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Garden Layout Ideas" Instant Compost. FINDING A GRINDER - A visit to your local Flea Market should turn up a Meat Grinder.

Instant Compost

Be sure to get a Grinder with large round or rectangular holes like those shown above. Plates with 1/4" round holes are made to grind Hamburger, and may not allow wet Leaves to pass through. 1/2" holes are the minimum for a Compost Grinder. PEST CONTROL, Natural Yard & Garden Tips. Mixing Plants for Pest Control Grow plants together that help each other.

PEST CONTROL, Natural Yard & Garden Tips

It does help onions grow better if you plant a petunia in with them, and petunias help bean plants. Plants like these and rich vegetable oils have much of the same benefits as krill oil, so do plant a variety of healthy veggies. Organic Gardening Tips. Homemade Weed Killer Recipes & Tips. Pulling weeds by hand is not always easy or practical, they’re pesky and determined to pop back up and spread in no time. If you’re looking for more natural ways to control them that don’t include harsh chemicals and are safer for children and pets (bonus: most are pretty frugal too), here is a list of diy recipes and solutions from my collection. How to build a hot bed out of recycled glass bottles. Earlier this year I designed a wine bottle bed for the 2010 Northwest Flower and Garden Show display we created in partnership with Seattle Tilth.

How to build a hot bed out of recycled glass bottles

After the garden show I moved it into a spot in our garden and grew our very first RIPE pepper, before any of our tomatoes ripened!!! Ripe pepper in a wine bottle bed The idea is simple: the sunlight warms up the air inside the glass and expands. The heated air is pushed through the bottle neck into the soil warming it, and the plant growing in the soil. Because of the limited size of the garden show display we made it small and in a circle large enough for one plant. Follow these steps: When Weeds Whisper. Using Epsom salt in the garden. Newspaper Seedling Pots. Thank you for visiting Little House in the Suburbs.

Newspaper Seedling Pots

Please subscribe and you'll get great simple living tips and how-to articles delivered to your inbox, for free! I tried the drinking glass newspaper pots (too big), the origami newspaper pots (too big and had to think too hard), and the toilet roll paper pots (good but didn’t start collecting soon enough). So, duh, I just made tiny versions of the drinking glass pots with (don’t tell anyone) a little piece of tape per pot. Why I Use Epsom Salt in the Garden. *Why I Use Epsom Salt in the Garden*By: LL4e14 June 2004 I wanted to show everyone what a difference it makes with and without with only water being added all of these plants was planted on the same day and time.

Why I Use Epsom Salt in the Garden

I am showing you ones I am growing with the sq. ft. method. All of these photo's were just taken today. I do have several baby tomatoes now. Organic Gardening Tips. Gardening Tips - 7 Habits of Successful Gardeners - The Daily Green. Originally published January 2009 Or is it the Seven Pillars of Horticultural Wisdom?

Gardening Tips - 7 Habits of Successful Gardeners - The Daily Green

As everyone's resolutions remind us, we love attaching a number to advice, a number smaller than the one I regard as most realistic: The Twenty Three Thousand Four Hundred and Sixty-Two Things It's Important to Remember Before Getting Out of Bed. So be warned: I haven't really honed it down to only seven; these are just the first seven essentials that came to mind when I decided to do this. Make Your Own Pop Bottle Drip Irrigation System. The last time I forgot to water my outdoor potted plants and discovered them completely wilted and hanging on the cusp of near death, I decided it was time to take action.

Make Your Own Pop Bottle Drip Irrigation System

Some of the plants on my deck receive a full, searing sun all day long during the hottest mid summer days. While these plants thrive under such conditions if properly taken care of, they will die quickly if they don’t receive enough water. Although it has been unusually rainy this year in these parts, full sun deck plants will still get extremely hot and dry very quickly. One of the best ways to provide a steady water supply to your plants without your constant attention is the gradual watering system or drip irrigation. Through this method a device is employed that slowly delivers water into the soil directly around the roots. Garden Guides, Your Guide to Everything Gardening. Living lightly from the ground up. Plant Markers. Thank you for visiting Little House in the Suburbs.

Plant Markers

Please subscribe and you'll get great simple living tips and how-to articles delivered to your inbox, for free! This is not the easiest way to mark your seedlings. It’s not the most gorgeous. But it’s free, lasts indefinitely and it’s kinda fun. Besides, I gotta keep up my aluminum can skilz. Supplies & Equipment: Aluminum Drink Cans Cheap scissors Dried up ball point pen Straight edge (for the straight plant markers) Impressionable work surface, like the cork back of a place mat or coaster, mouse pad, etc. 1. 2. 3. This is how it will look on the right side now. 4. Organic Lawn Care For the Cheap and Lazy. Lawn care in a nutshell: Must do: Set your mower as high as it will go (3 to 4 inches).

Organic Lawn Care For the Cheap and Lazy

Water only when your grass shows signs of drought stress and then water deeply (put a cup in your sprinkler zone and make sure it gets at least an inch of water). Optional: Fertilize with an organic fertilizer in the fall and spring. I recommend the Ringer brand. Have the pH of your soil professionally tested. BBC Gardeners' World - practical gardening advice from the experts at Gardeners' World.