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8 Artists Who Went to Extreme Measures for Their Art. Colorful Liquid Splashes Captured at 1/3500th of a Second Look Like Floating Sculptures. Sand Creatures Suspended in Midair by Claire Droppert. Hare Skunk Swarm Bull.

Sand Creatures Suspended in Midair by Claire Droppert

This Man Shows The World What Enormous Waves Look Like From The Inside Out. Clark Little is a surf photographer who specializes in shorebreak.

This Man Shows The World What Enormous Waves Look Like From The Inside Out

In other words, Little rushes directly into crashing waves to capture astonishing views of the ocean from a perspective that was only familiar to surfers - until now. (Stay tuned for the video at the end to see his whole artistic process!) Share on Facebook 7733 Shares. 28 Breathtaking Photos Of Lighthouses That Have Stood The Test Of Time. By: Earthporm | Lighthouses have helped guide ships to safety for many years, they are engraved in our culture and a big part of mankind’s history.

28 Breathtaking Photos Of Lighthouses That Have Stood The Test Of Time

Lighthouses are included in some of the oldest literary works and historical tales, granting them a very mystical charm. There was a time when someone worked every lighthouse, but today most are controlled electrically. Dizzying Panoramas Of Stars In Motion Will Leave You Breathless. "Spectacular" doesn't even seem to cut it when it comes to describing photographer Vincent Brady's series, "Planetary Panoramas.

Dizzying Panoramas Of Stars In Motion Will Leave You Breathless

" The photographs in the series capture breathtaking skies in some of the most stunning landscapes in the United States and Canada. "While experimenting with different photography tricks and techniques back in 2012, I was shooting 360 degree panoramas in the daytime and long exposures of the stars streaking in the sky at night. It suddenly became clear that the potential to combine the two techniques could be a trip," Brady wrote on his website.

"Since the Earth is rotating at a steady 1,040 mph I created a custom rig of 4 cameras with fisheye lenses to capture the entire night-sky in motion. Thus the images show the stars rotating around the north star as well as the effect of the southern pole as well and a 360 degree panorama of the scene on Earth. " Van Gogh, eat your heart out. Planetary Panoramas - 360 Degree Night-Sky Time-Lapse by Vincent Brady, Music by Brandon McCoy. Photo Stacking Technique Makes Clouds Look Like Brush Strokes in the Sky. Stacking long-exposure photos of stars leads to some pretty neat photos and time-lapse videos, but what happens if you use a similar technique for clouds?

Photo Stacking Technique Makes Clouds Look Like Brush Strokes in the Sky

That’s what photographer Matt Molloy does. His “photo stack” images of landscapes show clouds that look like smears and brush strokes across the sky. Here’s what Molloy tells us about how the images are created: To make these ‘photo stacks’, I first shoot a timelapse, taking a photo every 5 seconds or so. These Medieval-Style Tolkien Illustrations Are Like Nothing We've Seen. Beyond Zero — Calvert 22 Gallery. Two revolutionary events took place in 20th-century Russia that changed the way we look at the world: the emergence of non-objective art and the founding of the Soviet Union’s space programme.

Beyond Zero — Calvert 22 Gallery

Beyond Zero is a homage to these historic moments and explores how contemporary artists continue to challenge conventional notions of time and space. Theatrical Photos That Look Like Paintings by Todd Baxter. Move aside Wes Anderson.

Theatrical Photos That Look Like Paintings by Todd Baxter

Todd Baxter’s “Owl Scouts” look like stills from a movie, but they are part of a dark and exciting photo series that sparks the imagination. This ongoing series follows two fictional scouts experiencing life’s challenges and misadventures. They experience every danger the wilderness has to offer, from nearly drowning to being swept up by a tornado. Mom Helps Her Daughter Explore Her Identity Through Cosplay Photos. I'm pretty sure this is a photo from the Episode Seven set after they wrapped filming Flagged Yeah.

Mom Helps Her Daughter Explore Her Identity Through Cosplay Photos

It got substituted for a Wonder Woman photo. I have no idea how. Artist Kevin Weir Creates Ghostly Animated GIFs Using Archival Photos from the Library of Congress. Starting this month Verizon FiOS customers can get upload speeds every bit as fast as their download speeds.

Artist Kevin Weir Creates Ghostly Animated GIFs Using Archival Photos from the Library of Congress

Since that means faster, easier sharing of high-res illustrations, designs, and photos, FiOS is sponsoring a series of posts on Colossal to help us commission and share these super hi-res animated GIFs from some of the most amazing artists we could find. Art director and designer Kevin Weir uses historical black and white photographs forgotten to time as the basis for his quirky—and slightly disturbing—animated GIFs. Alessandro Bavari Official WebSite. A Japanese Artist Launches Plants Into Space. Hallucinatory Video Art by Marco Brambilla Comments on Effects of Mass Media.

