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17 способов использовать кофейную гущу. Car Maintenance Hacks. 10 cleaning tips that'll make your bathroom a better place. No one wants to clean the bathroom, but everyone enjoys and appreciates it when the bathroom is clean.

10 cleaning tips that'll make your bathroom a better place

It may be surprising, but there are many ways you can cut the time you spend cleaning and have a cleaner bathroom. You don't have to rush out and buy fancy products or commercial cleaners. All you need are these simple cleaning tips to keep the bathroom cleaner without harsh chemicals. In no time at all and at very little added cost, the bathroom will be fresh and sparkling.

Как легко почистить ковер? Цена вопроса — копейки, а эффект налицо! — Смотрим с оптимизмом. Женщина собирает грязные бутылки на улице. Когда соседи узнали зачем – впали в ступор! — Смотрим с оптимизмом. В твиттере показали, как легко вдевать нитку в иголку. 11 крутых способов вернуть старым вещам былой вид. □ □ БЕРИ И ДЕЛАЙ □ Here's 6 life-changing kitchen hacks □! Blossom - Get clever with your clutter...and these 7... 14 обувных лайфхаков, о которых не знала даже Золушка - Женские Секреты. Обувь — это вещь, на которой нельзя экономить.

14 обувных лайфхаков, о которых не знала даже Золушка - Женские Секреты

Естественно, потратив на обувь приличную сумму, хочется, чтобы она служила дольше. В этом нет ничего зазорного, и лучше носить одну хорошую пару обуви несколько лет, чем менять каждый сезон, покупая более дешевые, но менее качественные туфли или сапоги. В этой статье мы расскажем, как правильно и эффективно ухаживать за новой парой обуви без специальных средств!

1. Верните белизну подошве Зубная паста полезна не только для зубов, но и, например, для кроссовок, которые нужно сделать белыми. 2. Для изделий из кожи подойдет медицинский спирт. 3. Перед сном насыпьте обувь немного соды и оставьте на ночь, а утром будет нужно вытряхнуть ее и почистить — пищевая сода вбирает в себя неприятные запахи. 4. Introducing Glideware — Revolutionizing kitchen organization. 15 stylish things for your house that you can make out of corks. Over time, we seem to accumulate a lot of corks.

15 stylish things for your house that you can make out of corks

But don’t hurry to throw them out, there are a lot of things you can make out of them that look nice, and can also be useful. We at Bright Side have also collected a couple dozen of them, and think that it would be nice to make a picture...or a candle holder? Как погладить рубашку. Быстро. Правильно. Комментарии специалиста. Рубашка на заказ. » MAKATAKA. 11 Things You Have In The Pantry To Help When Your Little One Is Sick. 15 Food Tricks You'll Wish You Knew Yesterday. For some, being in the kitchen is a relaxing experience.

15 Food Tricks You'll Wish You Knew Yesterday

These people could spend hours on end preparing and cooking food like it was nothing. For other people, well, they just need to get in and get out as quickly as possible. They don't have time for it to be a relaxing experience because they have 900 other things on the go. Эти 10 полезных хитростей выручат женщину в экстренной ситуации! Постараюсь запомнить… - Блог - - Информационно-развлекательный портал. Автор: Nastya Garbul, 26.03.2016 Полезные советы для женщин 1.

Эти 10 полезных хитростей выручат женщину в экстренной ситуации! Постараюсь запомнить… - Блог - - Информационно-развлекательный портал

He Places Fresh Slices Of Tomatoes In A Pot Of Soil. See What Happens 10 Days Later... - Forgot To Think. Она Засунула Старую Подушку В Свитер И Сделала Потрясающую Вещь! 16 Refrigerator Hacks For The Most Organized Fridge Of Your Life! Sign In Sign In Sorry this article is not available in your chosen language.

16 Refrigerator Hacks For The Most Organized Fridge Of Your Life!

Please explore some of our articles in your language by using the above categories. 27 Ways To Make Your Groceries Last As Long As Possible. Косичка из 5 прядей. Самый простой способ научиться. - 27 Makeup Hacks For The Lazy Among Us. Subscribe Share on FacebookShare on Twitter Share Tweet If you love putting on makeup but hate all the hard work it takes, you’re not alone.

27 Makeup Hacks For The Lazy Among Us

We all like to look our best, but that can mean logging extra hours of putting our face on and taking it off. He Jumps Into The Water, Pulls Off His Pants And Transforms Them Into Something Lifesaving. That is the most brilliant trick against wasps ever. All you need is a paper bag! Summer time is wasp time!

That is the most brilliant trick against wasps ever. All you need is a paper bag!

