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How A 5-Year-Old Used An iPad To Become A Published Author. In 2012 John Tambunan became one of the youngest ever publishers on Apple’s iBookstore. His book ‘Little Fish’ has since been downloaded across the world over 7,800 times. It all began when John started telling his mum, Jane Ross, about the lake near their house where he loves to go and catch fish. Such was John’s enthusiasm, Jane decided to make a book about his experience. Taking John down to the lake, she took photos on her iPhone along the way and when they returned, they sat down together and made an ebook using Book Creator for iPad.

John chose the photos and sentences for the book, and with his mum’s help read aloud each page and saved the audio to the book. Little Fish in a big pond John and Jane got such a good reaction to this book from classmates and friends that they decided to publish the book on the iBookstore. It’s worth pointing out at this point that Jane Ross is an Apple Distinguished Educator who specialises in iPad teaching in Asia! Why was this book so popular? Flipping the Library: Tips from Three Pros | The Digital Shift 2013. Through the use of innovative technologies and online resources, school libraries can now be available to students wherever—and whenever—they need them.

“Flipped” or blended learning offers students the power of personalized instruction, through a mix of virtual and face-to-face interactions, at a student’s own pace. Embracing this concept is a must for student engagement and the future of the profession, say school librarians Joyce Valenza, Brenda Boyer, and Michelle Luhtala. The powerhouse trio of experts shared their thoughts on the concept during “Flipped School Libraries,” a rapid-fire, dynamic session during The Digital Shift: Reinventing Libraries (#TDS13) webcast on October 16, in which they exchanged tips, inspiration, motivation, and their favorite tech tools. “The library has to be flipped. In the classroom, Valenza notes, the flipped model frees up time to be used interactively on problem-based learning, and turns the 100-plus-year-old instruction model on its head. Libraries Play A Central Role in Connected Learning | The Digital Shift 2013.

The Internet offers today’s youth unprecedented opportunities to connect with peers and seek knowledge in almost any area of interest—and libraries are uniquely positioned to play a central role in this learning, according to Mimi Ito, professor and cultural anthropologist at the University of California, Irvine, and principal investigator for Connected Learning, a new education model funded by the MacArthur Foundation’s Digital Media and Learning Initiative.

Anthropologist Mimi Ito. Photo: Paolo Sacchi. “As educators we can do much more in supporting, navigating, and curating this for young people,” she told attendees during “Libraries and Connected Learning,” her inspirational closing keynote address of The Digital Shift: Reinventing Libraries (#TDS13) webcast on October 16. Libraries have a real opportunity to help close this gap in educational attainment. And for a library to thrive today, it must offer these activities that lower-income kids don’t have typically access to, Ito said. Free Tech Resources to Support Struggling Readers - South Charlotte Speech Therapist | Child and Family Development. A Flowchart For Figuring Out Which CC License You Should Use. Creative Commons is a non-profit organization founded in 2001 that, over the years, has released a set of licenses that enable creative types to share their work with others.

The content creator allows others to use their work, just as long as the users follow the guidelines set forth in that particular license. It’s a “some rights reserved” system rather than an “all rights reserved system.” In the photographic community, some aren’t fond of CC licensing while others are downright prolific about it. But if you’re looking to license some of your content in this way, this useful infographic put together by CC Australia will help you navigate the common licensing combinations. There are four parts to a CC license, three of which you can choose to include or leave out. Here’s the actual PDF to walk you through picking yours: Thanks for sending in the tip, Pete! Envisioning the 21st Century Media Center. What does a 21st Century Media Center Look Like? Innovative Ideas for School Media Centers. Scoring Guides | Digitales.