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Design 1. Design 2. Phillip Toledano - Days with My Father. Theselby - photos in your space. No One Loves Me ... Concert photography tips, advice, reviews, and full-concert write-ups. ReadyMade: Instructions for Everyday Life. Cool Copper Projects Warm metallic hues are easy to love but often pricey. When you create the look... Easy Doily Bowl Craft a decorative bowl from a doily picked up from a flea market, antique... Camper Birdhouse Encourage birds to stay awhile with an adorable vintage birdhouse.

The secret... Dot com. Heaven spent - (via buyhercandy): I need to select a few of my... (via buyhercandy): I need to select a few of my gig photos to enter in Billboard & PDN’s music photography competition.Here is my flickr, and here is my website.Does anyone have any suggestions as to which ones I should pick? I’d love some input. It costs $15 to enter a photo in the amateur section, or $20 for a series of six photos with a theme. (Apparently, to count as a profressional, 50% of your income must come from photo sales. Ahahaha I WISH)Autumn de Wilde is one of the judges, oh my god. I think all the ones in the ‘explore’ set are fabulous, except the open mouth one on the end, I don’t like so much.

I don’t know how you do it, but the way you take shots that look like perfect moments of stillness is really incredible and makes your stuff stand out from other people’s. Not sure I’d put this one in the contest, but I also really like this photograph, probably mostly just because I have such a hearty fondness for sincerely happy-looking boys. 5 years ago. Everything on the Internet is true. Buyhercandy wrote: I need to select a few of my gig photos to enter in Billboard & PDN’s music photography competition.Here is my flickr, and here is my website.Does anyone have any suggestions as to which ones I should pick? I’d love some input. It costs $15 to enter a photo in the amateur section, or $20 for a series of six photos with a theme. (Apparently, to count as a profressional, 50% of your income must come from photo sales.

Ahahaha I WISH)Autumn de Wilde is one of the judges, oh my god. Here is a series of six shots with a corny title ‘At the foot of The Rock’. So do I have a foot fetish because I selected these out of all your amazing images or is it you that has one for taking the photos in the first place? Altamira nyc. Carolyn Drake Photography. *** jessica antola photography *** Lina Scheynius - photography. Lost At E Minor: Music, illustration, art, photography and more.

The Vagabond Set. Gala Darling: Loving A New City: Alone. I recently received two emails on very similar topics. Voilà! “Since you’ve just made a temporary move, I was just wondering, how did you immediately feel so comfortable? It’s been over a month now and I still get so nervous adventuring by myself. Before the move to the city I had all these fantastic plans to take writing classes & yoga… and now that I’m here, it’s like, my body & mind won’t respond to my plans. I just want to know, when will I start feeling at home & how can I?” “I was reading your blog last night and thinking how fabulous it was that you haven’t been in New York very long and you are by yourself, yet you aren’t letting that stop you from getting out and about and enjoying it. I hear you! A few years ago I went to Europe with my ex-boyfriend. Maybe it’s just London?! I have changed a lot since then, & these days I would be much more inclined to push through the homesickness, difficult though it may be, & stay for as long as I wanted.

Yay! Monday! - A weekly collection of things to look at. _ quiet is the new loud. Ground Glass. Women in Photography - Women In Photography. Young Photographers United.