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A Walk in the WoRds. Research Links for Romance Writers. Write It Sideways — Writing advice from a fresh perspective. For most people living in late 20th century North America, reading is a dreary task. Its main objective (even in fiction) has become the acquisition of data. Standardized orthography and usage have taken the fluidity and magic out of the language and encouraged silent reading.

Reading is now something most people want to get out of the way as quickly as possible and speedreading is perceived as the ideal way to read. Since speedreading alters the order of words, makes some words disappear or pass in a blur, negates the timing of poetry, suppresses the sensations of inner and outer ear as well as the throat, tongue, and mouth, it takes the physicallity out of language and is completely incompatible with poetry.

People interested in contemporary poetry approach reading differently. One of the most positive things contemporary poets have going for them is the total lack of standardization at all levels of notation. A score of this sort must be relatively easy to follow and use. Welcome to the Purdue University Online Writing Lab (OWL) Writer’s Digest - Write Better - Get Published - Be Creative.