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The Learning Network - The Learning Network Blog. Collection of feedback (and marking) links. Collection of articles/reports about feedback/ marking At what cost? If you only read one article about feedback and marking, read this from Tom Bennett: It’s your time you’re wastingJo Facer sums up why we must always review what we do and why “We have a responsibility to students, and a responsibility to ourselves. We must be open to new ideas, to new approaches….Whether what I do works is irrelevant – it must work, be sustainable, and lead to the best possible student results.”

At what cost? Reports Blog posts Evidence and reports A very good (and readable) review of the EEF review! Practical ideas: summaries of approaches to feedback How Michaela School approaches marking from Joe Kirby: Hornets and ButterfliesAnother blog from Michaela by Jo Facer: Giving Feedback the Michaela wayTom Sherrington follows similar ideas to re-think marking and feedback, and to help close the gap, but in a sustainable (but impactful) way: Rethinking marking and feedback. Marking vs feedback Like this: Learning Forward - Professional Learning for Student Results. To Share With Students. Learning. Building learning power. How Do We Learn? How Should We Learn? If I ask you or your students, “How do you learn,” how many of you could clearly articulate this process?

If you can, are the strategies you’re using the best ones for learning? Furthermore, if the research on the process of learning is compared to the practices being implemented in school, does this research influence school practices? During my school years, I noticed there was a problem with how I was being asked to learn. Cramming and memorizing information, being tested for mastery prior to having enough practice time, having units of study with supposedly beginnings and endings, and learning facts with no context were counterproductive and at times, painful to me. The unintended consequences of these artificial and unnatural ways of learning include believing that learning is or should be difficult, painful, disciplined, and not fun.

Instead of making assumptions about the best and most natural learning strategies, it is best to research and study this process. Productive Failure. Learning how to learn | Barbara Oakley | TEDxOaklandUniversity. Nine Things Educators Need to Know About the Brain. Via Greater Good The human brain wasn’t designed for industrial education.

It was shaped over millions of years of sequential adaptation in response to ever-changing environmental demands. Over time, brains grew in size and complexity; old structures were conserved and new structures emerged. As we evolved into social beings, our brains became incredibly sensitive to our social worlds. This mixture of conservation, adaptation, and innovation has resulted in an amazingly complex brain, capable of everything from monitoring respiration to creating culture.

This evolutionary history poses a challenge for educators. If we are going to move forward, we will have to admit that a one-size-fits-all model of education is doomed to fail the majority of students and teachers. 1. Our brains require stimulation and connection to survive and thrive. That’s why it pays for teachers to create positive social experiences in the classroom. 2.

Most tasks, though, involve contributions from both hemispheres. Brain Imaging. Study skills help. Self Regulation. Consciousness. Learning Theory. The lifetime learner: A journey through the future of postsecondary education - Deloitte University Press. Executive summary A new business landscape is emerging wherein a multitude of small entities will bring products and services to market using the infrastructure and platforms of large, concentrated players. The forces driving this are putting new and mounting pressures on organizations and individuals while also opening up new opportunities. But traditional postsecondary educational institutions are not supporting individuals in successfully navigating this not-too-distant future, nor are the educational institutions immune to these forces. Perhaps more than any other sector, postsecondary education is being affected by changing demand as the learning needs and preferences of the individual consumer rapidly evolve.

Increasingly, individuals need both lifelong learning and accelerated, on-demand learning, largely as a response to the pressures of the broader evolving economic landscape. What does this mean for traditional players and the educational landscape? Profile of a learner. Lifelong learning is important for 21st century living | Design for Learning. Lifelong learning is important for 21st century living I found this great piece on Nethack: 15 steps to Cultivate Lifelong Learning I thought that this list had some nice suggestions for keeping the passion for learning alive.

UNESCO characterizes 21st Century education as being education geared to developing lifelong learners. It’s no secret that these types of learners are usually the best innovators, problem solvers, etc. I suspect an indirect consequence of being a lifelong learner is that you are able to solve not only professional issues but personal ones as well. I started putting together a list of characteristics of lifelong learners.

Lifelong Learner Characteristics Are insatiable knowledge seekers - they continually seek learning experiences or opportunities to improve their knowledge and skillsAre social learners – Lifelong learners learn both from and with others. Characteristics of Lifelong Learners – Click on the image to view a larger version Like this: Like Loading... Learning How to Learn: What Business Leaders Need to Know. The Lifelong Learner Infographic. Continuing Education Infographics Lifelong learning is the ongoing, voluntary, and self-motivated pursuit of knowledge for either personal or professional reasons. The Lifelong Learner Infographic explores why you should never stop learning, the perceived barriers of lifelong learning as well as its benefits and provides tips on how to become a lifelong learner.

Via: Embed This Education Infographic on your Site or Blog! Copy and Paste the following code! The inverted calculus course and self-regulated learning - Casting Out Nines. A few weeks ago I began a series to review the Calculus course that Marcia Frobish and I taught using the inverted/flipped class design, back in the Fall. I want to pick up the thread here about the unifying principle behind the course, which is the concept of self-regulated learning. Self-regulated learning is what it sounds like: Learning that is initiated, managed, and assessed by the learners themselves. An instructor can play a role in this process, so it’s not the same thing as teaching yourself a subject (although all successful autodidacts are self-regulating learners), but it refers to how the individual learner approaches learning tasks.

For example, take someone learning about optimization problems in calculus. The learner works actively on optimization problems as the primary form of learning. Even before I started working with the inverted/flipped classroom, what I just described is a picture of what I envisioned for my students. Back to the story about calculus.