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Creatine Supplements Guide: Complete Guide to Creatine! Top 10 Supplements for Athletes : Personal Best Nutrition Forum - CREATINE SUPPLEMENTATION FOR ENDURANCE ATHLETES. Countless studies have conclusively proven that combining strength training with creatine supplementation generates dramatic increases in muscle strength and explosive power. While this is highly beneficial to strength athletes, many endurance athletes wonder if creatine supplementation can improve their performance.

The bulk of creatine is consumed by bodybuilders and strength athletes like football players, but endurance athletes may also benefit from supplementing with creatine. You're probably not interested in bulging biceps, but if you're a competitive cyclist, swimmer, runner or other endurance athlete whose sport requires short bursts of power or finishing sprints, then you may want to consider adding creatine to your sports nutrition program. Creatine supplementation enhances the body's ability to synthesize ATP, the preferred fuel for short bursts of power lasting between 5 and 30 seconds.

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