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Gif Lingua. Great reading strategies: ‘Story sequencing’ for developing comprehension. Over the course of this summer I’m going to be posting a long series looking at communicative classroom reading strategies. I’ll start each post with this little bit of blurb explaining my thinking behind the series, as well as what you can expect to find in each post. As this is the fourth post of the series, please feel free to read on although you should probably skip this section if you’ve read my previous entries in the series. As far as I’m concerned, when implementing strategy training of this kind in your classes teacher demonstration, modeling, and follow-up independent practice are all critical factors for success. I’d also say that learner discussion following strategy instruction is also helpful.

Each strategy in this series of posts will include most if not all of the following: Does this sound OK to you? 4. When to use: I’d suggest this can be used before, during or after readingHow to use: Individually, with small groups or in a whole class setting Example Moss, B. (2005). JellyBeanScoop Intro. Quizzity - a geography game. 国内(日本)のニュースを英語で読めるサイト | 英語上達の道標 ENGLISH QUEST Group. ニュースで英会話 - トップ.