Recently exhibited at Michael Fuchs Galerie in Berlin and Borusan Contemporary in Istanbul, Marco Brambilla’s 3D video collages use Hollywood’s spectacular visuals and monumental soundtracks to predict an apocalyptic end to the current environment of media saturation.

Hallucinatory Video Art by Marco Brambilla Comments on Effects of Mass Media

Born in Milan and based in New York, Brambilla recently created the three-part video series “Megaplex.”Borrowing art historical formats of heaven and hell, he updates them with recognizable scenes from cinema to offer a commentary on the current crisis of image inundation. Like a contemporary “Garden of Earthly Delights,” “Creation (Megaplex),” begins in a utopian Eden complete with Julie Andrews in the Sound of Music, and ends in the fiery depths of hell with strippers and circus clowns. During the four-minute loop, one watches as an everlasting whirlpool consumes, copulating nymphs, fleeting Pegasus, burning skyscrapers and imposing billboards. The 38 Most Haunting Abandoned Places On Earth. For Some Reason, I Can't Look Away...

These real life ruins offer an eerie glimpse into a world without humans. Their dark walls inspire a sense of wonder like I've never felt before. Share45343People Sharing The adventurous part of me is dying to explore every single one. I can only imagine the mysteries that lie just beneath the surface. How North Korean Architects Imagine the Future of Cities. 15 Beautiful Metro Stations Across The World.

The city is constantly associated with the chaotic rat race of modern life, a contrast to the idyllic beauty of the countryside. But cities have a beauty of their own, a beauty found in the mundane and everyday architecture we tend to overlook. A prime example is the public transport system, especially the metro – something everyone who’s lived in a busy city has complained about at least once – which, like the city, are seen as crowded, congested and polluted. You wouldn’t expect something that’s buried underground and used only for the mad dash from point A to point B to be beautiful.

But these stations, like the city itself, will prove you wrong. 1. These 29 Clever Drawings Will Make You Question Everything Wrong With The World. To Truly Appreciate Modern Planned Cities, View Them From Above. How Soviet Artists Imagined Communist Life in Space. Herwig Photo » Soviet Bus Stops. 25 monumentos abandonados de la Ex-Yugoslavia que parecen del futuro. Podgarić Paradójicamente estas monumentales estructuras del pasado parecen provenir de un futuro más cósmico que el nuestro. La idea del presidente Tito tal vez era crear estructuras futuristas para generar la impresión de que la máquina socialista avanzaría firme y proféticamente hacia adelante, hasta conquistar el espacio y sintetizar la historia en el espíritu absoluto.

Combinando piedras y metales, sin escatimar, con grandilocuencia, la visión de la utopía al final del tiempo fue materializada para conmemorar y resignificar escenarios de batallas de la Segunda Guerra Mundial u otros donde alguna vez se asentaron campos de concentración. Hoy en día estos monumentos son aún más atractivos estéticamente en su aura distópica, perfectos para películas de civilizaciones exoplanetarias (como Star Wars) o para películas de sci-fi con toques steampunk. Jaw-Dropping Videos Of What The World's Cities Look Like Without People. Preview: Liz Brizzi and Jolene Lai at Thinkspace. Many people experience a sense of loneliness in large cities despite the fact that one would be hard-pressed to find a corner of a metropolis where one could be entirely alone.

Liz Brizzi’s upcoming show at Thinkspace Gallery in Culver City, “Adrift,” is a reflection of the artist’s solitary wanderings in Los Angeles. For anyone who has spent time in LA, one of the striking things about Brizzi’s body of mixed-media work, which combines painting, photography and collage, is that she leaves the streets completely bereft of people and vehicles. Brizzi’s Los Angeles is a ghost town, not so much to inspire fear, but to provoke curiosity about the less-glamorous corners of the city rarely shown in the media. Brizzi’s contemplative collection of artworks will be accompanied by Jolene Lai’s joyful solo show, “Play,” in the project room, where the artist celebrates the imagination with paintings of whimsical exploration.

Both shows open April 26 and will be on view through May 17. Arresting Dystopian South African Cityscapes Merge Fantasy with Reality. Langa Longer Shopping Mall Skhayascraper For Con/struct, photographer Justin Plunkett blurs the lines between fantasy and reality, creating towering South African cityscapes from photographs layered with three-dimensional animations. 'Celluloid Dreams': A Photographers Quest to Preserve the Memory of Historic Theaters Across America. Roxy Theatre, Northampton, Pennsylvania Mayan Theatre, Denver, Colorado In an age of multiplexes, 3D cinema and pirated movies, the theatre is on the decline and rapidly fading in oblivion. "Hopper Meditations": Photos of Intimate Bedroom Scenes Inspired by the Great American Painter. Imitation may be the sincerest form of flattery, but it can often go so wrong. Painter, photographer, and “assemblist” Richard Tuschman, set his sights on Edward Hopper for his series Hopper Meditations, resulting in a take on and a nod to Hopper’s command of mood, composition, tone, and hue, and an ode to his vision and unparalleled singularity.

