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-Plates-formes de e-learning et e-formation - 2010 : : Répertoire : Thot Cursus. Avec plus de 650 plates-formes, il semble que le marché ne s'essouffle pas en 2016.

-Plates-formes de e-learning et e-formation - 2010 : : Répertoire : Thot Cursus

Pourtant plusieurs signes présagent de changements fondamentaux. Par exemple, les plates-formes open source sont passées de 29 à 26 malgré plusiers ajouts; on peut prédire qu'elles passeront à 20 sous peu car certaines d'entre elles n'ont connu aucune évolution depuis plus de trois ans. Seules celles qui sont dotées d'une large base d'usagers et qui bénéficient d'un financement stable peuvent supporter les efforts de développement technologique. Avec les réseaux sociaux, les tablettes, ordiphones et livres électroniques, la vidéo sur demande, la téléprésence, les mondes virtuels, la géolocalisation, etc, le soin apporté à la diffusion d'une plate-forme et le support offert à sa communauté d’utilisateurs ne suffisent plus à assurer le succès : c'est le développement continu pour rester dans la mouvance internet qui est l'ultime gage de pérennité. Évolution Ce qui s’en vient. Cours: Module 1 - Développer des compétences pour les nouveaux dispositifs de formation 2011.

Cours: Techniques de la formation en ligne: Web 2.0, social computing et e-learning 2.0 - 2010. Creating a learning plan using activity recommendations. Creating a learning plan using activity recommendations bundle consists of “Activity Recommender” and “To-Learn list” widgets.

Creating a learning plan using activity recommendations

The bundle guides the learner through the learning process by recommending learning activities and assists him or her to create a learning plan. The Activity Recommender widget supports the user to process a given task. The user compiles a learning plan consisting of learning activities selected from various strategies and techniques appropriately recommended for individual learning situation. The Activity Recommender widget shows the learners the current task, matching learning strategies, a list of concrete learning steps of a selected learning strategy and related information. When learners decide to use a learning strategy, the “Activity Recommender” widget sends learning activities to the “To-Learn list” widget, which empowers learners to compile and modify an individual learning plan.

Learning Emergence. Examples from a June 2012 webcast PhD Studentship, Open University UK (2013-16): This PhD project builds on validated pedagogical models for learner-driven enquiry, scaffolded by blogging software and associated learning analytics, to create a reflective, social, learning journal.

Learning Emergence

The research will start by analysing the data already gathered from prior research in schools, design new contexts for studying this phenomenon, and refine the analytics. Experience in qualitative and quantitative data analysis required, programming not required but an advantage. Please contact Simon Buckingham Shum and Rebecca Ferguson at the OU to discuss this informally before applying. The Concept EnquiryBlogger extends WordPress, the world’s most popular open source content management system and blogging platform, with a set of plugins that turn it into a particular flavour of social learning journal. What does it do? To know more… iLearn. Learning Management System (LMS) SuccessFactors Learning combines formal, social, and extended learning with unmatched content management, reporting, analytics, and mobile abilities.

Learning Management System (LMS)

The result is learning that transforms the business and provides verifiable return on investment (ROI). Moodle recommenders for educational resources. This bundle consists of two widgets that provide recommendations about educational resources related to a particular course.

Moodle recommenders for educational resources

The widgets of this bundle have been developed as Moodle blocks to be displayed on the sidebar of a Moodle course. Related OU resources widget This widget displays a list of Open University (OU) resources related to a Moodle course. These resources consist of OU courses, iTunes U podcasts, as well as OpenLearn tags related to the course that the user is currently viewing. In order to provide these recommendations, the widget sends a query to, which is an RDF repository of metadata from OU datasets. Forums and commenting re-imagined. Nadine Postiaux. Public LMS Evaluations. Many universities are currently, or have recently, reviewed their enterprise LMS including my own employer.

Public LMS Evaluations

Unfortunately we haven’t made our review process public but many universities have been generous enough to provide information about their reviews. The following list are some of the publicly available LMS reviews that I have found. These were really useful in developing and informing our own review and I hope that by bringing them together in one place it will be useful for others. I have provided links to each institutions review documents and a quick summary of their process. I have included the eventual choice of LMS but of course this is a very small sample and shouldn’t be taken as being indicative of any particular trend in LMS selection.

If you know of any other publicly available LMS review documents please let me know and I will add them. University of Canterbury, New Zealand Information Site: Time Period: October 2007 to October 2008. Screenshots. Slide 1 - MoodleToolGuideforTeachers_May2010_JS.pdf. Web 2.0, social computing et e-learning 2.0.

1 Description de la formation Objectifs Se familiariser avec les outils nouveaux d'Internet.

Web 2.0, social computing et e-learning 2.0

Connaître le panorama des applications « web 2.0 » Savoir utiliser les outils et les services "web 2.0". Concevoir et configurer un site avec des services "web 2.0" Sélectionner et intégrer des widgets dans vos sites.