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COMPLETE PROGRAM: Dr. Joseph Hungwa Memorial Peace Education Program (Parts 1-6) Peace Education: a Pathway to a Culture of Peace. Peace Education and Multiculturalism. Teaching Peace. Inter Agency Peace Education Teacher Training. The Benefits of Education. WHAT’S IN MY BAG? – Uprooted – Medium. The Challenge of Education. The Secret Gardens of Syria’s Refugee Camps. Peace Education Initiative - Teachers Without Borders.

Democratic Republic of the Congo Peace is often a distant memory for many people in Bukavu, an eastern city in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Peace Education Initiative - Teachers Without Borders

The region has faced a cycle of armed conflict since 1996, with frequent fighting between government forces and several militia groups, and widespread attacks on civilians. However, peace became the primary focus of 35 teachers in Bukavu, where they participated in Teachers Without Borders’ Dr. Joseph Hungwa Memorial Peace Education Program. “Despite the relative success of the 2006 presidential and legislative elections, the Congolese society continues to face many challenges and remains deeply divided,” says Mr. Peace On Earth. LIVING PEACE: A path of Peace Education. The Peace Education Program - An Introduction. Myths & facts surrounding refugee.

REFUGEES in AUSTRALIA Myths & Facts Myths and Facts Individual Get involved as an individual Individual.

Myths & facts surrounding refugee