses that allow students to start working their way towards real college credit. Free Online Non-Credited Writing Courses Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Writing and Reading the Essay focuses on the essay as a popular literary genre. 101 Pretty Printables {free} Sexism In 30 Vintage Ads. Nutritional Content Of Pistachios. Descriptions of pistachio nuts as nutrient-dense and heart-healthy sound like marketing catch-phrases, but they’re found in the scientific literature, such as a review of research published in “Nutrition Reviews” in April 2012. Pistachios have just one downside: They’re high in calories.

Otherwise, they provide fiber and healthy fats that lower cholesterol, and are also a good source of protein and vitamin B-6. One serving of pistachios equals 1 ounce -- about 1/4 cup or 49 kernels. Since this portion contains 161 calories, be sure to include it as part of your usual daily calories. Even though pistachios are high in fat, most of the fat consists of healthy monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. Vitamin B-6 helps produce neurotransmitters and red blood cells. One ounce of pistachios contains slightly more than 1 milligram of iron, which provides 6 percent of women’s and 14 percent of men’s recommended dietary allowance. The Sartorialtwist.