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Essential French Vocabulary. Thèmes - Dictionnaire Visuel. Tous les noms de cri des animaux. Rigueur : Définition simple et facile du dictionnaire. Dictionnaire français rigueur nom féminin rigueur , nom féminin dureté Approfondir avec : Approfondir avec : dureté En savoir plus Améliorez votre orthographe grâce à notre partenaire Les Synonymes Les thèmes Les usages Types de mots Abécédaire Top recherche synonymes de rigueur Voir aussi : 12 synonymes de rigueur à la rigueur Sens : A la limite, au pire, si besoin.

Rigueur : Définition simple et facile du dictionnaire

Citations avec rigueur Voir aussi : 14 citations avec rigueur 24 juin 1812 Le début de la campagne de Russie ... Mots proches recherchés rigueur dans le travail participe présent rigide adjectif rigolo adjectif, nom rigorisme nom masculin rigoureux ribambelle ricaner verbe intransitif riche richesse rictus Mots du jour paradigme exhaustif obsolète wesh interjection cartésien péjoratif agnostique adjectif, nom masculin homonyme introverti. French Lesson 84 - Bedroom - La chambre - Furniture Accessories Household Vocabulary. Crédit immobilier - vocabulaire - dictée de phrases.

Crédit immobilier – vocabulaire – dictée de phrases Pour acheter une maison, il faut contracter un crédit immobilier.Mon ami cherche à emprunter rapidement de l’argent.Le taux d’intérêt est bas actuellement.Pour obtenir un prêt à la consommation au meilleur taux, il faut savoir faire jouer la concurrence.Les frais de dossier sont parfois nuls pour un microcrédit.Le crédit dépend de la capacité de remboursement de chacun.Un crédit à la consommation permet notamment de financer l’achat d’un véhicule.Il faut toujours rembourser un prêt.Il est possible d’emprunter à taux zéro.L’idéal est de trouver le taux le moins cher du marché.En cas de litige, il faut faire appel à un cabinet d’avocat.

Crédit immobilier - vocabulaire - dictée de phrases

My 9 Tips To Make French Flashcards. I love flashcards.

My 9 Tips To Make French Flashcards

They are a great way to trigger your memory and learn new vocabulary. Students often ask me "how do you make flashcards to study French? " Here are my tips. First, let me answer some general questions about making a French flashcard. What is a Flashcard? A flashcard is typically a piece of paper with one info on one side, and another one on the other side. 14 French Grammar Checkers to Quickly Improve Your Writing Skills. 20 Authentic Ways to Say Goodbye in French - French Together. You just ate in a lovely restaurant in the centre of Bordeaux.

20 Authentic Ways to Say Goodbye in French - French Together

You paid, left a tip to the friendly waiter and are about to leave. And you wonder…Should you say “au revoir”? Or is it “salut”? Crime and Justice - Lawless French Vocabulary. Describing Clothes and Using Color Adjectives in French. Clothing and colors are part of everyday life in France: essential if you want to go shopping, they are also used daily to describe people around us.

Describing Clothes and Using Color Adjectives in French

Today, let's review our French color adjective rules and French clothing vocabulary with many examples. We were reviewing the adjectives of colors with my Australian Skype student Robyn. Now we are working with Essential French dialogues, and are studying the conversation at a clothing store of chapter 3. For homework, I asked Robyn to review the extended vocabulary list about clothes in my audiobook “A Moi Paris 2” (chapter 4), the precise rules about color adjectives in French in my audio lesson on French adjectives (chapter 5) and to write sentences describing what she’d be wearing in certain occasions (and to be creative!).

Learn French Vocabulary With the Sims - Bathroom Routine. Let's study the French bathroom vocabulary and then illustrate a daily bathroom routine with a short video in easy French featuring the video game "the Sims".

