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Download | Soulseek. CC Search. Kindle Direct Publishing: Ajuda. To publish on Kindle, you'll need to complete your account profile and have a book file that has been formatted in one of the Supported Formats. For help with building your book, please see our Simplified Guide. Once you're ready to begin, log in to your account and go to your Bookshelf. After you review the "New Title Checklist" for things you'll need to create a new title, click Create new title. Then, complete the fields in Step 1 (Your Book) and Step 2 (Rights & Pricing) and you'll be ready to publish. Within Steps 1 and 2 you have several sections to complete before publishing your book including: • Entering Title Information • Uploading and Previewing Book Content • Confirming Publishing Rights • Entering Pricing and Royalty Information When you've completed all of the required information, click on the check box to confirm you have all rights necessary to publish the book file and details you've uploaded, and then click "Save and Publish" to submit your book to the Kindle Store.

7 Google Docs Tips & Tricks You... | Mavenlink Blog. 50 Little-Known Ways Google Docs Can Help In Education. Google Docs is such an incredible tool for college students, offering collaboration, portability, ease of use, and widespread acceptance. But there are so many options, both hidden and obvious, that there’s a good chance you’re not using Google Docs to its fullest capability. We’ve discovered 50+ great tips for getting the most out of Google Docs as a student , with awesome ideas and tricks for collaboration, sharing, and staying productive. Access your documents from anywhere : Whether you’re in your dorm room or the school library, you can access your Google Docs. Take advantage of this to make it easy to do your work on-the-go. Use Docs reference tools : Take advantage of the Define option to use Docs’ built in dictionary, as well as a thesaurus and an encyclopedia available for use right in your document. Go mobile : Google Docs is available on most smart phones, and has a number of capabilities available on the go.

Writing Forward: Creative Writing Tips and Ideas. Welcome to feedly.


Quebralink - Desprotetor de Links. 100 links para clicar antes de morrer — update. Este post é uma atualização de um post publicado em 2011 com o título “100 links para clicar antes de morrer”. Em dois foram mais de meio milhão de compartilhamentos. Atualizamos as informações e acrescentamos novos links. A lista faz uma espécie de inventário do que teve de melhor na internet nos últimos anos. Os links que compõem a lista contemplam os mais díspares perfis e abrange os mais diferentes segmentos e tendências: música, livros, cinema, fotografia, ciência, tecnologia, jornalismo, mídias sociais, artes e humanidades.

Toda a obra de Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart para download O site disponibilizou para download legal e para audição on-line, toda a obra do compositor austríaco Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, composta por cerca de 700 peças, totalizando mais de 180 horas de música. Mozart foi o mais importante e prolífico compositor do período clássico. 1001 álbuns para ouvir antes de morrer O “1001 Álbuns” é um projeto audacioso. A melhor rádio on-line do mundo. YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. StumbleUpon. Pinterest / Home. Facebook.