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List of unusual deaths. This is a list of unusual deaths.

List of unusual deaths

This list includes unique or extremely rare circumstances of death recorded throughout history, noted as being unusual by multiple sources. Some of the deaths are mythological or are considered to be unsubstantiated by contemporary researchers. Oxford Dictionaries defines the word "unusual" as "not habitually or commonly occurring or done" and "remarkable or interesting because different from or better than others. "[1] Some other articles also cover deaths that might be considered unusual or ironic, including List of entertainers who died during a performance, List of inventors killed by their own inventions, List of association footballers who died while playing, List of professional cyclists who died during a race and the List of political self-immolations.

Antiquity[edit] Middle Ages[edit] Renaissance[edit] 18th century[edit] 19th century[edit] 20th century[edit] 1920s[edit] 1950s[edit] 1960s[edit] 1961: U.S. 1970s[edit] 1980s[edit] 1990s[edit] The 7 Most Agonizing Sex Injuries on Record. Sex!

The 7 Most Agonizing Sex Injuries on Record

Now that I have your attention: SEX! We all love it, and the more painful, the better. A few people claim to prefer their sex painless. If that's you, stop reading now. And if it's not you, sorry about your father issues. I notice you're all still here. I like my women like I like my coffee -- hot enough to hurt me. #7. Easing ourselves into erotic agony, here's a nice nonpermanent injury everyone can relate to: being crushed by a falling tombstone while having sex in public inside a cemetery while visiting a dead relative. 7 Things You Don't Realize About Addiction (Until You Quit) I got this voicemail from Cracked Editor-in-Chief Jack O'Brien two days ago: "John, we have a slight problem.

7 Things You Don't Realize About Addiction (Until You Quit)

Editorial agrees that you're more interesting when you're addicted to something, and since that whole alcoholism thing is over, we'd like you to start doing meth. We've already sent you a 1-pound compressed brick that should be arriving today. You'll notice a bite taken out of the corner. That was Cody."There's also some porn-themed cocaine ice cream in there. " It's been two days, and no such package has arrived. I don't blame people for not knowing that. . #7. If I'm out doing errands and I run into someone I haven't seen in years, within 30 seconds they'll mention that I sound like a completely different person.

The problem is it's easy to miss the drunk version of somebody, like that was the "real" them."Quick, someone shit on my chest! But when you sober up, that voice comes back. That's bullshit. Photos.comNo, that's not a good thing. #6. . #5. Wait, what? 5 Things You Won't Believe Aren't In the Bible. The image of an angel is so recognizable that you can immediately spot one if somebody makes its shape in some snow.

5 Things You Won't Believe Aren't In the Bible

They're sparkly people with two white wings and occasionally swords, who sit on clouds ripping out awesome harp solos while protecting humans from harm. So basically, the protagonists of the next Stephenie Meyer novel. The sex scene will be as unsettling as it is improbable. The Only Problem Is ... Now, there are angels in the Bible. *NOTE: that is a joke. Ancient Religions And Myths. The Inspiration Tree: The Pursuit of Happiness: 15 Lessons to Keep in Mind.