Learn French Vocabulary With the Sims - Bathroom Routine

This article also includes the French transcript and English translation. This video featuring the Sims really hits two birds with one stone : The French bathroom vocabularyThe French reflexive verbs (the “se” verbs), which are used a lot in the bathroom routine. Follow this link to my article about the French reflexive / pronominal verbs. Learn French With The Sims - French Body Vocabulary + Video. Learn the French Vocabulary about the body - le corps - and see it become alive with a video about the French terms for the body featuring The Sims 4.

Learn French With The Sims - French Body Vocabulary + Video

Scroll to the end to see the video. The Upper Body – French Vocabulary First, let’s start with the upper body, with a front view: “une vue de face”. La tête – headLe cou – neckL’épaule (f), les épaules – shoulderLa poitrine – chest (un sein, des seins = breasts)Le ventre – bellyLe nombril – belly buttonLe bras, les bras – arms. French Vocabulary Lesson With The Sims - Hair Colors - Video. Scroll to the end to see the video.

French Vocabulary Lesson With The Sims - Hair Colors - Video

French Mistake – Les Chevaux Versus Les Cheveux In French, we have a special name for the hair which is on top of your head: “les cheveux”. A single piece of hair would be “un cheveu” in the singular, but in French, when we refer to the ensemble of the hair, as in when you comb your hair, or style your hair, we use “cheveux” in the plural: Des cheveux or les cheveux. Not to be mistaken with un cheval and des chevaux which are horses… Learn French With The Sims - The Face - Le Visage. Let's learn the French vocabulary about the face, and then see it come alive with my video featuring "the Sims", a popular videogame.

Learn French With The Sims - The Face - Le Visage

French Vocabulary Lesson With The Sims - Hair Styles and Textures - Video. Today, we’re going to explore the hairstyles and textures vocabulary in French, as well as hair styles for men.

French Vocabulary Lesson With The Sims - Hair Styles and Textures - Video

Study the French hairstyles vocabulary and then watch my video featuring the popular videogame The Sims in French. Today, we’re going to explore the hair styles and textures in French, as well as hair styles for men using Les Sims. Scroll down to watch the video. This is the second video that I do about hair. Facial Hair French Vocabulary Lesson - Les Sims - Video. Today, we’re going to explore the facial hair vocabulary in French, as well as hair styles for men.

Study the French vocabulary about moustache, beard etc... and then watch this short video featuring the popular video game in French "Les Sims". Scroll to the end to see the video. Flashcard games to make your brain happy! Jeux et vocabulaire en classe de FLE. 1inPartagerinPartager1 Jeux et vocabulaire : pour s’amuser en apprenant Voici une sélection de jeux rapides à faire en classe quand il nous reste un peu de temps et qui peut aider les apprenants à réinvestir le vocabulaire de base. Lorsqu´on enseigne en contexte institutionnalisé, il est parfois difficile de laisser part aux jeux dans nos pratiques d´enseignement. En effet, entre les programmes à suivre, le manque de temps et les différences de niveau entre apprenants, nous n´avons guère le temps de consacrer plusieurs séances aux jeux. Règle 6 - Apprenez le français grâce au contexte. Pour télécharger les fichiers, faites un clic droit sur le lien, puis choisissez « Enregistrer la cible du lien sous… » Lien vers le fichier audio (MP3) Lien vers le fichier texte (PDF)

Les fondamentaux : vocabulaire. L’étude du vocabulaire permet de développer le capital lexical des élèves. Dictionnaire informatique. Index Si vous ne trouvez pas la définition que vous cherchez, laissez moi un message en bas ou dans le forum et je vous expliquerai rapidement. Exercices de vocabulaire.

Ça va Ce site utilise des cookies pour assurer les services de Google Analytics et Google Adsense. Plus d'info. French Halloween Vocabulary - Halloween in France. Halloween is not a French holiday, though each passing year sees a few more bits and pieces of it imported to France. Nevertheless, learning the French translations for Halloween vocabulary can be fun, especially for younger students. ‘Appy ‘Alloween! Is it le Halloween or l’Halloween? The "H" is silent either way, and I see / hear it both ways. I guess because it’s a foreign word, the French haven’t come to a consensus on whether the H should be aspiré or muet. Because it’s not a well-established French activity, there’s no single translation for the exclamatory "Trick or treat! " Related lessons.

