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Step One to Your First 100 Million | The Tycoon Playbook. Start Today: Step Up to a New Level How much further could you go in life with these time-tested billionaire fast growth strategies & tactics? “You don’t have to think of everything. It was Isaac Newton who said, ‘I’ve seen a little more in the world because I stood on the shoulders of giants.’ There is nothing wrong with standing on other people’s shoulders.” - Warren Buffett on the power of learning from the greats Investing in the Playbook is potentially the best business move you will ever make. Pricing You have three enrollment choices: the Executive Plan, Standard Plan, and the Basic Plan. PayPal now offers a no interest 6 month payment plan for those who qualify. You are fully protected by PayPal. The Bottom Line It’s never been easier to take the course. All stories about how great fortunes are built are interesting, but the very best ones have a guy who starts out with a small grubstake and through serial wheeling and dealing parlays it into an empire. - Peter Ireland Basic Plan.

25 Most Promising Green Businesses. Going green was big news for a while, then the collapsing economy put a cloud over the movement. Nonetheless, a derth of reporting doesn’t mean that the scientists, entrepreneurs, and business brains behind the burgeoning industry have slowed down. If anything, their products are growing in maturity and potential. We waded through hundreds of eco-oriented companies to pick out the ones with the most promise, in terms of product potential and marketability. Bookmark this on Delicious 25. Bionic Power Inc. Bionic Power Inc.’s Biomechanical Energy Harvester uses the energy your body creates during the process of walking to charge portable batteries. 24. Feelgoodz manufactures eco-friendly shoes using hemp, bamboo, natural rubber, and recycled paper. 3% of its profits go to charitable causes, including the Fair Trade and 1% For the Planet. 23. 22.

Dairy food specialist WhiteWave Foods produces natural foods while offsetting 100% of its electricity with renewable power purchases. 21. 20. 19. Living Self-Employed Online: The Manual They Forgot to Give You. 9 Millionaire Asset Protection Tips. Current Recommendations to Protect Your Assets Asset Protection is not just for the super rich! Many people view asset protection as the playground for the super rich. Some hear the words and cringe with fear. In reality, we should try to emulate the tools the super rich use to not only create wealth, but keep it as well. I mean honestly, do you want to continue to copy what your broke brother-in-law does, or would you rather learn the tips and tricks of the super wealthy? Thought so. Asset Protection Tip #1 Start your own business. Asset Protection Tip #2 For US citizens and residents, structure your business as a US LLC.

Asset Protection Tip #3 I will reiterate here the importance of properly structuring your LLC. Asset Protection Tip #4 Separate your business operations from your investments. Asset Protection Tip #5 Don’t forget to properly insure yourself against loss. Asset Protection Tip #6 Diversify, diversify, diversify. Asset Protection Tip #7 As John D. Asset Protection Tip #8 Act now! The Ultimate Cheat Sheet For Reinventing Yourself. Editor’s note: James Altucher is an investor, programmer, author, and several-times entrepreneur. His latest book, is “Choose Yourself!” (foreword by Dick Costolo, CEO of Twitter) . Follow him on Twitter @jaltucher. Here are the rules: I’ve been at zero a few times, come back a few times, and done it over and over.

I’ve started entire new careers. People who knew me then, don’t me now. I’ve had to change careers several times. There are other ways to reinvent yourself, so take what I say with a grain of salt. I’ve seen it work for maybe a few hundred other people. A) Reinvention never stops. Every day you reinvent yourself. B) You start from scratch. Every label you claim you have from before is just vanity. C) You need a mentor. Else, you’ll sink to the bottom. D) Three types of mentors Direct.

E) Don’t worry if you don’t have passion for anything. You have passion for your health. F) Time it takes to reinvent yourself: five years. Here’s a description of the five years: Today. Today. Give up. 101 Useful Resources for Online Entrepreneurs. Every day more and more entrepreneurs are building successful businesses using the internet. There is an abundance of opportunity online and depending on the venture, there is often less cost and risk involved when compared with traditional businesses.

There is also a wealth of resources available to help the online entrepreneur to run a business more effectively and more profitably, and we list many of those resources here. Feel free to leave a comment with your feedback and your recommendations of other resources. Communications / VoIP The internet brings great opportunities to do business all with people from all around the world, and fortunately there are also a number of resources to help with the communication that is necessary. 1. Data Backup Anyone that has important of sensitive information on their computer needs to have a system in place for backing up the data. 1. Invoicing 1. Financial Management and Accounting 1. Time Management and Project Management 1. Contact Manager 1. 1. The Top 10 Audio Books That Every Entrepreneur Must Listen To. With a million and one things on an entrepreneur’s agenda, it is almost next to impossible to find the time to read a book from front to back. Well what if we told you that you don’t have to push hours aside and that you can even soak in all the knowledge of a wonderful read while you walk the dog, go for a jog or drive to work?

