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Croatia In Timelapse – A Video That Leaves You Aching For More. Highest waterfall in a kayak: 189 ft. Bc video proxy for facebook. Hold on tight to your Dreams - ELO. Life repressed: three Syrian activists describe their lives in hiding. For the past eight months, the few images of the clampdown on anti-regime protests in Syria have been filmed by activists who risked their lives in sending them to us. Thanks to our Observers in Syria, we have been able to report on the situation on the ground despite a ban on foreign media in the country. We asked three of our Observers to describe their daily lives, much of which is spent in hiding.

According to the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, 3,500 people have been killed since the beginning of the unrest in Syria. Several thousand more have been arrested. Our first Observer, Ayman Al-Aswad, lives in Deraa, where the protests first began. ANONYMOUS: "THE PLAN" IS NOW LIVE. PHASE 1: INITIATED. WAR AGAINST THE SYSTEM. Message from ANON to Keith Olbermann, Dylan Ratigan, & Lawrence O'Donnell. Why the rich corporations and wealthy individuals can and should pay more in taxes. Naomi Klein-Wall St. Crisis should be end of Neoliberalism-5/5. Wall Street Insiders Are Using the Bailout to Stage a Revolution-2/2. Wall Street Insiders Are Using the Bailout to Stage a Revolution-1/2. Taibbi Real Time 20110218. The Great Derangement by Matt Taibbi.