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PiFace – Raspberry Pi Interface. Gpio - What advantage does the Pi-Face addon board bring to the Raspberry Pi. It offers a pre-made board (the trade-off is price) that isolates the GPIO pins and protects the Raspberry Pi from damage. It also provides additional/enhanced capabilities to the basic in/out offered by the Raspberry Pi's GPIO (it includes two relays to control larger power drawing devices, and allows you to connect a variety of sensors to allow the Raspberry Pi to sense and react to its environment - light, ultrasonic, water, etc). What you do with these extra capabilities is really up to you. The Raspberry Pi and its developing ecosystem are fairly new, but the philosophy is similar to that of the Arduino or even Legos give the user the basic building blocks and then let their imagination and ability guide them. Some examples of what you can do with the extra capabilities provided by the Pi-Face include: build robotshome automation/securityauto pet feederlaundry sorter for the blind/color blind As I said, the possibilities are really only limited by your abilities and imagination.

Using android phone's sensors on raspberry pi. You can try using this app. It sends data from the sensors in UDP. It would only give you the information from the Accelerometer from the list you wanted. Sensor id: 3 - Accelerometer (m/s^2) 4 - Gyroscope (rad/s) 5 - Magnetometer (micro-Tesla uT) Example UDP packet: 890.71558, 3, 0.076, 9.809, 0.565, 4, -0.559, 0.032, -0.134, 5, -21.660,-36.960,-28.140 Timestamp [sec], sensorid, x, y, z, sensorid, x, y, z, sensorid, x, y, z There is a sample program in the description: import socket, traceback host = '' port = 5555 s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_BROADCAST, 1) s.bind((host, port)) while 1: try: message, address = s.recvfrom(8192) print message except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): raise except: traceback.print_exc() The pi can run this program, since its python with only standard libraries.

Configuring the Android ADB. Two of my Androids connected via Android Debug Bridge on my Raspberry Pi When I got my Raspberry PiRaspberry Pi from element14 almost four months ago, I never intended on running Android on it. Instead, my plans were to have my Raspberry Pi service my fleet of Androids. In order to do that, I need the Android Debug Bridge (adb). ADVISORY: Only for Rooted Androids!

If your Android device is not rooted and/or you do not know what Android rooting means, this this article is not for you. How to get adb on your Raspberry Pi Here are the basic resources for getting adb installed onto your Raspberry Pi: Notice: This isn't necessarily for beginners. If you don't want to bother with those Linux permission, you can install adbWireless onto your Android device(s).

This article is only about basic configuration of using Android Debug Bridge on the Raspberry Pi. Marcos "Kuya Marc" Miranda. Windows: Instala ADB, Fasboot y drivers Android para Windows en tan sólo 15 segundos. Si eres un usuario avanzado de Android sabrás a qué nos referimos cuando hablamos de ADB, de Fastboot o de los drivers Android y también sabrás que la configuración inicial del entorno suele conllevar bastante tiempo ya que tenemos que descargar numerosos paquetes por separado o el kit de desarrollo oficial y configurar los directorios de funcionamiento.

El usuario de XDA-Developers Snoop15 acaba de lanzar un paquete para Windows que permite la instalación y configuración de ADB y Fastboot, así como los drivers para Windows en cuestión de sólo 15 segundos. Te presentamos ADB Installer. Se trata de un pequeño paquete que te permite instalar los componentes por separado, o bien, todo el conjunto de herramientas desde un sencillo menú en línea de comandos.

Si quieres empezar a trastear con tu smartphone, este kit es más que recomendado por su facilidad de uso y eficiencia. Más información | XDA-Developers. Instalar SDK y ADB Android, para principiantes | aplicaciones android. Aquí les dejo un excelente manual que explica como instalar el SDK de Android y como utilizar ADB, que lo necesitar para realizar ciertas modificaciones en su Android. Tras el salto el manual y los archivos necesarios. Paso 1, el SDK Necesitaremos la última versión del SDK que nos ofrecen.

Estas siglas corresponden a Software Developement Kit, y dan nombre a lo que podríamos llamar, la aplicación para desarrollar aplicaciones (valga la redundancia). Vamos a ello. Descargarlo de aquíExtraedlo al lugar que quierasDefinid el path de la manera siguiente, donde la cursiva-negrita es el directorio donde lo has instaladoset PATH=%PATH%;c:\android\android-sdk-windows-r3\tools oset PATH=%PATH%;c:\Archivos de programa\android-sdk-windows-r3\tools Paso 2, el Driver Al conectar el móvil, varias veces nos aparecerá el mensaje, “Instalar el Driver”. Si ya se ha instalado por defecto (mal) entonces aseguraos de desinstalar los drivers primero y luego vuelvan a empezar.

