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What Is The Best Career And Life Advice You Will Ever Receive? #video From The Most Interesting Man in the World. Team teaching presentation #SM4geolocation #NewhouseSM4 · JPaulenoff. Benefits of Yelp" SocialAds. Loved Geolocation ? What do you want next ? Vergence Targets Google's Project Glass With Social Sunglasses. Vergence Labs will ship its own potential competitor to Google Glass just in time for the holidays, at a price of $299.

Vergence Targets Google's Project Glass With Social Sunglasses

The Vergence "Social Electric Eyewear HD" will debut, however, as something a bit less than the augmented-reality eyeglasses that Google debuted last week. Google co-founder Sergey Brin was photographed wearing a prototype, although it's unclear how functional the glasses were. Vergence announced its plans on Kickstarter, where consumers can play venture capitalist and fund an idea to completion. On the site, Vergence said that the Eyewear HD will cost $299, and will be available on Dec. 21, 2012. However, the Kickstarter pitch downplays the augmented-reality angle that the Vergence team promoted earlier via its development videos. How Universities are Using Location-Based Apps - Genius Recruiter. Real Time Search - Social Mention.   Free Hashtag Report.

 Twitter Hashtag Tracking and Analytics. SM4geolocation. The Social TV Experience with #AKASocialTV « kcdamore. It’s always fun when you can combine two topics you like and get class credit for it.

The Social TV Experience with #AKASocialTV « kcdamore

In this case, it was for DR4WARD‘s class- we were given the opportunity to teach the class about a developing topic of social media. Our group of four picked a topic that came relatively easy to us – Social TV. It’s perhaps the most intuitive idea in all of social media – combining social networks with television. But while most people are engaged with television on Twitter, it is moving far beyond that into other apps and sites. Kristin kelly.

Mobile Internet Apps Website Development Services. The Pros and Cons of Geo-Location Apps for Your Business. The concept of geo-location is nothing new.

The Pros and Cons of Geo-Location Apps for Your Business

Apps like Foursquare, Facebook Places, and Gowalla have been around for a few years. These location-targeting apps work in two ways. First, they report a specific user’s location to other users, and second, they relate real-world locations (in this case your business) to their location. How cutting edge geolocation can change everything. AUSTIN, Texas--These days, smartphones seem like they're everywhere.

How cutting edge geolocation can change everything

The Balancing Act: Social Media And Our Employment · nicktoneytweets. CupidRadar: using geolocation to meet singles. In the early 1990s, Mehrdad Sarlak envisioned a dating service that matched likeminded singles based on their physical location.

CupidRadar: using geolocation to meet singles

It was not until smartphones emerged with their geolocation capabilities that Sarlak's vision took shape. He founded as a way for singles to exchange messages with potential matches who are within their search parameters—both their physical location and their "search criteria. " Sarlak opened up to me about how he thinks technology will shape the dating landscape, what type of "search criteria" is important to singles, and if he has ever used CupidRadar to meet women. 10 Use Cases for Geolocation in Market Research.

The 2012 Where Conference on location and mobile technology is now over, but it made an impression on all who were involved.

10 Use Cases for Geolocation in Market Research

It was so interesting for me from a market researcher’s perspective to see not only what’s on the cutting edge in a very cool area of technology, but to see the passion with which those involved in the world of geolocation approach their craft. Geolocation on Your Mobile Network - 1 Translation. The next step in geolocation – social awareness - Webdistortion. Location aware applications for mobile have become commonplace.

The next step in geolocation – social awareness - Webdistortion

Everything from Foursquare, to Google Latitude to Gowalla to Facebook places. All of these startups rely on one common factor – checkins. In almost all cases, users need to actually be willing to share a status update that shouts to the world exactly where they are, and what they are doing there. The Dangers of Geolocation « The Infomavens' Desktop. Posted by pupfiction in Uncategorized.

The Dangers of Geolocation « The Infomavens' Desktop

Tags: 4square, Foursquare, geolocation, Pleaserobme, privacy, social media, twitter trackback Mashable has read my mind again – or rather, I should say,, has read my mind. USA Today: Why geolocation apps can be dangerous. How accurate is GeoLocation? Where's Waldo?

