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Hipótesis de eficiencia de los mercados. Advice on Building Company Culture. People spend a lot of time talking about "company culture" in Silicon Valley.

Advice on Building Company Culture

What does it take to create the right kind of culture? How can you maintain that culture? Do you need a mission statement? Should you have a mascot? At first blush it sounds like a bunch of mushy-gushy nonsense. One thing that is certain, no two company cultures are the same. 9 Ways to Keep Employees Engaged. Published May. 10, 2011 This article offers nine tips for giving employees what they need so that they're willing to be and do their best.

9 Ways to Keep Employees Engaged

Nine Ways to Keep Employees Engaged By JoAnna Brandi, Customer Care Coach®, Are your employees engaged in their work, or are they estranged from your company's mission and their role in making it happen? Mounting evidence suggests that the more engaged employees are in what they do, the better their performance and the higher the rewards for everyone. Are your employees giving your company "their all?

" A red flag should go up if you answered "no" to any of those questions. -Gallup International reported that businesses in the top 24 percent of employee engagement had less turnover and remarkably higher percentages of customer loyalty, profitability and revenues -Extensive studies by HayGroup revealed powerful links between employee engagement and productivity, which ultimately impacts the bottom line. Plan & Prepare to Make the Most of Media. Published May. 10, 2011 A television appearance.

Plan & Prepare to Make the Most of Media

A radio interview. An article in a magazine. Every business owner understands the value of positive media coverage. Protect Trade Secrets. The Importance of Business Structure: What Makes a Great Leader? Published May. 10, 2011 Rieva Lesonsky shares her thoughts on what it takes to be a great leader.

What Makes a Great Leader?

What makes a great leader? There are lots of theories. You need to guide and motivate, inspire and encourage, all while running your business. Sound exhausting? I’ve been both a manager and a leader, and I have to admit leading comes more naturally to me than managing. Say no to “yes men.” Get to know your team. Teach your employees how to fly and then stand back. Support and encourage. Have a question about leadership? BizSuccessTips Editor Rieva Lesonsky is founder and CEO of GrowBiz Media, a content and consulting company. 7 Ways to Create a Culture of Winning for Your Business. When a once-growing business stumbles, the cause is sometimes an overlooked culprit: the company culture.

7 Ways to Create a Culture of Winning for Your Business

Many good businesses with solid ideas, a great market and talented people start to lose their grip on growth after failing to win victories that seemed within grasp. Slowly, the win or die trying mentality gives way to deciding how best to fail. This saps energy from the business as people stop believing they can be successful. “There is no obvious moment when the danger of failure becomes clear,” says leadership expert John Hamm.


Mision/Vision. Mapa estratégico. En el campo de los negocios, el concepto de los mapas estratégicos fue desarrollado por Robert Kaplan y David P.

Mapa estratégico

Norton, y plasmado en el libro de ambos Strategic Maps. El concepto fue introducido previamente por ellos mismos en el libro Balanced Scorecard (conocido en castellano como Cuadro de mando integral o CMI). De hecho, a ellos se debe el desarrollo del CMI en 1992, que apareció por primera vez en un paper publicado en Harvard Business Review. El foco del CMI es proveer a las organizaciones de las métricas para medir su éxito. Análisis DAFO. El análisis DAFO, también conocido como análisis FODA, es una metodología de estudio de la situación de una empresa o un proyecto, analizando sus características internas (Debilidades y Fortalezas) y su situación externa (Amenazas y Oportunidades) en una matriz cuadrada.

Análisis DAFO

Proviene de las siglas en inglés SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities y Threats). Estrategia dominante. Bibliografía[editar] Fudenberg, Drew and Jean Tirole (1993) Game Theory MIT Press.Gibbons, Robert (1992) Game Theory for Applied Economists, Princeton University Press ISBN 0-691-00395-5Ginits, Herbert (2000) Game Theory Evolving Princeton University Press ISBN 0-691-00943-0Rapoport, A. (1966) Two-Person Game Theory: The Essential Ideas University of Michigan Press.

Estrategia dominante

Seis Sombreros para Pensar. Edward de Bono es reconocido por muchos como una de las máximas autoridades en el campo del Pensamiento Creativo, la innovación y la enseñanza directa del pensamiento como una aptitud.

Seis Sombreros para Pensar

Mitigating Mitigation: Hierarchy, Communication and Success, by Fernd Van Engelen. Posted by core jr | 4 Aug 2010 | Comments (3) See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil.

Mitigating Mitigation: Hierarchy, Communication and Success, by Fernd Van Engelen

Photo: orvalrochefort. In his recent book, Outliers, Malcolm Gladwell introduced me to the idea of Mitigated Speech a linguistic term describing deferential or indirect speech inherent in communication between individuals with a perceived High Power Distance. Gladwell defines mitigated speech as "any attempt to downplay or sugarcoat the meaning of what is being said. " The greater the perceived difference in social status between individuals (Power Distance), the more difficult it becomes for an individual of lower status to communicate in direct terms with the superior.

There are 6 degrees of mitigation with which we make suggestions to authority: Command: "Strategy X is going to be implemented. "