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Autoridades y Referencias

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Sans titre. NAPLE FORUM. NAPLE FORUM. Getty Vocabularies. Sans titre. Index. Multilingual Dictionary of Cataloguing Terms and Concepts (MulDiCat) Version of 1 September 2010.

Multilingual Dictionary of Cataloguing Terms and Concepts (MulDiCat)

The Multilingual dictionary of cataloguing terms and concepts contains definitions for many terms and concepts used by the library cataloguing community. Terms and definitions are available in English and a variety of other languages. The MulDiCat project was begun by Monika Muennich in 1998 for IFLA's Cataloguing Section. It was stored in a proprietary database developed by Bernard Eversberg in 2003.

It is now published in part as: an HTML document (this document) a Word document (including citations to bibliographic sources of terms and definitions for each language) an RDF/SKOS XML file It is intended to be used for authoritative translations of IFLA cataloguing standards and related documents. Other terms will be added as IFLA reaches international agreement for them through the work of the Cataloguing Section and the Classification & Indexing Section, as well as other units throughout IFLA interested and involved in bibliographic standards. **** N.T.

Library of Congress Names. Simon leys. Canadiana Authorities. Canadiana Authorities enables keyword searches for authority records (standardized terms) from Canadiana, the national bibliography found in the AMICUS Catalogue.

Canadiana Authorities

Canadiana: The National Bibliography of Canada Search: Database Authority records Authority records are created by Library and Archives Canada's (LAC) cataloguing staff and are given authority control numbers. Canadian Subject Headings are not included. Authority records include: namename/titleuniform titleseries title Name authorities Name authorities are standardized terms for authors/creators and issuing bodies (associations, government departments and agencies). Title authorities Title authorities are standardized terms for name/titles, uniform titles and series titles. "Seen From", "See Also," "Equivalent" references These are references that are two-way links between related headings.

An author by a pseudonyma body that has changed its namea body that has been established with a name in both official languages. Search help. MARC 21: Introducción a la versión en español. Biblioteca Nacional de España. Vocabularies. AAT is a thesaurus containing generic terms, dates, relationships, sources, and notes for work types, roles, materials, styles, cultures, techniques, and other concepts related to art, architecture, and other cultural heritage (e.g., amphora, oil paint, olieverf, acetolysis, sintering, orthographic drawings, Olmeca, Rinascimento, Buddhism, watercolors, asa-no-ha-toji, sralais).


Des catalogues vers le web de données. Bibliographic Formats and Standards. Des catalogues vers le web de données. Manual de Autoridades. Biblioteca Nacional de España. MARC STANDARDS (Network Development and MARC Standards Office, Library of Congress) BIBFRAME Authorities Draft Specification - 28 April 2014 (BIBFRAME - Bibliographic Framework Initiative, Library of Congress)

This version: Status of this Document Draft for public review (28 April 2014) Please send general comments about this document to the listserv or via email to

BIBFRAME Authorities Draft Specification - 28 April 2014 (BIBFRAME - Bibliographic Framework Initiative, Library of Congress)

To the extent possible under law, the Library of Congress has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work. Changes in this version (28 April 2014) An example of a BIBFRAME Authority represented as a reusable resource is provided (figure 1A). 1. MARC 21 Format for Authority Data: Table of Contents (Network Development and MARC Standards Office, Library of Congress) LEMAC: Cerca la LEMAC. Listas de jefes de estado por paises desde 1700.

VIAF. Autoridades de la B.N.: Búsqueda. Descubre una nueva forma de acceso a nuestras colecciones y recursos a través de La búsqueda es alfabética a través de índices.

Autoridades de la B.N.: Búsqueda

Introduzca el término completo o las primeras letras, seleccione el índice deseado y pulse Buscar.El sistema de alfabetización es letra a letra, sin tener en cuenta espacios ni signos ortográficos.Se muestran todas las entradas de autoridades, aunque sólo se puede acceder al contenido de las que están estudiadas y validadas.Las entradas alternativas se muestran precedidas de un punto, y conducen automáticamente a la visualización del registro de autoridad correspondiente.A la izquierda de las formas autorizadas se muestra un recuadro para marcar los registros de autoridad, que se podrán después exportar o visualizar.

Desde el catálogo de autoridades se puede acceder, pulsando el enlace Obras, a los títulos del catálogo indizados con el término seleccionado. Katalogoak.euskadi. Library of Congress Authorities (Search for Name, Subject, Title and Name/Title) Katalogatzeko Terminologia — Eibar.ORG.