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Color Emoji in Windows 8.1—The Future of Color Fonts? Color fonts are by no means a new idea. When Adobe invented PostScript their Type 3 font standard allowed to specify colors within a font and Fontlab’s bitmap-based Photofont technology is also around for years. But the makers of operating systems and apps never really cared about these technologies—until the major success of the Emoji character sets in Asia. Apple took the lead when they implemented the Apple Color Emoji font in iOS and OS X. It’s a proprietary, unpublished extension of the TrueType/OpenType specification to add PNG images to a font. Windows did already support the typical Unicode emoji characters with its Segoe UI Symbol font, but it was a regular TrueType-based font which did not support colors. By default, the new Segoe UI Emoji font behaves like a regular TrueType/OpenType font. I must say, I really like this approach. 1.

Microsoft’s color font approach doesn’t have these problems. 2. 9 Free Fonts for your Delight. A Collection of Beautifully Designed Free Fonts. EmailShare 8EmailShare When you’re designing anything that uses text, the typeface you choose can have a huge impact on the overall aesthetic, tone and message. The font needs to match the message and tone, so a professional design would – for example – look wrong with a curvy, fun, quirky font.

The typeface you choose has a huge impact on the design, and using a font that’s not commonly seen is a great way of standing out. We’ve brought together a collection of some incredible, stunningly crafted and beautifully put together fonts to help you out with your next design. For each font, please do make sure you check the attribution – they’re all available for free, but they may require attribution and there may be some limitations around whether they can be used in commercial projects. We hope you find the collection a useful in your font stack. Archive Higher Vincent KanKin Jokal Lavanderia Muncie Kelson Sans Attitude FV Deventer Nelma Rex Airplane Lovelo. Blog - svgs are cool, but icon fonts are just 10% of their file size |

In a recent post, we attributed the high performance of icon fonts over images to their support for vector expressions. Yet fonts aren’t the only vector savvy players in town, and a few folks were left wondering, what about svgs? In light of our recent announcement that pictonic’s icon font packs now include svg files too, we thought we’d do a quick write up to highlight the main pros and cons of each.

Since svgs are written in xml, they’re pretty easy to understand, and since they’re pretty easy to understand, they’re pretty easy to manipulate. The implications of this are nothing short of revolutionary as far as web media goes… you can literally read write, generate and manipulate svg source code, on the client, in real time! Seriously, its a lot of fun, check it out and have a play! Or for something more basic, go to the following code pen, and change this: to this: cool eh?

These things combined really make svgs an important part of the internet’s evolution. SVG Test Suite Results Update. Typetester – Compare fonts for the screen. La lecture facile à l’écran. Dirty Old Town... Sur certaines listes de diffusion, il est un phénomène régressif qui consiste à revenir en permanence sur les mêmes vieux sujets, et cela malgré les années qui passent.

Parmi ces sujets, une question revient à intervalles réguliers sur les listes consacrées à la publication sur l’internet : peut-on lire à l’écran ? Ou, plus précisément : peut-on lire des textes longs à l’écran ? Pour des textes courts, la question ne se pose pas. Pour les textes longs, cela semble passionner les foules, puisque le sujet revient régulièrement et qu’il favorise les bonnes grosses engueulades et la constitution de chapelles ; certains sites Web déploient même des procédés tellement tordus pour présenter les textes qu’ils trahissent cette idée très répandue que, hé ben non, on ne peut pas lire de textes longs à l’écran. Un article de journal à la rigueur, une double page du Monde diplomatique déjà moins, un livre certainement pas...

Des « règles » typographiques en général La lisibilité. Top-to-fonts-web-designers-love-infographic.jpg (970×2718) Understanding and Using Type Categories in Web Design. Knowing how to identify and use fonts from different type categories can make your projects come together more easily. Fonts and typefaces can be classified into a handful of different categories that describe their properties. A type category can give you a basic idea of how a font will look before you even see the actual letter strokes.

Categories can give you a little insight into the roots of a font as well. When planning design projects, think about the message your typefaces convey. Toy with mixing typefaces from different categories in a way the represents what you are trying to say. There are six distinct categories of type that will be detailed here and a handful of other variations within those categories. Old English Old English type styles are some of the most identifiable and oldest modern typefaces. Old English typefaces are still commonly used today in newspapers (and their websites) for the nameplate.

Serifs Old style serifs are identified by their sloping, rounded shape. Cahnory • UTF-8, comment ça marche. Establish a Mood with Typography. The typefaces you select for a project can impact what people think as much as the actual message you convey. Almost any website or design project will include the use of type. From a few words to a page filled with text the font choices you make in the early planning phases will carry through the project. Fonts can help create and establish a mood and set the tone for how your work is received. Do you want a modern look and feel?

Keep in mind that each typeface on its own can say almost as much about the project as actual words on the page (or screen). Project Goals The first step with any design project is to determine what you expect as a final outcome. Stick to simple typefaces that are highly readable for projects with large blocks of text. Consider the impact of type on images as well. More engaging font choices often work best when used sparingly and when they can stand on their own.

For example, “Good Design” establishes a light mood for this site. Moods Consider Established Themes. Fonts - Free and open source fonts created by Kozea. Bemio. 20 Free Fonts Used In Iconic Movies. A collection of 20 free fonts in total used in iconic movies. I’m a designer at heart and when ever I’m watching a movie si always pay attention to the typography used in the movie.

