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What is the best font to use in a resume? Could the font you use in your resume really be that important? You bet it can. Deep down inside, many qualified job candidates think that their skills and talents should shine right through any external distractions like a bad interview or a poorly constructed resume. Confidence in one's skills is great, but that doesn't mean you can show up at an interview wearing your favorite housecoat and puppy-themed slippers and expect to be taken seriously. The same holds true for your resume. I've covered this before, but a simple question remains: What is the best font to use on a resume? Most people tend to use Times New Roman for its readability. However, don't go to extremes. A font like this just to underline your programming expertise.

Use a more readable font like Arial or Helvetica, and keep it between 10-12 points in size. Don't use justified text. Figure A Hope these tips help! Korean-alphabet.jpg 461×2,832 pixels. How to Make a Wafer Thin Keyboard. Concrete Tiki Rocket Stove. With a little creativity and a lot of recycled materials, you can make this Tiki Rocket Stove for under $40. A rocket stove is an efficient cook stove using small diameter wood fuel which is burned in a simple high-temperature combustion chamber containing an insulated vertical chimney which ensures complete combustion prior to the flames reaching the cooking surface. (Taken from Wikipedia) The Tiki rocket stove came from the idea of combining a Tiki torch with a stone statue for a one of a kind back yard garden stove. It features a metal combustion chamber, deep charcoal concrete mass with a Volcano rock cooktop (of course).

Tools: Table saw Jig saw Drill Tin snips Pry Bar Screwdriver Wheel Barrow Shovel/Cup/Trowel Rubber Gloves are a Must (your hands will thank you!) HomeMade Modern DIY $5 Bucket Stool. Revive A Bad Ballpoint | Recording Thoughts. Ballpoints, like all pens, write best when they’re used. While rollerballs and fountain pens stop writing when they dry out, ballpoints often just write poorly. Sometimes simply using the pen will usually revive it, and within a few pages of writing it will be back to full potential. Other times that doesn’t work, or the pen just doesn’t write. If it’s a cheap disposable you might be happy tossing it, but if it’s a cartridge that cost a few bucks it’s worth a little time to fix. When I buy a new pen I often con myself into getting a spare refill (or two) when I buy it, and then they sit around for a few years before they get used.

Alcohol is the answer. So why not revive some of those old pens that are lying around? Share and Enjoy Tagged as: Balloint, Ballpoint Pens, Repair. How to Plant and Grow Sweet Potatoes. How to Make a Universal Cell Phone Battery Charger. How to Recharge a Cell Phone Battery Without a Charger. 9 Kits You Should Have in Your Home to Prepare You for Anything. 41 Camping Hacks That Are Borderline Genius. 46 smart uses for salt. How many ways can you use salt? According to the Salt Institute, about 14,000!

The salt website has tons of handy tips for using salt around the house, and the best of the bunch — plus my additions — are listed below. I can't think of another more versatile mineral. Salt is the most common and readily available nonmetallic mineral in the world. In fact, the supply of salt is inexhaustible. For thousands of years, salt (sodium chloride) has been used to preserve food and for cleaning, and people have continued to rely on it for all kinds of nifty tricks. So with its nontoxic friendliness and status as an endlessly abundant resource, let's swap out some toxic solutions for ample, innocuous, and inexpensive salt.

There are a number of forms of salt produced for consumption (and by default, housekeeping!) Here are just a few of the many ways you can put salt to good use in your home: Test egg freshness. Set poached eggs. Prevent fruits from browning. Shell nuts more easily. Reach high peaks. Sugru wheels. How to Whiten Clothes Without Using Bleach. Use a Sharpie to Make Custom Coffee Mugs, Personalized Plates, and More. Bulletproof iPhone case (with pics) The most Eco-Friendly lampshade! 9 Surprising Uses for Oxy Boost (It’s Not Just for Laundry!) - Healthy Home - Honestly... The Honest Company Blog. 4 Emergency Disaster Supplies You'll Want to Hoard. Some people call it hoarding. I just call it smart. Devastating natural disasters like Hurricane Katrina, the Asian tsunami, and the catastrophic earthquake in Japan have awakened many to our vulnerabilities. Add to that a teeter-tottering housing market, jittery economic climate, and large swaths of unemployed Americans, and it’s no wonder there’s growing interest in emergency preparedness (and stocking up on emergency disaster supplies) among families.

Here are four emergency disaster supplies you should store up—hoard, if you like—to better face the unexpected: Fuel Whether for cooking, driving or heating, a backup supply of fuel sources is a necessity (if you have a generator, you know how vital a fuel supply can be). No-Cook Foods Emergencies and gourmet meals aren’t exactly compatible, but you can still eat well when the power goes out or grocery shelves are bare.

Light Sources and Batteries It’s surprising how many emergencies bring power outages with them. Water Related Posts: How to Remove Ink From Paper Documents. How To Turn You Mobile Phone Into A Survival Tool [Infographic. How To Make Char Cloth With A Tuna Can. Char-Cloth is a fire starting tinder that has the ability to capture and hold a spark amazingly well, and for a considerable amount of time. According to Wikipedia; "Char cloth (also called charpaper) is a swatch of fabric made from vegetable fiber (such as linen, cotton or jute) that has been converted via pyrolysis into a slow-burning fuel of very low ignition temperature.

