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Baseball math

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Curriculum. Baseball Activities and Lesson Plans. The Baseball seasonal pages will provide you with excellent learning opportunities to celebrate this "Great American Past Time".

Baseball Activities and Lesson Plans

Ideas within the baseball pages include: math activities, baseball history, journal activities, and lesson plans. Your creativity can help other teachers. Submit your baseball activity today. Don't forget to include additional resources-documents, web sites, or a photo. Baseball Season starts in early April, and ends in October. This indicates resources located on The Teacher's Corner. Baseball Card Graph Analysis Help kids read a graph incorporating baseball cards collected throughout the year (PDF worksheet included).Submitted by: Jill Cooke, Oak Hammock Middle, Ft.

Baseball Crossword Puzzle Create your own Crossword or use our premade baseball word/clue list. Baseball Almanac Grades Various Learn about various aspects of the game. Baseball Links & Lessons Grades Various Resources from author Deborah Hopkinson Back to our Seasonal Activities Index. Seven Baseball-Themed Classroom Activites for the World Series. Game 2 of World Series, San Francisco, CA Photo Credit: David Fukuda The World Series kicked off last night in San Francisco, and during the next week, it might be on the your mind or the mind of some of your students.

Seven Baseball-Themed Classroom Activites for the World Series

We know here at Edutopia, the series between the San Francisco Giants and the Detroit Tigers has certainly made its way into some of our watercooler conversations. Fortunately for teachers, baseball is a great way to get some students excited about learning, and with any sport with tons of statistics, it's a wonderful subject to work into math lessons. Really, there are great opportunities to use baseball as a teaching tool in all subjects, and for some students, baseball metaphors sometimes do a great job of drawing them in. So in honor of the 108th World Series, which runs until November 1, Edutopia has put together a collection of lesson plans and resources to help teachers work America's Favorite Pastime into the classroom.

See more see less. NLB eMuseum: Lesson Plan: Integration and the "Barrier Breakers" Integration and the "Barrier Breakers": Black Baseball 1945-1960 ("Charting History") Lesson Summary: Students will learn about the integration of Major League Baseball.

NLB eMuseum: Lesson Plan: Integration and the "Barrier Breakers"

This lesson could be used to supplement material on the Civil Rights Movement. Key Features of Powerful Teaching and Learning: (National Council for the Social Studies: “A Vision of Powerful Teaching and Learning in the Social Studies: Building Social Understanding and Civic Efficacy.” Meaningful: Students will learn methods of historical analysis. Integrated: Students will engage reading and math skills in analytical exercise. Active: Students will explore biographical information, represent that information in chart form, and interpret the charts in order to complete the exercise. Purpose/Rationale/Introduction: Students will learn about the integration of Major League Baseball. Objectives: 1. Procedures & Activities: 1. Part 2: "Barrier Breaker" worksheet 1. Theme - Baseball Theme. Challenge2EC_BB. S Baseball Resources.

Save hundreds of dollars spicing up your curriculum with virtual field trips!

s Baseball Resources

This site has "field trips" to take, instructions for creating, and resources for other virtual field trip sites. mBGk. Course(s)/Subject(s): Mathematics and English Grade Level(s): Seventh and eighth grade.


Baseball Economics 201. As many baseball fans can tell you, the New York Yankees usually have a great season record, make the playoffs and make a run towards to the World Championship each year.

Baseball Economics 201

The Yankees' success--as well as the success of other big market, high revenue teams--has led many to question whether smaller market teams can compete in Major League Baseball (MLB). In fact, in 2009, the Yankees had revenues of $441 million, the most of any team in sports--and more than the revenue of four other MLB teams (Florida, San Diego, Pittsburgh, and Washington) combined! (NOTE: this lesson updates a 1997 NetNewsLine activity titled "Underpaid Millionaires? " ( Lid=146&type=educator) which focused exclusively on players' salaries.) Pre-Test Before beginning the lesson, have the students take the short Pre-test to see what they already know about the economics of baseball.

Activity 1 MLB Salaries and Wins and Losses In 1991, the average MLB player's salary was $1 million. Brett Penza. Brett Penza Math in Technology Instructor: Mary Ellen DuBois Lesson Plan 1.6: The Mathematics of Dodger Baseball.

Brett Penza

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