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STCHA 11 - Visualidade, Sexualidade e Gênero.

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Beautiful Photography Collection Captures Transgender Women In 1950s Paris. Inverted Odysseys: Claude Cahun, Maya Deren, Cindy Sherman: Shelley Rice: 9780262681063: LGBT History Month: A brief history of British gay cinema. From "sissy" to Brokeback Mountain: a brief history of queer cinema - Toronto Film Scene  When we go to the movies, we see complex characters carefully crafted by screenwriters, studio executives, producers, directors and actors, but what makes it to the screen, and what it says about that person and their traits can have meaning beyond what we see.

From "sissy" to Brokeback Mountain: a brief history of queer cinema - Toronto Film Scene 

This has been true of the depiction of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered people throughout the history of cinema. One of the most maligned groups throughout the 20th Century, queer cinema has had a long road. Here is a brief history of the path it has taken since the birth of the medium. Sissies on screen Queers on film debuted in 1895, where the first reported on screen “gay” act was two men dancing together. As film moved from a novelty to a narrative form, gay characters were depicted on screen as flamboyant and effeminate, something that was very easy to portray in silent film, and may have formed the basis for gay stereotypes that persist to this day. Actors in drag: a staple in mainstream cinema.

WeWasteTime. Behind-the-scenes photographs from Falcon (gay porn film industry) found in the Pornegrafik series by Ken Probst via gallery-nikole Like this: Like Loading... Robert Gober. Robert Gober's meticulous sculptures explore sexuality, relationships, nature, politics, and religion.

Robert Gober

His work is often based on memories from his childhood or on familiar subject matter from around his home or studio. Sinks, doors, cribs, chairs, and body parts recur in his oeuvre. Among Gober's best-known works are large room-sized installations, sometimes incorporating running water and theatrical lighting. His work is made by hand in his studio with painstaking attention to detail. Fags, Hags and Queer Sisters: Gender Dissent and Heterosocial Bonds in Gay Culture - Stephen Maddison. Diane Arbus. Diane Arbus was born, to a wealthy Jewish family, in 1923.

Diane Arbus

Her mother Gertrude was the daughter of the owners of Russek's Fur Store. Diane (pronounced Dee-Ann ) was a privileged child, raised with her two siblings in large apartments on Central Park West and Park Avenue. Daine said of her childhood "I grew up feeling immune and exempt from circumstance. One of the things I suffered from was that I never felt adversity.

I was confirmed in a sense of unreality. " Diane Arbus was one of the most distinctive photographers in the twentieth century, known for her eerie portraits and offbeat subjects. Diane Arbus: humanist or voyeur? Diane Arbus killed herself, aged 48, on 26 July 1971.

Diane Arbus: humanist or voyeur?

On the 40th anniversary of her death, it's worth reconsidering her artistic legacy. Her work remains problematic for many viewers because she transgressed the traditional boundaries of portraiture, making pictures of circus and sideshow "freaks", many of whom she formed lasting friendships with. If Arbus undoubtedly felt at home among the outsiders she photographed, she also experienced a frisson of guilty pleasure when photographing them. "There's some thrill in going to a sideshow," she once confessed of her nocturnal visits to the circus tents of Coney Island, where performers were still earning a living in the 1960s. "I felt a mixture of shame and awe. " Her works make us question not just her motives for looking at what the critic Susan Sontag – with typical hauteur – called "people who are pathetic, pitiable, as well as repulsive", but also our own.

The "other" is not what it used to be. Blackbird Blog: AT THE MOVIES: MATTHEW BARNEY CREMASTER CYCLE + De Lama Lâmina MARATHON. Guess where we are going today?


At 1:00 SIFF Cinema (in Seattle) will begin playing the entire Matthew Barney Cremaster Cycle, plus his newest film De Lama Lâmina. Jealous? If you are interested in seeing the individual films, they will be played over the next four days. Matthew Barney - Cremaster 3 (2002) PART 2. Respirar, desejar, amar e viver. Gênero enquanto categoria analítica « Ensaios de Gênero. Trópico - Matthew Barney, pop e político. Judith Butler: As Questões de Gênero e Os Corpos que Importam. Revista Estudos Feministas - Como os corpos se tornam matéria: entrevista com Judith Butler. Ponto de Vista Como os corpos se tornam matéria: entrevista com Judith Butler BAUKJE PRINS Universidade de Amsterdã IRENE COSTERA MEIJER Universidade de Maastricht Em maio de 1996 Judith Butler fez uma rápida viagem pela Europa.1 Começou com uma visita relâmpago à Holanda, onde seu trabalho vem sendo acompanhado com grande interesse.

Revista Estudos Feministas - Como os corpos se tornam matéria: entrevista com Judith Butler

Butler foi recebida pelo Departamento de Estudos da Mulher, do Instituto de Artes da Universidade de Utrecht. A entrevista que segue é o resultado de três etapas. A entrevista se concentra em três questões interrelacionadas. Film-maker Gregg Araki is back with a Kaboom. Rumours that Gregg Araki has finally grown up appear to have been greatly exaggerated.

Film-maker Gregg Araki is back with a Kaboom

They started in 2004 with his extraordinary movie Mysterious Skin, in which two young men struggle to process the sexual abuse they suffered years before at the hands of their baseball coach. Bold, sensitive and, yes, mature, the film won Araki more critical and festival acclaim than the rest of his work combined. At last, it seemed, Araki was ready to join his contemporaries Gus van Sant and Todd Haynes in the fold of "serious" film-makers. So how did he follow up Mysterious Skin? With Smiley Face, a goofy stoner movie in which Anna Faris eats too many hash cookies.