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Thou shalt not commit logical fallacies. 10 Principles for Teaching Ethics (and Lots of Other Stuff) Professors face lots of decisions about what to teach and how to teach it .

10 Principles for Teaching Ethics (and Lots of Other Stuff)

Here are ten of my guiding principles that I shared with the students in our graduate course: " Ethics and Professional Issues in Psychology. " Most of these principles are suitable for just about any college course. I reproduce the principles from my syllabus without commentary. Philosophy Timeline.

Humorous Philosophy

Works to Read. Snippets. Prominent Philosophers and Their Theories. Dungeons and Discourse. The Experience and Perception of Time. What is ‘the perception of time’?

The Experience and Perception of Time

The very expression ‘the perception of time’ invites objection. Insofar as time is something different from events, we do not perceive time as such, but changes or events in time. But, arguably, we do not perceive events only, but also their temporal relations.