This little pests can really spoil the most beautiful time of the year. From middle August on, these guys are droning everywhere because of the harvest: buzzing around your patio or picnic basket. As soon as kids and allergies enter the scene it can rapidly develop into a serious problem. But with these all-natural tricks, that we will show you today, you’ll hold these yellow-black dangers in check. Do Not Throw Away Shirts With Oil Stains Until You Try This Simple Method For Removing Them. This Natural Homemade Recipe Will Supposedly Get Rid Of Unwanted Facial Hair For Good. Home » Science » This Natural Homemade Recipe Will Supposedly Get Rid Of Unwanted Facial Hair For Good Instead of chemicals, this mixture has vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, creating healthy, shiny and beautiful looking skin.

This Natural Homemade Recipe Will Supposedly Get Rid Of Unwanted Facial Hair For Good

Here’s are the main ingredients to make this mix: 2 tablespoons of honey 2 tablespoons of lemon juice 1 tablespoon of oatmeal Here are instructions on how to put this amazing mix together: Put the oatmeal in to a bowl and coarsely grind in to oatmeal. (Source) In 3 Easy Steps, You Can Unshrink Your Clothes Back To Their Original Size. He Dips A Sock In Vinegar And When You See Why, You'll Want To Do It Too. That is the most brilliant trick against wasps ever. All you need is a paper bag! She Cuts Into This Old Sweater To Create Something You Will Definitely Use This Winter. 100 Of The Greatest Life Hacks You Will Ever Come Across. See Why He Is Spraying WD-40 On His Carpet And Everywhere Else.

He Runs A Rod Through A Clay Flower Pot And When You See Why, You'll Want To Do It Too. 16 Dicas incríveis para utilizar aquelas meias sem par ou que você não usa mais. Para onde vão as meias que deixam seus pares: para o fundo de alguma gaveta, ficam perdidas em algum lugar ou simplesmente somem sem deixar notícia?

16 Dicas incríveis para utilizar aquelas meias sem par ou que você não usa mais

Esse é um mistério que muita gente não consegue responder. Mas, a que ficou sozinha, sem seu par, não precisa ser esquecida ou descartada! 17 Lazy Girl Cleaning Hacks That Will Forever Change You. Watch Her Transform Her Small, Run-Down Studio Into a LUXURIOUS Apartment! I'm Jealous! 21 Tricks Every Non-Morning Person Should Know. You Will Love This Summer Trick To Keep Bugs Away! I Never Knew This Could Work!

Tie Knots Tutorials

Remove Car Dents Quickly and Cheaply. Wise Bread Picks Dents suck. And so does the cost to repair them. My wife's car has a ding in the door that's really been bugging me, and as a frugal shopper I wondered if smarter folks than myself have ever figured out a cheap way to repair dents. Good news...they have. (See also: 6 Slick Tools to Save Money on Car Repairs) 10 Really Easy Ways to Unclog Drains. Wise Bread Picks We all know the warning signs. The sink takes a little longer to drain.

You begin to notice water pooling around your feet in the shower. Hardware/Usefully Tools & Tips. How to Iron a Shirt! Master artisan demonstrates. 50 Life Hacks to Simplify your World. Life hacks are little ways to make our lives easier. These low-budget tips and trick can help you organize and de-clutter space; prolong and preserve your products; or teach you something (e.g., tie a full Windsor) that you simply did not know before. Most of these came from a great post on tumblr.

There is also a great subreddit ‘r/lifehacks‘ with some fantastic tips as well. 20. Separate egg yolks like a boss 40. Sources. 25 (more) clever ideas to make life easier. . We heard you loud and clear. When we published our first list of clever ideas to make life easier last year, we received an overwhelming response. 25 clever ideas to make life easier. Via: Why didn’t I think of that?! We guarantee you’ll be uttering those words more than once at these ingenious little tips, tricks and ideas that solve everyday problems … some you never knew you had! (Above: hull strawberries easily using a straw). Via: Rubbing a walnut over scratches in your furniture will disguise dings and scrapes. Via: Smart tips to make life easier {Part 2} (35 photos)

Posted on October 25, 2012 in Humor Rate this Post Loading ... So... Smart tips to make life easier. Posted on February 24, 2012 in Humor If you’re new here, you may want to subscribe to our RSS feed or follow us on Facebook or Twitter . 14 Day-To-Day Hacks That Will Vastly Improve Your Productivity. How To Fold A Fitted Sheet. How to Fold A Fitted Sheet. HOW TO: Make a candle out of an orange. Fan into Air Conditioner. Effective Fly Trap (or use water/soda bottle method: Cut top third off, put bait in bottom & tape top half upside down in bottom making its own funnel. Throw away!)

26 Foods You've Been Eating All Wrong. 16 Unethical Life Hacks To Help You Get What You Want. You've Been Pouring Juice All Wrong. 14 food hacks that will make you a pro in the kitchen. [STORY]