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Educational Leadership:Meeting Students Where They Are:Differentiated Learning. Differentiated Instruction - Videos, Articles, Resources, Experts. Technology Enhanced Learning - Teaching and Educational Development Institute - The University of Queensland, Australia. Vialogues : Meaningful discussions around video. Technology in the Classroom: Helpful or Harmful? Kids gravitate towards technology—if your child heads straight for the video games or Facebook after school, you know what we’re talking about. With a world of information at their fingertips nowadays, it seems like kids should be finding it easier than ever to succeed in school.

However, as more classrooms invest in the latest technology, test scores remain the same, bringing its effectiveness into question. Technology and Teaching “Incorporating technology into the classroom requires a double innovation,” says Shelley Pasnik, director of the Center for Education and Technology, Educators who receive new technology must first learn how to use the equipment and then decide whether or not it supports the class objectives and curriculum. For example, an instructor may restructure a lecture into a group activity, having students conduct online research to boost their understanding. Technology also makes it easier to spend more overall time on learning. Maximizing Your Child’s Tech Time. Text message (SMS) polls and voting, audience response system | Poll Everywhere.

MSL4205 Student profile. Msl4205 Designing Technology-Enhanced Learning. Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants Summary | researchreportsedu. Prensky states that the students in our classrooms are much more different than the people who are in front of the classroom teaching in terms of how they learn and the ways in which they are able to take in information. He gave the two different groups of people different titles; digital immigrants, and digital natives. Immigrants being those people who were not born in a time when technology was not readily available to use at all times and have had to learn over time how to use it.

As compared to now, when the use of technology is readily available to the children born, the natives. The natives have been exposed to the use of technology from early on in life and need this to thrive in our school setting. Another main point that Prensky makes is that there needs to be a switch in the way in which educators teach because students are losing out due to the “old fashioned” methods of teaching which are still being used today. Prensky, M. (2001). Like this: Like Loading... Quiz: How Millennial Are You?