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Rosa Parks

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How did Rosa Parks commit civil disobedience and what were the consequences of ... Effects of the Incident. Inspirational Rosa Parks Quotes from! 55 Rosa Parks quotes to inspire you! (If you’re in a hurry, skip the Rosa Parks biography and scroll down to Rosa Parks Quotes.) Rosa Parks (1913-2005) one of the most significant people of the 20th century On the first day in December, 1955, Rosa Parks took the bus home from work—and changed history. Rosa, an African-American, refused to obey the white bus driver’s order to give up her seat to make room for a white male passenger. Back then, the law segregated black people and white people in virtually every aspect of daily life in the southern United States. So bus and train companies enforced separate seating sections for blacks and whites. Montgomery, Alabama, where Rosa lived, had a dizzying and humiliating set of rules for black people who simply wanted to ride a bus: "Dignity Day" On that day in 1955, Rosa had taken her seat in the front of a “coloured” section, and became one of four black people ordered to move to make room for a white man who got on the bus after her.

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