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HTML API: Text Extraction. AlchemyAPI provides easy-to-use facilities for extracting page text and title information from any posted (uploaded) HTML file. Post (upload) any HTML content directly for immediate processing. A HTML page cleaning facility is provided, which normalizes / cleans HTML content (removing ads, navigation links, and other unimportant content), enabling extraction of only the important article text. These API calls may be utilized to process posted (uploaded) webpages and other HTML content. If you are processing content hosted on a publicly accessible website, consider using our URL processing calls instead.

API Call: HTMLGetText Description: The HTMLGetText call is utilized to extract the primary page / article text from a posted web page. Endpoint: Parameters: Response Format (XML) <results> <status>REQUEST_STATUS</status> <url>DOCUMENT_URL</url> <text>EXTRACTED_TEXT</text> </results> Response Format (JSON): Response Format (RDF): SpeedReadingJS. Add speed reading functionality to your website or app. What are the main differences between SpeedReadingJS and other solutions? Most of the speed reading code is written based on Spritz ( Spritz has an important scientific background, but it also has some basic characteristics that are annoying for most of readers: They are inserted somewhere in the middle of the webpage. This encourages the readers to lose their attention.They have a white background, black text and a red letter. SpeedReadingJS fixes this problems with simple solutions.

SpeedReadingJS appears on a lightbox. SpeedReadingJS depends only on jQuery. To start reading, just call the javascript'some text') function: <script>'Add speed reading functionality to your website. You can customize some properties of the speedreading object: jQuery Effects Example Page. Spritz Speed Reading V2. How to Pull Content via jQuery from Another Web Site (Cross Domain) -- And do it in SharePoint Too! | SharePoint MMMan. I recently ran into a situation where I wanted to pull some content from another web site, however, due to a configuration constraint, I was unable to to this in a normal fashion.

Essentially, there was a table of data (a subset of the content on the page) on another site which I wanted to include on my web page, but using an IFrame to display the content simply wasn’t an option (due to the fact, I only wanted a subset of the data on the page). In fact, I wanted to pull the data and display it in a web part, embedded in a web part page in SharePoint. The main issue was that since I was doing this across domains (which is a big no-no for many security reasons), I had to come up with another technique.

After searching around the web for a while and trying to come up with a decent technique, I fell upon this thread on So what my solution looks like is below. //Start of code //End of code. Festival Online Demo. This is an interactive demo of CSTR's "Festival" speech synthesiser, which is software capable of making artificial speech in place of a real human. Festival is the most complete freeware multilingual, general-purpose synthesis system available. It is used by numerous research sites and other projects around the world. Further information is available on the Festival project page. Synthetic speech can be used anywhere pre-recorded speech can, for example telephone call routing and information lines.

The following voices are included in this demo at present: Alan - Scottish male. Further questions... If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, or experience any difficulties using this demo, then please consult the FAQ in the first place. (NOTE: This page is provided for demonstration purposes only. eSpeak: Speech Synthesizer. Librivox. API Info The API is currently in: released DEVELOPERS: have a look at the Dev Notes area at the bottom of the page for a more technical explanation of what's going on.

Url to access: Parameters allowed (current): id - fetches a single record since - takes a UNIX timestamp; returns all projects cataloged since that time author - all records by that author last name title - all matching titles genre - all projects of the matching genre extended - =1 will return the full set of data about the project Note that the title, author & genre may be searched on with ^ as before, to anchor the beginign of the search term.

Example: Records default to a limit of 50, offset 0. Limit offset Search may be conducted as: or Formats: Default format is xml, but also currently available are json, jsonp, serialized & php array. Example: Gutenberg 0.4.2. Library to interface with Project Gutenberg Overview This package contains a variety of scripts to make working with the Project Gutenberg body of public domain texts easier. The functionality provided by this package includes: Downloading texts from Project Gutenberg.Cleaning the texts: removing all the crud, leaving just the text behind.Making meta-data about the texts easily accessible. The package has been tested with Python 2.6, 2.7 and 3.4 Installation This project is on PyPI, so I’d recommend that you just install everything from there using your favourite Python package manager. pip install gutenberg If you want to install from source or modify the package, you’ll need to clone this repository: git clone This package depends on Berkeley DB so you’ll need to install that: sudo apt-get install libdb5.1-dev export BERKELEYDB_DIR=/usr Now, you should probably install the dependencies for the package and verify your checkout by running the tests.

Usage. Open Library Developer Docs. Donate ♥ Last edited by Mek June 27, 2021 | History Edit Open Library Internal Docs Most of these notes are internal or legacy. Processes Exporting Wiki Pages Bookreader Data Partners Resources for In Library Lending Partners Legacy Older pages, shouldn't be relied upon. Imports The state of data import User Interface & Product The State of the UI General Developer Blogs Blogs from former devs Misc Projects Virtual Shelf Prototype Guided Tour History. Downloading in bulk using wget. If you’ve ever wanted to download files from many different items in an automated way, here is one method to do it. Here’s an overview of what we’ll do: 1. Confirm or install a terminal emulator and wget 2. Create a list of item identifiers 3. Craft a wget command to download files from those identifiers 4.

Run the wget command. Requirements Required: a terminal emulator and wget installed on your computer. Section 1. 1. 1. 2. MacOSX: MacOSX comes with Terminal installed. Building from source for MacOSX: Skip this step if you are able to install from the above links. Section 2. The method for using wget to download files is: Generate a list of item identifiers (the tail end of the url for an item page) from which you wish to grab files.Create a folder (a directory) to hold the downloaded filesConstruct your wget command to retrieve the desired filesRun the command and wait for it to finish 1. 7. -i .. Step 4: Run the command 1. Tips: The Internet Archive Metadata API.

The Metadata API is intended for fast, flexible, and reliable reading and writing of Internet Archive items. The Metadata Read API is the fastest and most flexible way to retrieve metadata for items on We’ve seen upwards of 500 reads per second for some collections! Overview Returns all of an item’s metadata in JSON. Resource URL Parameters identifier: The globally unique ID of a given item on Usage For example, frenchenglishmed00gorduoft is the identifier for $ curl The Metadata API also supports HTTPS: $ curl Sub-item Access The Metadata API returns all of an item’s metadata by default. The metadata write API is intended to make changes to metadata timely, safe and flexible. Timely safe flexible Targets The Metadata Write API supports three kinds of target: Authentication.

JSON API to services. We have been moving the majority of our services from formats like XML, OAI and other to the more modern JSONP format and method of client/server interaction . As we do not have unlimited resources behind our services, we request that users try to cache results where they can for the more high traffic and popular installations/uses. 8-) Most services share the standard web practice of returning JSON via adding CGI parameter: and can be used directly in an offsite javascript webpage by adding a callback parameter: We provide the following services in JSON output: Search Results: An Individual Item's extended Metadata: Our "/details/" pages that we show for every item on our site use their metadata on the back-end to make the HTML displayed in your browser. You can make any item's details page output JSON by switching "/details/" to "/metadata/". Top Level Page: You can access much of the displayed information on the main page by changing its output mode to use JSON.

jQuery Plugin For Getting Wikipedia Description In Tooltips - wikiUp. GitHub - suabo/Wikipedia: jQuery Plugin for Wikipedia API.