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Stuxnet: Anatomy of a Computer Virus on Vimeo - StumbleUpon. NeverWet superhydrophobic spray-on coating. Spray-on clothing Video. Ext2 IFS For Windows. How The Gadget Show built its FPS simulator (video) Heads Up, Hoverboarders: Here Comes Quantum Levitation. Few motifs of science fiction cinema have been more appealing to us than the subtle defiance of gravity offered by futuristic hovercraft. So every once in a while we check in to see how humanity is progressing on that front, and whether the promise of hoverboards will be delivered by 2015 as evidenced in Back to the Future Part 2. We’re not quite there yet, but we’re definitely getting off the ground, so to speak. Get ready to hover your brain around the art of quantum levitation. That’s right, quantum. Because of its chemical properties, a superconductor (when brought to low enough temperatures using, say, liquid nitrogen) exhibits this effect, causing the energy from the magnet below to warp around the superconductive object in a way which “locks” it in space.

Even more impressive and ripe for practical transportation use: When the superconducting object is placed along a magnetic rail, it exhibits frictionless momentum. Connections: Top 10 Tech This Week [PICS] 23 incredible new technologies you’ll see by 2021.