French Vocabulary About Death - Expressing Your Sympathy in French. After a death, it is not always easy to find the correct words to express one's sympathy. Especially in a foreign language! Here are some words of French vocabulary to talk about death, as well as common sentences to send your condolences. How do we Celebrate Halloween in France? Learn French Vocabulary and Traditions. We don't typically celebrate Halloween in France. In the 1990s, young French hipsters started to have costume parties for Halloween, and some bars and restaurants took up the trend as well (French people typically love costume parties, they are very popular for New Year's Eve or birthdays, even among grown-ups). Halloween in France – a Good Commercial Opportunity So Halloween is not a typical French holiday but stores try to take advantage of it, and it’s not unusual to find a “carve your Halloween pumpkin (“une citrouille” or “un potiron”) display at your local grocery store.

Well, pumpkins don’t sell like hotcakes in France, so I guess everything is good to try to sell them… But I don’t know that French people are massively carving pumpkins or doing anything special for Halloween… Halloween is a fun way to Motivate French Kids to Practice English. 8 Expressions You’d Think are French (But Aren’t) My 9 Tips To Make French Flashcards. Comment apprendre du vocabulaire facilement? Flashcards makers. Edueto. Improve Your French - Advanced Vocabulary - 'Important' Vocab. VOCABULAIRE ET JEUX. Dictionnaire culture au fil de l'eau, LETTRE A. Arbre de décision: modélisation d'une situation complexe par un graphe montrant un enchainement hiérarchique de chaînes logiques.

Chaque branche indique les conclusions d'un choix. Outil d'aide à la décision, de choix de stratégie. Archonte: signifie dirigeant en grec. Le premier est en charge de l'administration dans les cités grecques. Il s'occupe également de la vie civile (type "assistance sociale"). Arène: nom qui vient du mot latin arena, sable. Aréopage: attention à l'orthographe d'aréopage qui vient de la colline d'Arès (Athènes). Arduino: carte électronique d'interface pratique destinée notamment à la domotique ou au pilotage d'un robot ou la gestion d'une animation multimédia d'un spectacle. Learn French With The Sims - The Face - Le Visage. Discover Authentic French Countryside Buildings - Bilingual Story. Pierre lives in the French countryside, more precisely in the sunny Lot-et-Garonne. When he takes his French immersion students for tours of his region, they are surprised to discover old buildings such as dovecotes, watermills and windmills.

Follow him for a virtual visit of these quintessential French countryside architectural constructions. Au début de son séjour chez moi, Virginia, venue de la lointaine Australie a découvert des constructions dans la campagne qu’elle n’avait vues nulle part ailleurs. At the beginning of her stay with me, Virginia, coming from distant Australia, discovered buildings that she hadn’t seen anywhere else. Passionnée par la France où elle a voyagé de nombreuses fois, elle dit elle-même qu’elle connaît en France plus d’endroits qu’en Australie, elle n’avait jamais vu de telles bâtiments. Passionate by France where she traveled several time – she even says she know more places in France than in Australia – she had never seen such buildings. Discover Authentic French Countryside Buildings - Bilingual Story. Gmail - Free Storage and Email from Google. Learn French - French Word of the Day Widget. Ce qu'il y a autour de moi - Gazette LSF.

Gmail - Free Storage and Email from Google. French Train Station Vocabulary - Talk in French. Whether you are travelling to France soon or not, it’s always a good idea to stock up your French vocabulary with words and phrases related to trains and train stations. Today, our topic is all about that.Trains are a great way to travel all over France. It’s comfortable and convenient, plus you get treated to the most scenic views! Getting around via trains is an altogether different topic (let’s talk about it on another day), but for now, let’s learn the words and phrases you will encounter at the train station and when traveling by train. Now here’s an example dialogue: Une vente par téléphone Le vendeur: Donc, M. M. Le vendeur: Je comprends, Monsieur. M. Le vendeur: Dans ce cas, Monsieur, je vais réserver pour vous le train départ de huit heures à Lille, arrive à Paris à la gare du Nord à neuf heures. 11 Authentic Ways to Say "Sorry" in French - French Together. 11 Authentic Ways to Say "Sorry" in French - French Together.

