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Getting Ready for Action (Orientation , new librarian stuff and more!)

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Pearltrees collection on Reopening. Our Library Orientation and Lessons Choice Boards To Kick Off The Year! We are in full swing at Van Meter, now in our second week of the new school year and things are picking up in our library program more and more every day.

Our Library Orientation and Lessons Choice Boards To Kick Off The Year!

We have two things happening right now within our library program. First, every year I visit all of the classrooms for 45 minutes or so to share our resources and help get things bookmarked on their Chromebooks and iPads. I also show them around Destiny Discover, the databases, eBooks, and different digital tools and apps that we use throughout the year. Getting to Know Your School Librarian from a Safe Distance. I am starting a new position in a new school in a new district this fall after working for 16 years in my previous district.

Getting to Know Your School Librarian from a Safe Distance

With safety guidelines related to the global pandemic, I know that the way I have proceeded in the past when it comes to joining a new staff is not going to be the same this year. But I also know that for a high school librarian especially, it is important to get to know your staff, as without them, collaboration will not occur. The way teachers interact with each other on those initial days will be different this year. Getting New Students Excited about Your School Library (Rachel Grover) As we approach the end of the school year, there is a lot on school librarians’ minds and to-do lists: collecting books, taking down bulletin boards, all the other duties as assigned, and if you have a budget or some extra money, putting together an order or wish list of books that will be at your school when you return in the fall.

Getting New Students Excited about Your School Library (Rachel Grover)

But have you considered using the end of the year to welcome your incoming students, getting them ready for what they will experience in your school library, and helping them become library users from day one? Connecting with Incoming Students One of my priorities towards the end of each school year is to reach out to the librarians at the elementary schools that feed into my middle school and schedule time to visit their oldest students during library time. A slide from the in-person presentation in 2019. Last year was different though, mostly because our school buildings were closed due to the pandemic. Thinking Outside the Box. South Brunswick High School - 9th Grade Library Orientation.

9th Grade Library Orientation Lesson 1 In this video lesson, Mrs.

South Brunswick High School - 9th Grade Library Orientation

Manganello will: Introduce herself and share her contact informationExplain how to search and place a hold in our Alexandria catalogIntroduce MackinVIA for access to audio and ebooks Be sure to complete Day 1 of the checklist as you watch the lesson. *On orientation attitude: Two stories, a playlist and a top eleven list. A couple of years back, I posted a little round-up of Orientation inspiration, gathering ideas from a few friends in the field.

*On orientation attitude: Two stories, a playlist and a top eleven list

This year I find myself collecting creative ideas for my School Library Management class from blogs and tweets coming across my network in the form of an Orientation And Getting Ready For Action playlist. I decided to reach out a bit more and solicit ideas from LM_NET and the #tlchat community in the hope that we might grow an orientation ideas playlist for the greater good. (Feel free to contribute!)

This year, folks are starting early, riffing on current memes, popular music, Pokémon Go, and BreakoutEDU. A collateral benefit of engaging in this kind of poking around is that I discover new friends. Virtual Library Orientation - Google Slides. *Orientation inspiration. *Beginning the School Year: It’s About the Learners Not the Content (Jackie Gerstein) Too many classes, all grade levels, begin the school year with getting down to academic business – starting to cover content, discussing expectations regarding academic requirements, giving tests, and other academic information provided by the teacher to the students in a mostly one-way communication.

*Beginning the School Year: It’s About the Learners Not the Content (Jackie Gerstein)

The human or social element is often disregarded. I believe that all classes should begin with focusing on having the students make connections between themselves and the educator; and between one another. I want students to learn about one another in a personal way. I want to learn about my students so my instructional strategies can be more personalized and tailored to their needs and interests. Beginning class with a focus on connections rather than content gives learners the following messages: You are the focus of the class not me.You are important as a learner in this class.You will be expected to engage in the learning activities during class time. A New Twist On Library Orientation! One of the most important things for us to do at the beginning of every year is to make sure we see all of the students to connect them to the library resources and technology that we have at our school.

A New Twist On Library Orientation!

With over 900 students, we have to get creative on how we see and share this information with them and with our teachers and families. This year, I decided to put a new twist on library orientation by putting together a fun Google Slide presentation to share with the students and teachers when I visit their classrooms. I use this time to also help them bookmark the library website, Symbaloo and a few other places in the Google Chrome.

10 Tips for New Teachers. I fell upon this article by Jennifer Gonzalez (known all over the world for her excellent site, “The Cult of Pedagogy”) advising new teachers. It was a great read and reminded me a lot of my ups and downs as a beginning teacher. Here is the thing about teaching: If you are passionate about what you do, it never really becomes “easy.” It is hard in a different way. It is always emotionally taxing and has its share of challenging days. That being said, education is such an amazingly rewarding endeavor, those tough days are ones that you will come to look at differently when you have those really good days. But starting off, there are some things I figured out, and there are things I wished I knew back then, that might be helpful for others entering the profession, or maybe even switching schools.

Here are some of those suggestions. 1. Usually, when you hear the importance of relationships in education, there is a focus on how we build rapport with our students. 2. Don’t hesitate. 3. 4. 5. 6. How can your teacher librarian help you? (Template) The Power of First Lines: Another New Library Orientation.

