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Newhouse for Nonprofits #NH4NP — Help #Sandy Relief. Social media should be used for good.

Newhouse for Nonprofits #NH4NP — Help #Sandy Relief

Doing good, feeling good, being good—goodness all around. My #NewhouseSM4 group put that sentiment to work this past month when we researched how nonprofits organizations—specifically United Way, Home HeadQuarters, and The American Red Cross—use social media. These organizations taught us that social media benefits NPOs because they enhance communication and volunteer efforts, fundraising capabilities, and disaster responses.

In the wake of Hurricane Sandy, our lesson became significantly more relevant. Specifically, the Red Cross, lead by social media director Wendy Harman (@wharman), makes great social media strides in relief efforts. Adventures&Katelynn. — Social Media for "Good" Newhouse for Non-Profits (NH4NP) (with image, tweets) · katelynnmoreau. Photo by adelynlee. Blog.redcross. American Red Cross (RedCross) Connect With Us. American Red Cross (amredcross) on Pinterest. American Red Cross. #NH4NP.