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50 Free Photoshop Brush Sets Everyone Should Have | Web Design Blog, Web... - StumbleUpon. StumbleUpon. Pixie / Nattyware. 8500+ Free Photoshop Brushes. Weekly Roundup from DesignFloat | DesignFloat Blog - StumbleUpon. Hey guys, the time for Friday roundup has come and we want to share some useful resources featuring free Photoshop brushes with you. We all know that brushes turn out to be the essential tools for web designers and help to add the desired atmosphere and create stunning websites. Using this Photoshop tool, it is possible to give the design the impressive touch and make it catchy.

Of course, you have seen a vast amount of brush sets all around the web, but here you can find the top-notch collection of the most popular among them. We have decided to compile 8500+ various brush sets for our readers and we hope that this post will come in handy and add inspiration for your future designs. Additionally, we’d also recommend you to check out the compilation of 60 free Photoshop gradient sets, which you can easily use to improve your graphics. 1100+ Abstract High Quality Free Photoshop Brushes High Quality and Useful Photoshop Brushes 22 Free High Quality Doodle Photoshop Brushes Set.

10 Useful Web Apps for Designers | Design Woop | The Web Design and... - StumbleUpon. DesignWoop welcomes this guest post by Tomas Laurinavicius. Since the iPhone and iPad entered the market you can hear lots of news about apps for these devices. Tons of apps available today and you can find everything you want. But today I would like to share 10 handy web-based apps for designers. To use these apps you don’t need to buy an iPhone or iPad, you can use them without any additional software or device, you just need a web browser. In this collection I’ve picked 10 useful and time-saving web apps for designers. Invoice Bubble Invoice Bubble is free invoice software that lets you create an invoice and send to your client in seconds.

Gridulator Tell Gridulator your layout width and the number of columns you want, and it’ll spit back all the possible grids that have nice, round integers. Browize Useful tool for resizing current browser window size to set or custom resolutions. Screenr Screenr is a web-based tool that lets you create screencasts without installing any software. Kuler. 500+ Exceptionally Beautiful Photoshop Patterns For Classy Designs | Multy... This time I am proposing 500+ patterns for Photoshop, (PAT) or separate image for your designs funds or CSS, is wood, designs crazy handrawing, skulls, points, slashes and much more are looking for designers, including floral and metal. Files. PAT can be loaded within Photoshop using the Load command when you are in something that requires adding a pattern as in the properties of a layer (blending options), I have also included for GIMP.

Patterns are images or vectors symmetrically repeated horizontally or vertically, or combined to give a sense of continuity, we see clearly in carpets, in honeycomb cells and mutual funds website inclined lines in Photoshop can be used to recreate an image from small to be repeated several times, CSS is applied using the function repeat-x, repeat-y or repeat-x to avoid creating something big. Whatever you need you can create the same but today I come to present a collection of 500+ amazing patterns formats. Stripes grunge effect Black & White Patterns. 1001 Free Fonts - Download Free Fonts for Windows and Macintosh - StumbleUpon.

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