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35+ Camping Tips, Tricks & Treats. Summer holidays are just around the corner and if you have a camping trip or two on your agenda, you might just find a new trick or two in this bunch!

35+ Camping Tips, Tricks & Treats

I’ve put together a list of projects and ideas to help around the campsite, a list of must-have home remedies (for poison ivy, mosquito bites, etc.), plus a bunch of fun ideas for cooking you might want to try this year…and don’t miss the old-timer’s fishing weather poem and dependable rope knot examples at the bottom of the page. Lots here and I’ll be adding more goodies to this page as I find them so you may want to bookmark it for future reference. Enjoy! To start things off, here’s a recipe for removing mildew from tents: 41 Camping Hacks That Are Borderline Genius. 41 Camping Hacks That Are Borderline Genius.