It is capable of being ignited by a single spark that can in turn be used to ignite a tinder bundle to start a fire. It is sometimes manufactured at home for use as the initial tinder when cooking or camping and historically usually provided the "tinder" component of a tinderbox. It is often made by putting cloth into an almost airtight tin with a small hole in it, and cooking it in campfire coals until the smoking slows and the cloth is properly charred.

Charcloth ignites with even the smallest spark, and is therefore commonly used with a flint and steel. " I use it as my tinder of choice my acrylic fire piston. Onions…….. not to be sniffed at! | VikingLadyAine. That’s right – your common every day make-you-cry cooking onion! They sometimes bring tears to your eyes when you chop them, and are reputed to have antiseptic qualities to help cure colds and improve health. But in a dyers world, the paper thin skins are a remarkable source of dye. They give the most wonderful colours from deep bronze to palest yellow, depending on how much you use and what mordant. So how do you do it… Well first you have to collect your skins – I spent quite a lot of Saturday mornings in my local green-grocers shop peeling onions! Back to the dyeing. I strain the skins and keep the water. I described in a previous blog how to mordant wool.

Add the wool to the dye bath and gradually raise the temperature. I kept the dye bath simmering for an hour and then removed the wool. These are hanks of wool I had dyed previously by exhausting the dyebath. Todays dyeing gave me some beautiful colours! I was so delighted with my results that I decided to experiment a bit more. Glowing pennies prove that the "80s were the last great decade « True Strange Stuff True Strange Stuff. One-size-fits-all Picture Frame. Make an Emergency Phone Charger - MacGyver Style! Bubble-Free Resin Casts with Modified Paint Tank. This Instructable shows how to modify and use a pressure paint tank for bubble-free resin casts. The first part shows the modification of a paint tank and the following section depicts the casting process. I assume you know how to make a mold and cast material (here is a great Instructable on making a mold and video on making a simple block mold like I'm using below).

A professional 5-gallon pressure chamber costs upwards of $700, not including the compressor. A modified paint tank should cost under $120, and of course you will still need an air compressor. You will need: - Pressure Paint tank - Air compressor with Air hose - 1/4" Compressor Coupler - 1/4" Female Compressor Plug - 1/4" npt cap - 3/8" npsm (fine thread) cap - Thread Seal Tape - Hacksaw - Wrench in addition to a mold, casting material, and a release agent. The main image shows two casts of the same material (Smooth On's popular 325 urethane plastic), one that was pressurized and another that was not.

How to Tie the 10 Most Useful Knots - Modern Homesteading. Headin' back to the land (or making any move toward greater self-sufficiency) will, sooner or later, mean a return to the use of ropes. Without simple hitches (single ropes tied to objects) and bends (ropes joined together), loads fall off trucks, an expensive cow or goat escapes, a boat goes adrift, and hoisting hay from wagon to mow becomes a major problem. Rope Rhetoric However, before you start to learn down-home knotsmanship, a brief summary of rope vocabulary is in order. Bitter End: The end of a rope that's being manipulated — also called the "working end. " Standing Part: the segment of the rope that you aren't using at the moment. It can be coiled, stretched, or otherwise left inactive. Bight: a curve or arc in the rope. As we go along, practice with ropes of your own until your memory has mastered these often essential knots.

The 10 Best Knots 1. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Start this knot by throwing a rope over a branch (or whatever) so that two lines hang parallel to each other. 10. 9 Surprising Uses for Oxy Boost (It’s Not Just for Laundry!) - Healthy Home - Honestly... The Honest Company Blog. Surviving Winter: Wood Heat & Cook Stoves | Survive the Coming Collapse. Welcome to this week’s Survive The Coming Collapse newsletter, brought to you by the NEW paperback and downloadable combo version of the course.

Whether you or a loved one are concerned about economic collapse, terrorist attacks, or natural disasters like earthquakes and coronal mass ejections from solar flares, this course will show you the FASTEST ways to get prepared to take care of your own shelter, fire, water, food, fuel, medical & trauma, and security. Go >HERE< to get yours now. If you already know you want to buy it and don’t want to watch a video, click >HERE< for the text only page. It’s Survival Diva on a mission to make sure none of us becomes frozen, flesh-eating popsicles when winter comes post SHTF. When it comes to prepping, I can’t stress enough the importance of choosing appliances that run off a renewable fuel source, but just recently I discovered some of us might not be given a choice!

The Reality of Propane 1. 2. 3. Chainsaws Single Bit Axe. How to Get Anything You Want with Minimal Negotiation. The Disposable Archimedes Cube. Photograph snowflakes with a basic point-and-shoot camera. The goal: photograph snowflakes using an ordinary, off-the-shelf, point-and-shoot camera. I also created a "holiday mosaic" using the snowflake pics. You can skip to the last step for a "Gallery of Snowflakes. " Capturing these works of nature's art can be tricky--you have to wait for the just the right day, the snowflakes simply will not cooperate, your fingers freeze and then they don't cooperate, the batteries also seem to freeze then just don't work, and then the pics come out all blurry.

Rats! But, when you finally get the snowflakes photographed, they're truly beautiful. This project has two parts, (1) outside, photographing in the cold, and (2) inside, doing the computer work. A day when the snowflakes are falling by themselves, not clumped together. How to make Machinable Wax at home!