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Mind Tools - Management Training, Leadership Training and Career Training. Lift. 10 Excellent Platforms for Building Mobile Apps. If you've ever wanted to build an app for your business, blog, product or service, but the heavy investment of both time and money put you off, you're not alone. The good news is that entering the mobile market no longer necessarily requires thousands of dollars and months of work.

There are many mobile platforms available to help you build an app on a budget — quickly, and with no coding knowledge required. With a small investment, you can create and manage your mobile site or application using one of the platforms listed below, and start reaping the advantages of offering your customers a dedicated mobile experience, including increased awareness, engagement and revenue. Show As Gallery Have something to add to this story? Share it in the comments. Image: Mashable composite. iStock, pressureUA. Jello Dashboard.

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GTD. Worldometers - real time world statistics. 70 low-cost or free web-based tools for nonprofits. Web Presentation. Wunderkit. Mind Mapping - Create Mind Maps online.