If your anything like me you can now incorporate popular movie fonts into your designs. I hope you enjoy the fonts and would love to hear your thoughts and feedback on the post. 2. Fight Club Font 3. Final Fantasy 4. 5. 7. 8. 28 Days Later 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Iconic Icon Set – 171 icons in raster, vector and font formats — Some Random Dude. Displaying Open Iconic's SVGs are a snap. Just treat them like your typical image and away you go! Pro tip: Don't forget the alt attribute. SVG Sprite Open Iconic also comes in a SVG sprite which allows you to display all the icons in the set with a single request. It's like an icon font, without being a hack. Adding an icon from an SVG sprite is a little different than what you're used to, but it's still not a problem. You'll need to add the icon sprite to the DOM in order support backwards browsers like Internet Explorer.

Tip: To make your icons easily style able, we suggest adding a general class to the <svg> tag and a unique class name for each different icon in the <use> tag. <head> ... Sizing icons only needs basic CSS. Coloring icons is even easier. Font Icon fonts are a great fallback for SVG—and our font is pretty great. Head Body Bootstrap Font Use Bootstrap? Foundation Font Iconic also works for Foundation and functions just like Foundation's icon font. 22 Free Handwritten Fonts Collection. The Handwritten Style of fonts which is called as the Typography has become significantly popular these days. Basically, a web designer should understand the importance as well as the uses of the Typography in the right place and in the right font. The handwritten fonts plays a very crucial role in any web designing project. There are multiple types of typographic arts and patterns available which can make the entire project quite attractive. The selection of the appropriate typography is quite important in any content based website.

Earlier, there were limited handwritten free fonts available but now there are more than hundreds of fonts that the web designers can make use of in their project. Try to use the dark shades of grey color or the classic black color and it is always recommended to use a white base for any content or text related websites. The style of the text in a website clearly portrays the personalities of the design as well as the designer. Faraco Hand Dear Joe 5 Casual. 40 Free Fonts to Use with @font-face. The @font-face allows the web users to download a specific font from the internet and can install them on your computer. There is no necessity that the web designers need to stick to a particular set of fonts that are already available, they could just choose and download any type of fonts from the webpage.

Of course, there are a handful of fonts available on the web but however, the CSS rule of @font-face offers the simplest, strongest, and the most flexible designs of the fonts. Also you need to check which fonts can be legally used and that could be freely accessed. The fonts are quite easy to use and do not depend on the Java Script as well as supported by majority of the web users. There are few important things that are needed to be considered while downloading the fonts such as caliber, resolution, aesthetics and size. It is advisable to use the fonts that are above fourteen points so that the content is clearly visible to everyone. Aaargh Afta Sans Amaranth Lacuna Regular Nobile Cicle. Web Font Specimen. 50 Fresh and Beautiful Free Fonts from 2011. The first and foremost thing that comes in your mind when you go through an articles is the font used while typing.

Well, you can ignore the fonts or put more emphasis on the content itself, but fonts are not to be ignored as well. The outlook of an article, or in other words the very preventability of it depends upon the structure and the layout of the fonts used. So, how can a font be ignored? There are a lot of people who have become celebrities by just inventing new types of free fonts. Even a normal site becomes a very attractive piece of art with the choice of excellent font. It is not that hard to find out effective font to serve your purpose. Single web page designing is also a well known practice nowadays. Use any of these well-designed free fonts to earn more revenue from your professional sites. Ribbon Lavanderia Haymaker Franchise Airplane Homestead Oil Can Ranger Vevey Mensch Ministry Governor Tommaso Sketch Block.

WhatTheFont! Pricing. Hoefler & Frere-Jones. Download Hundreds of Free @font-face Fonts. Polices standards pour le Web (Web-safe fonts) | Les Web-safe fonts sont des polices de caractère qui sont présentes dans la plupart des systèmes d’exploitation (Windows, Linux, OSX) et qui sont utilisées par les concepteurs Web pour augmenter leur chance d’avoir du contenu Web diffusé selon leur choix de police.

En effet, l’objectif de tous les webmestres de ce monde est de concevoir des sites Web qui s’affichent de la même façon (ou presque) peu importe les plate-formes, les navigateurs ou les périphériques des internautes. Pour ce faire, il est nécessaire d’utiliser des web-safe fonts. Les internautes voient seulement les polices qui sont installées sur leur ordinateur. Advenant le cas qu’un internaute n’ait pas une police, son navigateur choisira une police alternative. N’y pensez même pas, il est impossible de forcer les internautes à télécharger et istaller une police! Pour avoir le maximum de contrôle sur l’affichage, il est donc aussi important de déterminé les polices alternatives ainsi que la famille. —CURSIVE—Comic Sans MS. Garamond vs Garamond | physiologie d’un caractère typographique.

Re-édition d'une note publié la première fois le 3 février 2006. En attendant un nouveau billet (suis en plein bouclage d'un magazine ;-) que je prépare pour lundi prochain, je vous invite à revisiter cette note. Et surtout n'hésitez pas à me laisser vos commentaires... Avertissement: an English translation of this chronicle is available here . Thanks for his author : Barney Carroll Combien de fois a-t-on entendu cette exclamation: «que c'est beau un Garamond!»... Oui sans aucun doute, il est beau ce caractère, bien que j'abhorre user de cette expression. Les Garamond de la famille des Garaldes, par opposition à Humanes et Réales datent du 16e siècle. Voici quelques lignes composés avec ces différents modèles de Garamond (cliquez sur les images pour les voir à la taille de lecture optimale à l'écran): Et encore: cliquez sur les images pour les voir à la taille de lecture optimale à l'écran.

Voyons dans le détail les différences entre toutes ces formes alphabétiques: Biographie Hermann Zapf.