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Osoberry bag pattern. A new bag for a new season – the Osoberry bag by Kate from FoxFlat. Made from large fabric scraps and/or thrifted clothing items (this bag is made from some IKEA fabric and two pairs of ladies’ pants), and the construction is simple enough to make this a one-day project. I like a good fabric handbag. They’re inexpensive to make, so I don’t feel guilty about owning a half dozen. They’re washable, which is great for me and my exploding pens and leaking lunch containers (and good for you too – they can carry anything from books and laptops to nappies, craft projects and shopping).

And best of all, they can be made from all sorts of thrifted items that, despite a beautiful color or pattern, should not be walking the streets in their current form (fashion police community service!). My preference is a bag design that doesn’t necessitate closures. Osoberry is named after a plant that’s native to the Pacific Northwest. The Pieces Cut apart any thriftstore items so the fabric lies flat. Style Scrapbook: DIY: YELLOW CLUTCH. March 19, 2011 in Uncategorized by Andy And because I like keeping my word, here is the step-by-step… C’mon, its Saturday, you have no school, no work, you probably have a party later today, but you are free right now, so get the fabric, scissors, pins and let the party begin!

, then, you take your new clutch to tonight’s party? How does that sound? Laters! Traduccion: Y como soy una mujer de palabra, aquí esta el como hacer la bolsa, paso a paso … Es Sábado, no tienes clases, no tienes que ir a trabajar, ¡No hay excusas! Andy. DIY BAG LOVER. Free patterns for sewing bags.