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Article (Inn Generator) F rom Dragon Magazine #418: You’ve spent hours on the perfect dungeon, your monsters are all particularly devious and cleverly placed, and your adventure plot is practically Shakespearean in its genius. You’ve thought of everything. Your players are eager to see what you’ve come up with. The first order of the session is to have the characters meet, and nowhere in the D&D cosmos do chance meetings that lead to adventures occur more often than at the inn. Everything goes well, the characters have agreed to the task at hand, and then a player asks, “What’s good to eat here?”

Can’t think of the inn’s name off the top of your head? John Hasznosi created the Inns in an Instant tables to provide quick answers to such questions, allowing the DM to focus on more important things, such as how to introduce the next plot hook or run the upcoming encounter. Simple click "Roll" to generate a random inn. Obsidian Portal Mobile « Words in the Dark. If you check out Obsidian Portal on your mobile device, you may get a bit of a shock. Instead of just being the regular site scrunched up onto the screen, you’ll see that it now fits nicely with no zooming and scrolling. We’ve heard your calls for a better mobile version and now we’re getting there. Rather than recreate the entire site, we tried to focus on the core elements of what you need at the table to run a session.

With the mobile site, you have easy access to everything in your campaign. On the flip side, while we recognize the need to be able to edit and update things on the fly, we didn’t focus on this too much. Fleshing out your wiki and characters on a mobile device would just be too arduous, no matter what we do. At the core, the mobile site is about allowing you to carry your campaigns around in your pocket. One thing every mobile site needs is the ability for people to avoid it. There will surely be bugs, or at least inconsistencies with the mobile site. The Alexandrian. Riddles- Part 3. This is part of a 3-part article dealing with riddles in an rpg adventure. Part 1 deals with incorporating riddles into an adventure whereby the solution is specific to the adventure. Part 2 is more generic, providing riddles for general use as opposed to a specific use.

Part 3 talks about finding new riddles and even provides a way to create your own original riddles. Parts 1 and 2 provided some riddles for you to use at your whim. However, its likely they won't be enough or appropriate for your own campaign. If that's the case how can you get more riddles to use? The easiest option is to do an online search for Riddles. Another easy solution is to head to a bookstore. There are also riddle books for children and they tend to avoid logic for funny. A third option is to create your own riddles from scratch. We'll now do a step-by-step process of designing an original riddle.

Step 1) Come up with the answer to the riddle. Step 4) Look for double meanings. Step 5) Double check the riddle. The Big List of RPG Plots, by S. John Ross. Pen & Paper :: A collection of resources for pen and paper RPGs.