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Just a Few Tips. The Best Birth Control In The World Is For Men | Techcitement* By Jon Clinkenbeard. March 26, 2012, 11:25 AM CDT16.9K If I were going to describe the perfect contraceptive, it would go something like this: no babies, no latex, no daily pill to remember, no hormones to interfere with mood or sex drive, no negative health effects whatsoever, and 100 percent effectiveness. The funny thing is, something like that currently exists. The procedure called RISUG in India (reversible inhibition of sperm under guidance) takes about 15 minutes with a doctor, is effective after about three days, and lasts for 10 or more years. A doctor applies some local anesthetic, makes a small pinhole in the base of the scrotum, reaches in with a pair of very thin forceps, and pulls out the small white vas deferens tube. Then, the doctor injects the polymer gel (called Vasalgel here in the US), pushes the vas deferens back inside, repeats the process for the other vas deferens, puts a Band-Aid over the small hole, and the man is on his way.

About Jon Clinkenbeard. Though-shalt-not-commit-fallacy.gif (GIF Image, 4967 × 3508 pixels) - Scaled (27%) Three Exotic Necktie Knots to Try: The Eldredge Knot, The Trinity Knot, and The Cape Knot. Forget the Double Windsor! Stylish gentlemen who fancy the kind of necktie knots that turn heads prefer these three exotic knots: The Eldredge Knot, The Trinity Knot, and the Cape Knot. Alex Krasny of Agree or Die explains how you can impress the ladies with these extraordinary necktie knots: The Eldredge Knot How to Tie the Eldredge Knot The Trinity Knot How to Tie the Trinity Knot The Cape Knot How to Tie The Cape Knot See also: Tie Toiletries Bag over at the NeatoShop.

The Ultimate Guide to Contraception [Infographic] NetAppVoice: Setting 90-Day Goals Changed My Life: Here's My System. I’m a big believer in setting goals. I’ve been following a system I created for myself in 1989. It’s worked dramatically for me, and it’s worked dramatically for others. I’d like to share it: I promise it can work for you… Why 90 Days? When I first started setting goals, I’d set six-month goals. But I discovered I didn’t start working on them until I had 90 days left: I’d procrastinate. Procrastination is the killer of all goal setting.

I picked 90 days because I wanted to give myself enough time to accomplish something, but not so much time that I’d procrastinate. Don’t make a goal so far out that it doesn’t affect your behavior today. How To Start The key to setting a goal for anything is to make them time-bound, measurable and written. The vast majority of people who make goals fail to give themselves a deadline, and they fail to write them down.

. • set specific goals—with outcomes, • set a deadline for their goals, and • write them down. I set my goals at the beginning of each quarter. Why? The Truth About Homework. September 6, 2006 The Truth About Homework Needless Assignments Persist Because of Widespread Misconceptions About Learning By Alfie Kohn Para leer este artículo en Español, haga clic aquí. There’s something perversely fascinating about educational policies that are clearly at odds with the available data. The dimensions of that last disparity weren’t clear to me until I began sifting through the research for a new book.

In high school, some studies do find a correlation between homework and test scores (or grades), but it’s usually fairly small and it has a tendency to disappear when more sophisticated statistical controls are applied. The results of national and international exams raise further doubts. Finally, there isn’t a shred of evidence to support the widely accepted assumption that homework yields nonacademic benefits for students of any age. Sandra Hofferth of the University of Maryland, one of the authors of that study, has just released an update based on 2002 data. Did you know? History of Credit Cards. Dance monkey Dance. Compose with Fibonacci's Ratio for Phenomenal Photos.

An Illustrated History of Sex Toys. 469310_10150833258581796_622466795_11993660_785125305_o1.jpg (JPEG Image, 2048 × 1285 pixels) - Scaled (74%) Ct_1440.jpg (JPEG Image, 1440x900 pixels) - Scaled (90%) Top 50 Mistakes Women Make While Having Sex (Infographic) Jay Holzberg is the president and CEO of New York Pudding and a contributing author to The Campus Socialite. Sexual skill is something most often tasked to and expected of men, but sexual fulfillment is a two way street. Truly great sex requires skill and effort on the part of both partners, not just one. The following is an infographic meant to profile some of the most common mistakes that women make while having sex with men.

Yes, we realize men also make many of these mistakes, and a male version of this infographic is forthcoming. Enjoy! Created By Sex Toys More Posts You May Like: The 20 Hottest Photos Of Shay Maria…(Heavy) What To Talk About with Girls…(TSB Mag) Top 3 Signs She’s Playing You…(Mankind Unplugged) What If Dr.

Charlie Sheen is Winning (Video Montage)…(H-Spot) Gravestones Intended to Make You Laugh. Px3uX.jpg (JPEG Image, 3857x865 pixels) - Scaled (43.