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Neil deGrasse Tyson Lists 8 (Free) Books Every Intelligent Person Should Read. A user posed the question to Neil deGrasse Tyson: "Which books should be read by every single intelligent person on the planet?

Neil deGrasse Tyson Lists 8 (Free) Books Every Intelligent Person Should Read

" Below, you will find the book list offered up by the astrophysicist, director of the Hayden Planetarium, and popularizer of science. Where possible, we have included links to free versions of the books, all taken from our Free Audio Books and Free eBooks collections. Or you can always download a professionally-narrated book for free from Details here. If you're looking for a more extensive list of essential works, don't miss The Harvard Classics, a 51 volume series that you can now download online. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) 6.) 7.) 8.) Tyson concludes by saying: "If you read all of the above works you will glean profound insight into most of what has driven the history of the western world. " He has also added some more thoughts in the comments section below, saying: Thanks for this ongoing interest in my book suggestions. Related Content: How to write shape relief alphabet. [VIDEO]

Poemas de Vinícius de Moraes (4) Cerca de 242 poemas de Vinícius de Moraes Cuidado!

Poemas de Vinícius de Moraes (4)

A vida é pra valer.E não se engane não, tem uma só. Duas mesmo que é bom, ninguém vai me dizer que tem sem provar muito bem provado, com certidão passada em cartório do céu, e assinada embaixo: Deus! E com firma reconhecida. A vida não é de brincadeira, amigo. Vinicius de Moraes Porque a vida só se dá pra quem se deu, pra quem amou, pra quem chorou, pra quem sofreu. Eu Sei Que Vou Te Amar Eu sei que vou te amar Por toda a minha vida eu vou te amar Em cada despedida eu vou te amar Desesperadamente Eu sei que vou te amar E cada verso meu será Pra te dizer que eu sei que vou te amar Por toda minha vida Eu sei que vou chorar A cada ausência tua eu vou chorar Mas cada volta tua há de apagar O que esta ausência tua me causou Eu sei que vou sofrer A eterna desventura de viver A espera de viver ao lado teu Por toda a minha vida Soneto dO Maior Amor Louco amor meu, que quando toca, fere E quando fere vibra, mas prefere Ferir a fenecer - e vive a esmo. Говорите и пишите по-русски правильно - Розенталь Дитмар Эльяшевич, стр. 3.

«Вообще следует избегать некрасивых, неблагозвучных слов.

Говорите и пишите по-русски правильно - Розенталь Дитмар Эльяшевич, стр. 3

Я не люблю слов с обилием шипящих и свистящих звуков, избегаю их» (А. Чехов). К сожалению, нередко в письменной и особенно устной речи людей любого возраста встречаются значительные отклонения от литературной нормы. Пролистаем письменные работы старшеклассников и абитуриентов, т.е. лиц, поступающих в вузы. Наверняка многие цитаты из сочинений вызовут у вас улыбку. «Салтыков-Щедрин изобразил тяжёлое положение крестьянства в лице лошади»; «Базаров — молодой человек с захудалым лицом»; «Катерина и Кулигин — лучшие представители „тёмного царства“». Keelenõuanne soovitab 3. Maire Raadik 1.

Keelenõuanne soovitab 3

Millal kirjutada kirjas Teie, millal teie? Üldlevinud tava järgi käib suure tähega ehk viisakus-Teie ühe inimese kohta. Kui kiri on mõeldud korraga mitmele inimesele, sobib kirjutada väikese tähega teie. 2. А что вы хотели от Бабы-яги - Никитина Елена, читать онлайн, скачать книгу бесплатно. Библиотека электронной книги в текстовом формате. 20 Common Grammar Mistakes That (Almost) Everyone Gets Wrong. I’ve edited a monthly magazine for more than six years, and it’s a job that’s come with more frustration than reward.

20 Common Grammar Mistakes That (Almost) Everyone Gets Wrong

If there’s one thing I am grateful for — and it sure isn’t the pay — it’s that my work has allowed endless time to hone my craft to Louis Skolnick levels of grammar geekery. As someone who slings red ink for a living, let me tell you: grammar is an ultra-micro component in the larger picture; it lies somewhere in the final steps of the editing trail; and as such it’s an overrated quasi-irrelevancy in the creative process, perpetuated into importance primarily by bitter nerds who accumulate tweed jackets and crippling inferiority complexes. But experience has also taught me that readers, for better or worse, will approach your work with a jaundiced eye and an itch to judge. While your grammar shouldn’t be a reflection of your creative powers or writing abilities, let’s face it — it usually is.

Who and Whom This one opens a big can of worms. Which and That Lay and Lie Moot Nor. How to Write a Novel Using the Snowflake Method.