The Fantastical Scenes of Lori Nix’s “The City” Blog Alexia Sinclair Traveled to a Frozen Castle, Left Untouched for Hundreds of Years. Fine art photographer Alexia Sinclair was given the keys to a frozen castle left untouched since the 17th century. Preview: Naoto Hattori at Dorothy Circus Gallery. Exclusive Interview with Justin Bower. While Justin Bower’s artworks may look computerized with their neon colors and digital glow, they are large-scale paintings (often spanning 11 feet) that are created entirely by hand through an analog process.

The juxtaposition of a digital aesthetic with traditional techniques is not accidental: Bower uses his holographic portraiture to investigate the contemporary relationship between humanity and technology. ‘Tokyo Compression’: These images of Japanese commuters are not for the claustrophobic. ‘Tokyo Compression’: These images of Japanese commuters are not for the claustrophobic. Takuma Onoda’s “Cyber Idol” Paintings Trick the Eye. Caleb Weintraub’s Dystopian Digital Artworks and Paintings. Photographer Takes Stunning Surreal Photos With An Old $50 Film Camera. Spotlight #17: Daniele Valeriani on his dark digital work - Bleaq. Studio Visit with Mitch O’Connell. Couple gets wedded in drama as raging wildfire heads their way. JeeYoung Lee’s Elaborate, Hand-Built Fantasy Worlds. Humans shellacked in junk food for monstrously sloppy portrait series. 3D Sculptural Paintings by Shintaro Ohata. Shadow Art Created From Everyday Objects by Kumi Yamashita.

Digital Art Masterpieces - Ray Caesar (15 pieces) - My Modern Met. Asleep in the Sun: Portraits of Slumbering Sunbathers. Flesh Love: Photographs of Vacuum-Wrapped Tokyo Couples. Zolloc’s Chill-Inducing Mutant Baby GIFs. Milky Dreamlike Portraits. Portraits of Offbeat Modern 'Families' (NSFW) Artist Recreates the Animal Kingdom in Breathtaking Collage Installation. Bewitching Photos of Bolivian Witch Doctors Mix Fantasy with Reality. Poetic Codings. An Evolving View of Animals. The Spellbinding Mathematical GIFs Of Dave Whyte. GIF Artists. Where Art Meets Gif: The Hypnotic Animated Gifs of David Szakaly. KIDMOGRAPH. THE ATTENDANTS / ongoing : PHOTOGRAPHY : Myrto Papadopoulos Photography.

Vintage stripper audition Polaroids from the 60s and 70s. Life Once Removed. Female Photographer Imagines Her Life with Dozens of Different Partners in 'Self Portraits with Men' The 60 Most Powerful Photos Ever Taken That Perfectly Capture The Human Experience. Jeff Robb nude studies #12. Classic paintings of world cities meet Google Street View – in pictures. Classic album covers in Google Street View – in pictures. 360° Video using 6 GoPro Cameras - spherical panorama timelapse. Preview: Charlie Immer’s “Loose Juice” at La Luz de Jesus. Jaw-Dropping Pen and Ink Cityscapes That Seem to Sprawl into Infinity by Ben Sack. Slum Life In New York City During the Nineteenth Century's Gilded Age. In The Dark Of Night, Central Park Is Hauntingly Beautiful.

Build your own Photograph Portfolio. Ian Pettigrew Photography. Quirky Fashion Series Features Upside-Down Models. The Negative Collection Sells Prints from Found Vintage Negatives. 'Last Best Hiding Place': Photos of the Mythical American West. Corey Helford Gallery - Shows - Show Detail. Howard Schatz - Home. Valeriani. Casey Weldon Art and Illustration. Mike Worrall Artist. Ray Caesar - Work. Thomas Woodruff. Communism in textiles: Soviet fabrics from the 20’s and 30’s. The Most Astonishing Space-Age Buildings in Africa. These incredible, reflective buildings look almost invisible. Our Darkest Fears Brought to Life with Powerful Photographs of Disasters. Biomorphic Drawings by Alessandro Sicioldr. Lou Ros’s Paintings of Fading Moments. 14 Ways 3D Printing Has Changed The Art World. Women taking photobooth ‘selfies’ from the 1900s to the 1970s (and beyond) Incredibly Surreal Works Inspired by Children's Dreams - My Modern Met. Shinichi Maruyama’s Photography Captures Subtleties of Motion.

10 Mondo Movie Posters That Rival the Original Artwork. Controlled burns - Kevin Cooley. OMOTE / REAL-TIME FACE TRACKING & PROJECTION MAPPING. I Love Optical Illusions, But These Are SHOCKING. I Will Never Trust My Brain Again... Packaging Artwork for Shipment. Codex Seraphinianus: A new edition of the strangest book in the world.