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Software y hardware para la comunidad -TIC. Students as learning designers: Using social media to scaffold the experience. Diseño de recursos digitales educativos. En este artículo se pretende reflexionar sobre las bases y directrices que deben regir un proyecto de producción de recursos digitales educativos. Desde hace unos años asistimos a múltiples iniciativas de creación de materiales protagonizados por profesorado a título individual o en grupos de trabajo, administraciones educativas, empresas multimedias, editoriales, entidades no educativas con propósitos divulgativos, etc.

Las instituciones educativas siempre han mostrado cierta preocupación por disponer de “pildoras multimedia” que cubran todos los huecos de todas y cada una de las áreas del currículo oficial obligatorio. Quizás porque se considera un vector esencial para la integración de las nuevas tecnologías. En este empeño se han destinado múltiples recursos económicos. Índice [volver] 1. Es importante indicar que en todo momento nos referimos al uso de estos recursos digitales en el contexto de un aula. 2. Los criterios de selección son: Adecuación. 3.

Multimedia. 4. 4.2 Tipos de DLO. El blog de @JuancarIKT. 50 actividades educativas en blogs de aula. Desde la eclosión de los blogs hace pocos años, muchos docentes hemos centrado nuestro esfuerzo en la creación de blogs de aula, caracterizados por sus actividades educativas para estudiantes. Es tal el impulso en torno a esta nueva forma de publicación de contenidos educativos, que ya se han creado varios premios para destacar este tipo de blogs por su metodología abierta y comunicativa. Hace unos años les dediqué una reflexión que publiqué como La experiencia del blog de aula, y ahora presento una muestra de cincuenta actividades extraídas de sendos blogs de aula que tengo agregados en dos planetas de blogs abiertos a la participación de muchos docentes. Os invito a disfrutar de dichas actividades y a reflexionar sobre ello. 1. Aquí os presento esta monumental experiencia no sólo por su concreción actual, sino por lo que anuncia de cara al futuro. 2.

Making Learning Fun! This month’s LCBQ is “How do you make e-learning fun?” I begin with a quote by British novelist, Arnold Bennett who said, "There can be no knowledge without emotion. We may be aware of a truth, yet until we have felt its force, it is not ours. To the cognition of the brain must be added the experience of the soul. " I believe this quote sums up all the reasons why we should include emotions – not just fun - into our learning interventions – e-learning or any learning for that matter. But before I explore the idea of including fun in learning, it is important for me to share that poorly designed learning with lots of fun is never a good learning object. Point being, including fun does not lead to a powerful learning impact, if all other design principles are not adhered to.

Also, all types of learning need not always be fun. Assuming that we have the right subject and the correct instructional design principles in place, fun can be the missing ingredient that our audience looks for. eCuaderno. Blog apuntes digitales e-rgonomic. eLearning Update: Blended Learning Key for Growth - Digital Education. Salman Khan: Let's use video to reinvent education. Online Education: My Teacher Is an App. Learn Listening Online: An interactive resource for music students. Your Professor, Your Computer, and You. Can students possibly learn more sitting alone, staring at a computer screen for hours on end than they could sitting amongst peers and interacting directly with an expert well versed in the subject at hand? Surprisingly, several studies, including one by the U.S. Department of Education, suggest that students are able to retain more and perform slightly better in an online setting than in a traditional one.

Anthony Adornato, director of communications at Syracuse University's Burton Blatt Institute, who has had experience as a traditional and online student, has been pleasantly surprised by his experiences learning online at the graduate level at the University of Missouri. "I have found the program, which is predominantly online, to be far more rewarding and fulfilling than I ever imagined," he says. "Having said that, I think there is a big difference between getting a master's degree online versus an undergraduate degree online. [Learn more about online education.] E-moderation material. All Things in Moderation. Five Reasons for Integrating Technology. We speak about the achievement gap between the different cultures in our schools. Meanwhile, however, many of the stakeholders in education have created a vast trench that lies between those who accept the inevitability of technology and those who still refute its place in our classrooms.

Policymakers demand our schools must reflect the 21st century, yet continue to deny schools the funding to do just that. Additionally, our districts block many of the online sites for collaboration from our schools. It is fear that guides many of the decisions about educational technology: fear that we will be left globally behind by countries more committed to technology integration and also fear that our students will somehow be scarred its use. Frankly, there are many reasons to avoid providing technology as a more common and frequent tool in education. However, as stated in "Strictly Ballroom," one of my favorite movies, "a life lived in fear is a life half lived. " For the Naysayers 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Guide to Distance Learning Colleges | Online Programs | Accredited Online Degrees.

Checklist de Competencias, habilidades digitales básicas. Acostumbramos a ver propuestas de competencias digitales, diversas clasificaciones basadas en subcompetencias. Menos frecuente es el ejercicio “de campo” que os presento, que su autor denomina La enseñanza y el aprendizaje en la Era digital, sobre su experiencia en la incorporación de nuevas tecnologías y sus usos productivos (respecto a aprendizaje o desarrollo profesional) en las aulas.

Así, según el autor, estas serían las cosas que los estudiantes de 18 a 25 años, o antes de salir de la Universidad, deben aprender: Habilidades básicas en la web: 1. HTML básico (negrita, subrayado, cursiva, caracteres especiales) 2. Usar códigos embebidos o hacer un enlace vivo. 3.Hacer y compartir una captura de pantalla. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Organización 14. 15. 16. 17. Comunicación 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. Buscar y gestionar información 29. 30. 31. 32 Cómo (y cuándo) usar motores alternativos de búsqueda (ej. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. Privacidad, seguridad y ley 39. 40. 41. 2: Information You Can Trust. EQ Archives.