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Google_maps. An Insider’s Guide to Social Media Etiquette. Press Releases - Journalists on Twitter - Breaking News, Politics, Opinion and more - Muck Rack. Journalists on Twitter - Breaking News, Politics, Opinion and more - Muck Rack. Earthquake turns TV networks into print. An 8.9-magnitude earthquake that struck Japan yesterday, and a tsunami is spreading, right now, across the Pacific ocean. Thus we have much news that is best consumed live and uncooked. Here’s mine, right now: Not many of us carry radios in our pockets any more. Small portable TVs became passé decades ago. Smartphones, tablets and other portable Net-connected devices are now the closest things we have to universal receivers and transmitters of live news. They’re what we have in our pockets, purses and carry-bags. The quake is coming to be called the 2011 Sendai Earthquake and Tsunami, and your best portable media to keep up with it are these: Al Jazeera English, for continuous live TV coverage (interrupted by war coverage from Libya)Twitter, for continuous brief reports and pointage to sourcesWikipedia, for a continuously updated static page called 2011 Sendai Earthquake and Tsunami, with links to authoritative sources At, you won’t find that anything newsworthy has happened.

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