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URL Rewriting for Beginners - Added Bytes. A beginner's guide to URL rewriting, with plenty of examples.

URL Rewriting for Beginners - Added Bytes

Introduction URL rewriting can be one of the best and quickest ways to improve the usability and search friendliness of your site. It can also be the source of near-unending misery and suffering. Definitely worth playing carefully with it - lots of testing is recommended. With great power comes great responsibility, and all that. There are several other guides on the web already, that may suit your needs better than this one. Apache URL Rewriting Guide - The best guide around Before reading on, you may find it helpful to have the mod_rewrite cheat sheet and/or the regular expressions cheat sheet handy. What is "URL Rewriting"? Most dynamic sites include variables in their URLs that tell the site what information to show the user. The problems with this kind of URL structure are that the URL is not at all memorable.

Clearly a much cleaner and shorter URL. Now we're getting somewhere. Platforms and Tools Basic URL Rewriting number} Stupid htaccess Tricks. Welcome to Perishable Press!

Stupid htaccess Tricks

This article, Stupid htaccess Tricks, covers just about every htaccess “trick” in the book, and is easily the site’s most popular offering. In addition to this htaccess article, you may also want to explore the rapidly expanding htaccess tag archive. Along with all things htaccess, Perishable Press also focuses on (X)HTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript, security, and just about every other aspect of web design, blogging, and online success. If these topics are of interest to you, I encourage you to subscribe to Perishable Press for a periodic dose of online enlightenment ;) General Information [ ^ ] .htaccess Definition 1 ^ Apache server software provides distributed (i.e., directory-level) configuration via Hypertext Access files. Commenting .htaccess Code ^ Comments are essential to maintaining control over any involved portion of code.

Important Notes for .htaccess Noobs ^ As a configuration file, .htaccess is very powerful. Performance Issues ^ [S=x] [E=variable:value] Adding YouTube Videos To Website, 4 Methods. This is the advanced example.

Adding YouTube Videos To Website, 4 Methods

It uses the jw flv player to create a flash proxy. This basically lets me control the youtube video as if it were a local .f4v file. With this method I can specify any options, autostart, volume, playlists, etc.. But it's rather complex so lets start with 3 other methods to embed YouTube video. Flash Embedding Javascript ^ This javascript library is just like jquery, but for flash. My work specializes in video/audio, mostly for tv/radio but more and more for the web. Finding the YouTube Video ^ Just find the video you want on YouTube, press the embed button with privacy mode, and grab the url. So its, Javascript for Youtube NoCookie Embed ^ This javascript will create the flash player. XHTML Replacement Code ^ This is essentially the same for all methods other than the BETA iframe. BETA Iframe Flash Player ^ Just last month Youtube/google announced a new way to embed flash, and it's the absolute easiest yet.

Advanced Youtube Embedding Flash Video Player ^