School is back in session in Georgia, and I’m once again reorganizing what happens in the first visit to the library.

The Power of First Lines: Another New Library Orientation

I’ve tried to steer away from a traditional orientation where students hear the do’s and don’ts in the library. It’s not that they aren’t important, but is that really the message I want to send about reading with the first words that come out of my mouth? The message that I really want students to hear is about the joy of reading.

ShannonMillerMovieTicket.png. ShannonMillerWhatYourTeacherLibrarianCanDoForYOU.png. Back-to-School Checklist for a Learner-Ready School Library. What’s on your school library back-to-school checklist?

Back-to-School Checklist for a Learner-Ready School Library

Do you have a learner-ready school library? I’m kind of like a second-grader when it comes to a new school year. I love new school supplies and the excitement of seeing all the people I’ve missed over the summer. My feelings about a new school year may resonate with you, but sadly they do not resonate with all of our learners.

Welcoming Students With a Smile. A widely cited 2007 study claimed that teachers greeting students at the classroom door led to a 27 percentage point increase in academic engagement.

Welcoming Students With a Smile

The problem? It included just three students. Now a new, much larger and more credible study—comprising 203 students in 10 classrooms—validates that claim: Greeting students at the door sets a positive tone and can increase engagement and reduce disruptive behavior. Spending a few moments welcoming students promotes a sense of belonging, giving them social and emotional support that helps them feel invested in their learning. The first few minutes of class are often the most chaotic, as students transition from busy areas such as the hallway or playground. Ten middle school teachers were randomly assigned by the researchers to one of two groups. Teachers in the second group attended classroom management training sessions offered by their schools, but they weren’t given any specific instructions on how to start class.

Back to School Resources. *Library Orientation: The Big Show. Library Orientation: Your Big First Impression If you’re like me, a middle school librarian serving a thousand students, back-to-school library orientations are my big show of the year. My job sounds simple: keep the readers reading and wake up the dormant or nonreaders. The 12 Most Important Things to Do . . . in the First Week of Your New Job. By Carrie Marting and Julie Marie Frye Congrats on your new position! Whether you are just starting in this awesome profession…or starting over in a school that is new to you, you may be wondering: “What now?” And “How do I prioritize the one million things I could possibly be doing with my time?” We’ve been there! When we first started our library careers we were bursting with ideas from library school and best practices from books that we devoured the moment we were hired! To help you in your transition, we’ve outlined what we find to be the 12 most important things to do in the first week on the job.

Meet as many teachers as possible. Enjoy your year and know that it gets easier. Creating a Digital Breakout for Library Orientation. Last year I used Google forms to create my first digital breakout for a lesson on finding copyright free images. I had wanted to blog about it but never had a chance to do so. I decided to start off the new year with another digital breakout for my annual library orientation with 6th and 7th graders. I think that this could easily be adapted for younger or older students.

Jennifer LaGarde on BreakoutEdu. Library Orientation 2018-2019. Keeping It Fresh for Freshman Orientation. At the start of the school year the library is a central location in a school that has so much to share with incoming freshman students. We have procedural information, rules and regulations, and resource knowledge to share with an entire new group of students in a short class period. As things in our schools change, so does our orientation programs and the struggle for engaging delivery of information is real. New Student Orientation for the School Library. I Read Because: A Book Tasting Library Orientation.

SummerBingo (3).pdf. Facebook. Collections. Library Monthly Checklists. How to Get Ready for a New Year at Your New School (Diana Rendina) This August, I’ll be the new media specialist at Tampa Preparatory, an independent 6-12 school in downtown Tampa. Infographic! 10 Back to School Tips for an Awesome Year! –(Shelley Terrell) “Teaching should be such that what is offered is perceived as a valuable gift and not as a hard duty.” – Albert Einstein Today was my first day of class. Seesaw Go! Game for Students (K-5) – Ideas For Your Classroom. The First Days of School: Setting the Climate for Year. Fresh Orientation: Library Breakout - Teacher Ed - Google Slides. The january hat (Barbara Braxton) It is January and it’s a new year around the world . Library Orientation (Springfield) Poke-brary Scavenger Hunt.

GooseChase EDU - Game Library. Orientation 2016-17 (Susan Sannwald) 5 Tips for New School Librarians (and those who aren't so new) - Google Slides. Fun Ideas for Library Orientation. Ahh, the first day of school! Call me crazy, but I've always loved it! West Hills High School Library Welcome Video. - Audience Interaction Made Easy. A Few Thoughts for the Beginning of the School Year: Part 1. I was just thinking about all of the things that I would do to prepare myself for the beginning of the school year. Fall Library instruction program begins … and much more. The first two weeks of school have seen non-stop activity at the Mira Costa Library. Students filled the library each and every day before school, during Snack, lunch, after school, during our first ever Office Hours on September 2, and for class visits. Prezi by jill sonnenberg. Freshmen orientation for Library. YA Books and More: New Kind of Orientation!

The Absolutely True Adventures of a School Librarian: This Week in the JCHS Library: August 8-12, 2016. Mrs. ReaderPants: New school librarian? 10 things you should do first... The Library Book. New school librarian? 10 things you should do first... - Mrs. ReaderPants.