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Class Rules

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Pre-K Classroom Rules. Classroom Rules for EFL/ESL classes. Understand the Basic School Rules. The Rules of the Classroom (song for kids about the 6 rules of the classroom) Creating Classroom Rules Together. As a teacher, you, of course, need to establish general rules of conduct for your classroom. But how do you make your students want to follow the rules? Give them a hand in creating those rules! Here's how to do it. Start with a list of what you consider the bare essentials, and then, through thoughtful discussion, work with your students to create a set of rules expressed in their language.

Use this list as a starting point, adapting and expanding it to meet the needs of your class and grade level: Treat others as you would like to be treated.Respect other people and their property (e.g., no hitting, no stealing).Laugh with anyone, but laugh at no one.Be responsible for your own learning.Come to class and hand in assignments on time.Do not disturb people who are working. Most teachers agree that it's best to select only a few rules — those that contribute to successful learning and an orderly environment. Teach the rules as you would a regular lesson. Our Class Rules | Teaching Ideas. The poster below can be used on a display in your classroom to share your expectations with your class. It is editable so you can add your own rules (although you are welcome to keep our suggestions too).

Why not use it at the start of the school year and ask children to come up with their own list of suggested rules? Here are some rules that you could include: Listen to the teacher / adult. Listen to others. Put your hand up if you want to speak / answer. We keep our hands / feet to ourselves. The poster below can be used on a display in your classroom to share your expectations with your class. Why not use it at the start of the school year and ask children to come up with their own list of suggested rules? Listen to the teacher / adult.