How accurate is GeoLocation?

Well, now you can find out—that is, if he's connecting with you online. Through a simple Internet tool, you can generally get a good idea of where someone is communicating with you through the Internet, if you feel you need to do that. You can get pretty close to finding their location, but not as close as you think. You can get a good idea of the where someone is emailing you from using a geolocation tool, like the one right on our site (see IP Lookup). And that, for the most part, should be good enough. Zeroing In.

When you came to the website, you saw that your IP address was conveniently displayed on the home page. Country Region City ZIP code Longitude and latitude. Study: Geolocation apps draw users, despite privacy concerns. IDG News Service - Nearly 60 percent of smartphone users employ apps that access their location data despite having concerns about risks to their privacy and even personal safety, according to a survey conducted by ISACA, a nonprofit group that focuses on risk and security management.

Study: Geolocation apps draw users, despite privacy concerns

Facebook making all the right noises on password privacy Respondents to the survey, which polled 1,000 smartphone owners by phone last month, indicated that their chief concerns were advertisers' access to their information and potential risks to their personal safety. Concerns about personal safety were piqued this week after sharp criticism of an app called Girls Around Me that became known as a "stalker" app. Geolocation Privacy and Surveillance (“GPS”) Act. Geolocation Privacy and Surveillance (“GPS”) Act While technology – like cell phones, smart phones, lap tops and navigation devices – continues to make it increasingly easy to track and log the location of nearly every American, federal laws have failed to keep pace, meaning there are no clear rules governing how law enforcement, commercial entities and private citizens can access, use and sell that data.

How Foursquare Works" Devices like smartphones and GPS receivers are enjoying unprecedented popularity in the consumer market. The Apple iPhone broke new ground in the smartphone consumer market and has established a new industry in smartphone applications. The combination of these factors has inspired dozens of developers to create innovative games and applications for handheld devices. Got geoint? » Article » Geo-Fencing: Next Generation Geolocation Showcased at SXSW. Geolocation app exposes danger of oversharing. Read More: Apps software Online oversharing can be downright unsafe, as an app making headlines for being creepy and undermining the privacy of women has demonstrated.

A geo-location based app called Girls Around Me shows users a radar overlaid on top of a Google Map, "out of which throbs numerous holographic women posing like pole dancers in a perpetual state of undress," Cult of Mac reported. About Foursquare. How #cuttingedge #geolocation can change everything « AIRS Training Blog. Geolocation and Google maps. Image by heiwa4126 via Flickr. Tracking Happiness: A Brief Lesson in Geolocation. Happstr is a web app that lets you track happiness. Click the button when you're someplace where you're happy, and Happstr asks your permission to use your location (accessing the mapping capabilities on your phone). Then Happstr places a pin on the map to show other users where they, too, can find happiness.

Sessions at SXSW Interactive 2012 about Location Based Services and Social Networking. Shira Lazar: Meet the Founder of Highlight. Every year at SXSW, there seems to be a breakout product or technology. In 2007, it was Twitter. Foursquare was the belle of the ball in 2010. This year, geo-location app Highlight seems to be all the buzz. Interview with SCVNGR: What’s Next and Growth « How to Use Geolocation in Your Marketing Initiatives. 10 ways big data changes everything. Checking Into the Future with Foursquare's Dennis Crowley 

Geolocation 101: Part 1 – All You Need to Know. Geolocation for Dummies. Geolocation 101: How It Works, the Apps, and Your Privacy. Foursquare vs. SCVNGR. There's a new geo-location app on the market, and the name is SCVNGR. Well That's That. Gowalla Shuts Down. A New Entry Into the World of Location-Based Games. Search Results » geo-location. SCVNGR. 8 realities about location-based apps. Foursquare adds business hours for venues. Whrrl: Living In Foursquare's Shadow. 5 Best Location-Based Alternatives to Foursquare. After U.K. Probe, Groupon Amends Marketing Practices. The Complete Timeline of Social Networks From 1960 to 2012. Jennifer Faith Paulenoff.