Gmail - Free Storage and Email from Google. Gmail - Free Storage and Email from Google. Amener, Emmener, Apporter, Emporter, Rapporter... To Bring and To Take in French. These French verbs are confusing for English speakers because they cannot be translated from their English counterpart: to bring and to take. The key is to understand the meanings of the base verbs "porter" and "mener" and the meaning of their prefixes "a-", "em-", "ra-" and "rem-". When it comes to using to Bring and to Take in French, you cannot just translate. The logic is a bit different in French, so you need to think as a French person would, therefore you need to really understand the meanings of the verb, or in this case, the meaning of the “base verbs” porter and mener.

To Bring and To Take in French – Selecting the Base Verbs 1 – Porter ≠ Mener : Things ≠ People/Animals The verb “porter” means to carry, so it’s used with inanimate objects. Je porte ma valise – I carry my suitcase.J’emporte mon parapluie en voyage – I’m bringing my umbrella on my trip.J’apporte une bouteille chez mon ami – I’m bringing a bottle to my friend’s house. Differences Among Gros, Gras, Grand. Soft in French - Doux, Mou, Moelleux. We use different adjectives to translate "soft" in French : doux, mou and moelleux. French Pastry Vocabulary and Bilingual Story. French Today - Farm Animals in French / Minecraft. Gmail - Free Storage and Email from Google. CRISCO - Dictionnaire des synonymes. Centre National de Ressources Textuelles et Lexicales. Vocabulario frances escuela. Gmail - Free Storage and Email from Google.

List of French Verbs Followed by No Preposition + Verb. List of French Verbs Followed by the Preposition de + Verb. List of French Verbs Followed by the Preposition à + Verb. "To Meet Up" In French: Rencontrer Versus Retrouver, Se Réunir, Faire la Connaissance... Faire cadeau - French Expression. La vache ! Familiar French Expression. Vocapic - Imagier interactif. Gmail - Free Storage and Email from Google. Lexique. Gmail - Free Storage and Email from Google. Night Markets in France - An Easy Bilingual Story. French Flea Market and Yard Sale Vocabulary + Easy Story. Gmail - Free Storage and Email from Google. Gmail - Free Storage and Email from Google. Words and Phrases for Enjoying the 2016 Summer Olympics.

D'Accord Level 2 Chapter 1 Vocabulary Flashcards. French 3: D'accord! Chapter 1 Terms Flashcards. D'Accord! 1 Lesson 6 Vocabulary Flashcards. D'accord 1, 6A vocabulary Flashcards. D'accord1 chapter 6A "Surprise" Flashcards. D'accord 2: Reprise Vocabulary Flashcards. French Vocabulary Activities. 15 Favorite French words - Part 2 - Talk in French. French expressions with jour and journée - French phrases. Chassé-croisé des juillettistes et des aoûtiens - French expression. Grandes vacances - French listening comprehension. French Baby Talk - Langage enfantin - French Vocabulary. 20 French Words You'll Need for the Beach!

Gmail - Free Storage and Email from Google. French Terrorism Vocabulary With Audio. Flashcards. Must-know Business Words & Phrases. Bon Synonyms - French Adjectives. How Will You Spend Your Summer Vacation? French Summer Vocabulary. Créer votre questionnaire : en ligne, facile et gratuit. La formation des mots. Gmail - Free Storage and Email from Google. Learn French - French Word of the Day Widget.

French - Handouts and Answers. French - Body Parts. Casser les pieds - French Idiom. FICHES A IMPRIMER VOCABULAIRE. Summer holidays in France. VOCABULAIRE ET JEUX.