Well now you can with these downloadable audio books that come highly recommend for any entrepreneur looking at expanding their knowledge and taking their life and business to that next level. The Lean Startup Eric Ries explains the best practices of how to discover customers for your ideas, how to plan/test/release your products to market and when to pivot. A must read for every startup organization. Click here to hear a preview or order this audio book The Willpower Instinct One of the best Audio books to cover the topic of willpower. This book is a must for any and everyone. Click here to hear a preview or order this audio book Rich Dad Poor Dad The 4-Hour Work Week. 57 startup lessons. I am a cofounder of RethinkDB — an open-source distributed database designed to help developers and operations teams work with unstructured data to build real-time applications.

There are already very good lists of startup lessons written by really talented, experienced people (here and here). I’d like to add another one. I learned these lessons the hard way in the past four years. If you’re starting a company, I hope you have an easier path. People If you can’t get to ramen profitability with a team of 2 – 4 within six months to a year, something’s wrong. Fundraising If you have to give away more than 15% of the company at any given fundraising round, your company didn’t germinate correctly. Markets The best products don’t get built in a vacuum. Products Product sense is everything. Marketing Product comes first.

Sales Sales fix everything. Development Development speed is everything. Company administration Personal well-being Thanks to Michael Glukhovsky for reviewing this post. Richard Branson's Five Rules for Epic Entrepreneurship. Like this article? Please share it! Would you be willing to listen to advice dropping from the lips of a guy that regularly makes the Forbes billionaire list and holds the esteemed position of 4th wealthiest citizen in the United Kingdom?

If your answer is yes…read on! Sir Richard Charles Nicholas Branson is best known for his Virgin Group of companies including Virgin Megastores (Virgin Records) and Virgin Atlantic Airways. His estimated net worth is $4.2 billion. Branson built his extensive empire using five core principles. If you don’t enjoy it, don’t do it. Be innovative: This is a must if you want to build a business that really succeeds. Your employees are your best asset. Lead by listening: Get feedback from your staff and customers on a regular basis. Be visible: Market the company and its offers by putting yourself or a senior person in front of the cameras. Mr. 1. Mr. What do you think about the 5 rules? Like this: Like Loading... About the Author: Robbi Gunter. 10 Practical Uses For Psychological Research in Everyday Life. People love to give each other advice.

The web is full to bursting with all types of pseudo-psychological advice about life. The problem is, how much of this is based on real scientific evidence? Well, here on PsyBlog we’ve got the scientific evidence. So here’s my top 10 list of what you can learn practically from the psychological research discussed here recently. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

» The Absolute Beginner's Guide To Starting A Small Online Business. Editor’s note: This is a guest post by Karol Gajda of and How To Live Anywhere. If your goal is to start a small online business that replaces and exceeds your current income this may be the most important article you read this year. Brash, huh? Here’s the deal: I’ve been working online full time for almost 10 years, since age 19. I’ve had a lot of failures and a lot of successes. There is no better way to learn how to succeed than to learn from someone who has already done it. Tip #1: Focus On What’s Important What’s important? In the beginning, just get started. Dealing with the paperwork, business cards, and other ancillaries isn’t absolutely necessary. It’s an online business for a reason. If you happen to meet someone who wants to know more about you or wants to visit your site ask for their e-mail address and actively follow up with them.

Handing out business cards is passive, and even more than that, ineffective. Consult a tax advisor for specific insights. » How I Changed My Life, In Four Lines. ‘What saves a man is to take a step. Then another step.’ ~C. S. Lewis By Leo Babauta Changing your life can seem an incredibly tough and complicated thing, especially if you’ve failed a great number of times (like I did), found it too hard, and resigned yourself to not changing. But I found a way to change. And I’m not any better than anyone else, not more disciplined, not more motivated. I’ve written about them many times, but realized they’re spread out all over the site. Here is how I changed my life, in a nutshell. tl;dr The four lines you’re looking for are at the bottom.

How I Started Running In 2005 I was sedentary, and couldn’t for the life of me figure out how to make exercise a regular habit. How did I do it? I got healthier, fitter, slimmer, happier. How I Started Eating Healthier In 2005 I was overweight, and addicted to junk food. How did I change? I felt better about myself, trimmed down, and feel great every single day.

