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Mrs. Smith Teaches Fifth. This project was more difficult to figure out than I'd anticipated. It's even more difficult to figure out how to explain it. I made these partner sticker cards to help me form different sized groups for any activity that I don't need to plan out who is in which group. Until now, I've always just had my kids count off by the number of groups I wanted to form. Hopefully, this will inject a bit of fun into the classroom. Here's how the cards work: Each card contains one sticker from each of several different categories. It's not totally random, however. So, using my set of cards, if I wanted students to work in groups of three (perhaps for small group book shares), I would tell them to find everyone else who had the same star sticker. purple star group: yellow smiley star group:

Create a New Level. Before you can create a new group, you must give it a name.

Create a New Level

Your group name should not contain spaces or special characters, only numbers or letters. ©2014 InstantClassroom. Relax Bottle/Time Out Timer « My Crazy Blessed Life! Sooooo… I have a three-year-old little girl who is full of drama.

Relax Bottle/Time Out Timer « My Crazy Blessed Life!

Probably not the only one in history, but one of my current dilemmas. When time out time comes for bad behaviour I find myself with a little girl on the bottom step screaming, kicking walls and not able to even calm down enough to learn her lesson. This was getting worse and worse until I told my husband, “there has to be a better way, I’m going to research this.” So I went online and read other mom’s advice, dr’s advice, psychologist’s advice, etc. Nothing was really working. So I found a water bottle (Smart water was the brand) that was totally smooth and not too big around for little hands to hold. I removed the label with goo gone (it was very sticky under that label) Next I filled each bottle with about 3/4 (* edit 5-3-12, I used hot water so that the glue “melted” better… room temp or cold will cause it to stay separate) water, an entire bottle of glitter glue and a small tube of ultra fine glitter.

Johanna Like this: Mrs. Smith Teaches Fifth. This project was more difficult to figure out than I'd anticipated.

Mrs. Smith Teaches Fifth

It's even more difficult to figure out how to explain it. I made these partner sticker cards to help me form different sized groups for any activity that I don't need to plan out who is in which group. Until now, I've always just had my kids count off by the number of groups I wanted to form. Hopefully, this will inject a bit of fun into the classroom. Here's how the cards work: Each card contains one sticker from each of several different categories. Tickets for Behavior « Diary Of A Second Grade Teacher. Wow, it’s been a while since I have posted.

Tickets for Behavior « Diary Of A Second Grade Teacher

Sorry it’s been so long. I start a ticket system with my students on the first day of school. Each student starts off with five tickets in a baggie. As the students earn tickets for good behavior they keep them in their baggies. At the end of the week the students would trade tickets in to go to the treasure box. I created a poster using brite pockets and glued a coupon to the front so the students could see their choices. For five tickets the students can trade for candy coupon or silly hat or socks coupon. Like this: Like Loading... - Home. Behavior management. You guessed it….

behavior management

Woo hoo! Half way to a 3-day weekend after a long first week back! Woo hoo! Let’s recap the week thus far, shall we?! Monday was a GREAT first day! Speaking of blessings, I’m blessed to have my own two start school and LOVE it. We started the year with LOTS of rules and procedures. I had all my kids take a picture with this cute little printable I found on Yellow Bliss Road. Our whole pod read the timeless classic, The Kissing Hand, on the first day. Bulletin Board Ideas and Tips for the K- World’s Easiest Token System. What’s Here The token system was the first behavior management plan I designed for primary grade students, and the popularity of this system continues to astound me!

World’s Easiest Token System

I posted it on my website many years ago and had no idea just how well it would resonate with other educators. There are literally hundreds of teachers around the world who have used this plan, which I named ‘The World’s Easiest Token System’ after researching complicated token economies that had me exhausted by the time I got through reading about them. The system described here is excerpted from The Cornerstone book.

It was featured in Education World and was listed as a resource on the National Education Association’s website shortly thereafter. Why This Token System Works To hold my tokens, I used a random container inherited from a retiring teacher. The token system is effective because it DOES NOT require: Setting Up the Token System. Hollywood Theme. The First Grade Parade. Since I have a “Sassy Hollywood Glam” theme in my classroom this year, I knew I wanted my behavior management to reflect the theme.

The First Grade Parade

Of course, I was stumped when it came to ideas, so I hopped online and found lots of different ideas. This is my variation on what I found. {Our Students Can Act Responsibly} The kids start out on the Red Carpet every morning. When their behavior becomes disruptive and/or unkind, they have to move their clips to the appropriate clapboard. Move your clip to… Take 1! Take 2! ClassroomManagement.