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Palindrome Performance Group. AntiVJ is a visual label. Anouk de clercq. Worthers'Original. Shadow Monsters. Galerie de flight404. Flight404's videos. Niklas Roy: My little piece of Privacy. My little piece of Privacy Interactive Installation My workshop is located in an old storefront with a big window facing towards the street. In an attempt to create more privacy inside, I’ve decided to install a small but smart curtain in that window. The curtain is smaller than the window, but an additional surveillance camera and an old laptop provide it with intelligence: The computer sees the pedestrians and locates them. With a motor attached, it positions the curtain exactly where the pedestrians are. The whole setup works really well. Album with (even more) hires photosDownload AVR-GCC and Processing codesDownload plans and schematicsDownload codes, schematics and other useful stuff The further developed second version of this piece is co-produced by Maison des Arts de Créteil and Le Manège de Maubeuge with the support of lille3000.

My little piece of privacy. Sermon, Paul: Telematic Dreaming. Paul Sermon TELEMATIC DREAMING. K-danse?|? --- Net Data Space vs. Every Day Life --- Aram Bartholl. Dead Drops 'How to' - NYC. Un etienne cliquet. Messa di Voce - Tmema / Blonk / La Barbara. Messa di Voce (Performance version, 2003) Chunky Move. Mortal Engine by Chunky Move. Vortex : Antoinette J. Citizen.

OASIS. A surface covered with black sand turns into a pool full of life when people grab and remove a handful of sand away. In this micro-world, virtual creatures are born, live and perish.They recognize their spatial boundaries and obstacles of living and respond to peoples' touch in various ways. A real-time computer vision engine has been developed to interpret the physical status of diverse materials of the installation. The program populates creatures with various characteristics and controls their behaviors in real-time. A swarm intelligence has been implemented to simulate the flocking behaviors of the creatures and their life-like motions. The Oasis is not a device invented for people to 'use'. It's a playful space where people feel nature, find life forms, interact with and create virtual worlds. Oasis II Oasis II is the non-photorealistic rendition of Oasis II (Siggraph 2008) SIGGRAPH 2008 | Slow Art Juried Exhibition, Los Angeles, USA Oasis I Studies OASIS (2008) Processing, Opengl.