How I Got Out of Debt How did I do it? And On and On 1. 7 Warning Signs That You've Given Up on Your Dreams. Perhaps you’re scared, or maybe you’ve built a huge wall of procrastination that you’ll never scale. Whatever it is, you probably think it has merit. In fact, you may have simply stopped thinking about your dreams because you’ve given up. It’s too bad. People in much worse situations than you have created the life of their dreams. You may have excuses and obstacles standing in your way, but you can transcend them. However, it only happens when you’re ready. Here are seven warning signs that you’ve given up on your dreams: Excuses Everyone makes excuses. Your excuses may seem real, but the one creating them is you. Fear Not only did I have a lot of excuses before I started building my online business and following my passion, I also had a lot of fear and still do. But I kept moving forward.

Analyzing Are you trying to analyze how you’re going to go after your dreams? Look at that thing you’ve been putting off, and do something today to take action toward it. I don’t think so. The bottom line? Guide To Writing A Business Plan. Welcome to Forbes. 7 Ways to Be a Stress-Free Workaholic. Are there any INTP business owners out there? : INTP.

Gary Vaynerchuk: Do what you love (no excuses!) The Art of Influence. Secrets to complaining effectively, motivating loved ones, and getting what you want without being a jerk. Illustrations by Lou Brooks Babies and psychopaths have one thing in common: They're excellent at getting what they want. Many of us could learn a thing or two from these creatures, tantrums and dirty tactics notwithstanding.

That's not to say that, like these ingrates, we should feel entitled to everything we want. Many argue that as a culture, we need urgent lessons in giving, not getting. But for some, grabbing the brass ring is a constant source of stress and confusion. Were it uniformly advantageous to be aggressive, timid, positive, or negative in pursuit of one's goal, evolution would have selected for only such types. Complain to Win —Not to Feel Worse Kvetch, Bitcher, Debbie Downer: No one likes a chronic complainer, and we've got multiple derogatory terms to prove it. If you decide you want to lodge a complaint, make a plan, says Winch.

Figure Out What Others Want. The Benefits of Top-Down Thinking & Why it is Critical to Entrepreneurs. For the first 5 years of my career I was a “bottom up” thinker and worker. I assembled tons of data, grouped things, found results and drew conclusions. It was difficult to make the transition to a “top down” thinker but as a senior executive – and as an entrepreneur – you’re far less effective without this skill in your arsenal.

You need to be able to structure problems / solutions at the appropriate level to communicate effective and drive decision-making. The difference is in formulating hypothesis then testing conclusions / data vs. assembling data and finding patterns. I started my career as a programmer. In billing we literally started thinking about all of the types of bills that would be generated for customers: full payment, partial payment, split payment, senior discount, student discount, level pay plan, etc. I next moved into system design where I designed computer systems to deal with large industrial natural gas customers and telecommunication companies.

Heresy. Start a Company - F the Rules. I am a 28 year old start-up CEO. Last week I read an article titled “the 57 things I learned starting 3 tech companies.” While the list was brilliant, the human brain can only simultaneously hold seven independent thoughts. I am going to assume that two of your seven sockets are already filled with (1) your own great start-up idea, and (2) love and lust or some combination of the two, and I will distill my lessons learned down to five ideas.

Lesson #1 – Do something you are passionate about. Really. Lesson #2 – Recruit your friends and colleagues. My company started with two founders. Lesson #3 – Get up Sunday Morning. If your idea is not exciting enough to get you out of bed on Sunday morning, you did not pay attention to lesson #1. Lesson #4 – Put your Money where your mouth is.

When we started Ethical Ocean, I had $40k in student debt. Lesson #5 – F the Rules. Ethical Ocean is doing it. All this said, you would not believe how many people discouraged us from starting this company. Top 100 Free eBooks for Business Students and Entrepreneurs. How To Become a Millionaire In Three Years. The product design sprint: a five-day recipe for startups. The Top 10 Things Successful People Do To Reach Their Dreams. Understanding How Dilution Affects You at a Startup. 10 Top YouTube Channels for Entrepreneurs. Mako Invent - Invention Development, Product Design, Inventor Help. 6 Simple Rituals To Reach Your Potential Every Day. - StumbleUpon. Entrepreneurship & Small Business.

7 Books That Should Be on Every Entrepreneur's Bookshelf. 10 Must Read Blogs for Entrepreneurs (2012 Edition) Closing techniques. The Business Plan for Teen Entrepreneurs, Part 1. How To Write a Business Plan. Why Startups are Agile and Opportunistic – Pivoting the Business Model. 7 Entrepreneurial Lessons From &Shark Tank& The 7 Habits Of Wildly Successful Entrepreneurs.