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Psychology, Social experiments

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Влюби в себя человека за 4 минуты! После этих 36 вопросов от любви не убежать! Уже не терпится попробовать!

Влюби в себя человека за 4 минуты! После этих 36 вопросов от любви не убежать!

♥ Представляем вам Артура Арона-гениального психолога, который 20 лет назад провел удивительный эксперимент. Арон мало известен у нас, и зря! Итак, в чем же суть его потрясающего эксперимента? В свою лабораторию он пригласил абсолютно незнакомых мужчину и женщину, которым предложил ответить на 36 вопросов. Добрые открытки про семью. Любой нормальный человек мечтает найти свою вторую половинку и создать семью.

Добрые открытки про семью

После того, как образовалась семья начинают происходить радости и трудности в отношениях. Вашему вниманию предоставляются добрые, позитивные открытки про семью. Я думаю они поднимут Вам настроение в этот прекрасный день. Семья это счастье, любовь и удача — М. Лангер Семья – это счастье, любовь и удача, Семья – это летом поездки на дачу. Choose A Door That Stands Out The Most To You. Then See What It Says About Your Future. This test has been shared around the web on a number of sites and incredibly it always receives very positive results.

Choose A Door That Stands Out The Most To You. Then See What It Says About Your Future

All you need to do is take a look at the arches, then down the path it shows. The path you choose can reveal a lot about your potential future. The results are usually pretty accurate. Studies Show Your Sleeping Position Reveals Interesting Details About Your Personality Type. Sleep specialist Chris Idzikowski, PhD and director of the Sleep Assessment and Advisory Service in London, has done quite a bit of research on six distinct and common sleep positions and what those positions say about the sleeper’s personality.

Studies Show Your Sleeping Position Reveals Interesting Details About Your Personality Type

While Idzikowski did his initial research on a pool of participants solely from the UK, he recently gathered data from Australia, Japan, Hong Kong, China and Singapore to account for cross-cultural differences. Idzikowski found some common personality traits amongst those who slept in the same positions, which you can find listed out below. Scroll through the six positions below and find out which one matches your sleep style best! 1. Fetal Position. He Asks Her Why She Is Alone On A Cruise Ship And This Is How She Responds. What Happened Before This Movie Started Shocked Everyone. This Old Lady Gives A Young Man The Surprise Of His Life During A Trip To The Grocery Store. 35 Of The Funniest Coincidences EVER… It’s Hard To Believe These Weren’t Deliberate. The Bruised Woman on This Billboard Heals Faster as More Passersby Look at Her.

Here's an interesting use of facial recognition technology on billboards—to do something a little more inspiring than target you with the right products.

The Bruised Woman on This Billboard Heals Faster as More Passersby Look at Her

To coincide with International Women's Day this Sunday, London agency WCRS teamed up with Women's Aid and Ocean Outdoor to create some remarkable digital billboards about domestic violence. They use facial recognition to recognize when people are paying attention to the image of a bruised woman. As more people look at the ad, her bruises and cuts heal faster, communicating the benefit of not turning a blind eye to the problem. The campaign premieres today at Canary Wharf, but it's actually already won an Interactive Award in Ocean's annual Art of Outdoor competition 2014. The video below is the case study made for those awards—with a different image, as you can see. The new images are mockups of how the current campaign will look.

More images and credits below. Тронуло за душу. Читать всем! The homeless child was freezing to death while no one approached him. I never thought this guy would be the only one! She Was Bullied at School and Instead of Getting Even She Did THIS. Watch These Men Get Tricked Into Catcalling Their Own Mothers. By Carl Williott 12h ago A few months ago, a video of a woman getting catcalled in New York City went viral, bringing new attention to the old issue of women facing street harassment.

Watch These Men Get Tricked Into Catcalling Their Own Mothers

Girl Walks Around NYC With No Pants On. Emergency Hotline 911 receives a 'pizza order' from a lady who needs help. A woman who is a victim of domestic violence called 911 for help but was unable to directly discuss of what was happening to her so she used a code-like conversation by starting to order a pizza.

Emergency Hotline 911 receives a 'pizza order' from a lady who needs help

Fortunately, the dispatcher did not take her call lightly, instead he became intuitive and analyzed her situation very carefully. Read the transcript of the conversation between the victim and the dispatcher and noticed how well their thoughts were connected to each other. "911, where is your emergency? " "123 Main St. " "Ok, what's going on there? " According to the dispatcher, he checked the history of the address given by the lady and found out that there were records of multiple domestic violence from the previous calls. Finally, the officer arrived at the house and immediately saw the lady in bad shape with her drunk boyfriend. Man With Cerebral Palsy Paints Masterpieces Using Only A Typewriter  Every time beauty standards were brilliantly challenged in 2014. 2014 was a big year when it came to blowing conventional beauty standards sky high.

Every time beauty standards were brilliantly challenged in 2014

This was a year in which the definition of what it means to be beautiful was expanded in every direction, and we are SO happy that this time finally arrived. They Put A Homeless Man In A Suit To See What Happens. The Result? Ridiculous. 14 Day-To-Day Hacks That Will Vastly Improve Your Productivity.