Paso 3, la consola Paso 4, comandos. INSTRUCTABLES: Raspberry pi loves Sensors and LEDs. Make sure the tools are installed... to test if the tool are installed run the following command..sudo i2cdetect -y 0 this will scan all devices connected to the I2C bus. it should look like the pic below. if you see that i2ctools are not installed run the following comand sudo apt-get install i2c-tools also install sudo apt-get install python-smbus sudo apt-get install python-pip sudo pip install rpi.gpio sudo /home/pi/Desktop wget -O geekman-python-eeml.tar.gz tar zxvf geekman-python-eeml.tar.gz cd geekman-python-eeml* sudo python install note down the address of the I2C device that you have connected. in this case i have connected a temp. sensor PMODTEMP2 from digilent.we use the sumbus function for I2C communcation.

Making the electronics for a $7 USD doppler motion sensor - Limpkin's blog. I had no idea that you could find this kind of motion sensors on the internet for so cheap... But they come with a catch: you need to design some electronics for them. I'm sure you're quite familiar with the Doppler effect: you send an RF signal at a given frequency to a target, and if this object/person is moving the reflected signal's frequency will be shifted. This is the reason why a fire truck's siren has a higher pitch when the truck is going towards you than when it is going away. Anyway, this is the module you can find on ebay: You'll notice the 4 patch antennas to send/receive the 10.525GHz. This frequency is really nice as the sensor will still work if there is some wood/plastic in front of it! Let's analyze them step by step.

Here are the two types of bandpass filters presented in a better way (different component values are used): Anyway, you might wonder why the last amplifying stage's lower cutoff frequency is slightly higher than the previous'. HB100 doppler module with backpack from limpkin on Tindie. We recognize our top users by making them a Tindarian. Tindarians have access to secret & unreleased features. Their product listings are automatically approved, and do not have to wait for our approval process. How does one become a Tindarian? We look for the most active & best members of the Tindie community, and invite them to join.

There isn't a selection process or form to fill out. What benefits do Tindarians get? Because of their hard work in supporting the Tindie community, we go out of our way to make sure they are treated well. Tindie T-Shirt & Sticker Badge on your Tindie profile Invitations to top secret Tindie events around the world. HB100 Microwave Doppler Motion Sensor X-Band Radar Wireless Module $8.02 Free Shipping. Making the electronics for a Doppler motion sensor. There are many different sensors that can be used to detect motion in a given environment. Passive InfraRed (PIR) sensors are the most used today, as they work by detecting moving heat signatures. However, they are less reliable in the hotter days and obviously only work for animals and humans. Sensors like the one shown in the above picture started to appear on the internet, they use the doppler effect to detect motion. I (limpkin) designed the electronics you need to add in order to get them to work.

Here is a simple explanation of the doppler effect: if you send an RF signal at a given frequency to a moving target, the reflected signal’s frequency will be shifted. It is commonly heard when a vehicle sounding a siren or horn approaches, passes, and recedes from an observer. The Doppler motion sensor I bought only outputs a non-amplified signal of a few micro-volts, whose frequency represents the speed at which an object is moving towards or away from the sensor. Experiments with Doppler Microwave Sensor | Black Cat Science, Inc. X-Band (10.525 GHz) Doppler Microwave Sensor with NI USB-6009 Data Acquisition Device There are bunch of low-cost X-band (10.525 GHz) Microwave sensor available these days, which can be purchased from various online sources, such as Ebay, Amazon and various DIY and Hobbyist sites.

These sensor are typically used for in commercial applications for presence/intrusion detectors, automatic door openers, and non-contact light switches. The image below shows one such device attached to a National Instruments USB-6009 Data Acquisition Device (DAQ). These sensor are a good way to introduce students to a variety of STEM concepts, such as data acquisition, experimental methods, computer programming, physics and engineering.

In this blog I will use this sensor to illustrate many of these things. Microwave Sensor Microwave Solutions MDU1720 X-Band Microwave Sensor In this example I am using the MDU1720 available from Microwave Solutions for ~$35. Data Acquisition Device Connecting Sensor to DAQ we know. Configuring I2C | Adafruit's Raspberry Pi Lesson 4. GPIO Setup. The I2C bus allows multiple devices to be connected to your Raspberry Pi, each with a unique address, that can often be set by changing jumper settings on the module. It is very useful to be able to see which devices are connected to your Pi as a way of making sure everything is working. To do this, it is worth running the following commands in the Terminal to install the i2c-tools utility. sudo apt-get install python-smbus sudo apt-get install i2c-tools sudo apt-get install python-smbussudo apt-get install i2c-tools Run sudo raspi-config and follow the prompts to install i2c support for the ARM core and linux kernel Then reboot!

We also recommend going through the steps below to manually check everything was added by raspi-config! If you are using Occidentalis, then your Pi is ready to go with I2C as far as enabling the hardware goes. Sudo nano /etc/modules sudo nano /etc/modules and add these two lines to the end of the file: i2c-bcm2708 i2c-dev i2c-bcm2708 i2c-dev sudo reboot.