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2011 Social Media Trends & 2010 Recap

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Gary Hamel: Inventing Management 2.0 - Gary Hamel’s Management 2.0. By Gary Hamel with Polly Labarre Have you ever met a 10-year-old who dreams of growing up to be a manager? Neither have I. Chances are, though, if you’re reading this post you are one—a manager, not a 10-year-old. Somewhere along the highway of life you missed a turnoff—you sailed right by the exit for “smoke jumper,” never saw the sign for “ocean explorer,” and somehow forgot to put “fighter pilot” into your career GPS. To mask the regret of the road not taken, you tell yourself you’re a leader. Like millions of other would-be leaders around the world, you are being held hostage by Management 1.0—a dense matrix of bureaucratic practices that were invented to minimize variances from plan by maximizing adherence to policy.

Every year, thousands of managers get sent off to “leadership development” programs of one sort or another. To use a military analogy, we train leaders to “take the hill,” but we don’t involve them in rethinking war-fighting doctrine. Mobile Technology Trends For 2011, According To Forrester Research. Forrester Research has published its annual mobile technology outlook for 2011, outlining the top-level projections it sees for the year ahead. In grading itself on its predictions from last year, Forrester gave itself a “B+,” saying nearly all of its projections came to fruition. Forrester said most the trends they outlined last year will continue into this year, but also offered several additions. Here’s a snapshot of what they predict: The mobile/social/local combo will explode in usage but generate little revenue.2011 will be the year of the “dumb” smartphone user.

Thanks to handset subsidies, smartphones will be available to the masses. Expect new smartphone users to be less engaged and active than the first cohorts of Android and iPhone early adopters. The good news is that thanks to customer education and the convenience that these devices offer, even “dumb” smartphone users will consume more mobile media than ever before and will have incremental usage of mobile data! Top 10 Social Media Blogs: The 2011 Winners! Social media is a big subject. If you’re looking for some reliable places to go for the best tips and social media tactics, look no further! Our second-annual contest generated more than 300 nominations. Our panel of social media experts carefully reviewed the nominees and finalists, analyzing the quality of their content, the frequency of posts and reader involvement (among other things).

The following are the winners of Social Media Examiner’s Top 10 Social Media Blogs for 2011. If you’re looking to master all that social media has to offer, these rich blogs need to be at the top of your reading list. Congratulations to the winners. Be sure to check out these amazing blogs! Share the love: Feel free to post the above list on your blog (just reference this post). The badge of distinction: If you’re a winner, you can post the image you see here on your blog and please link back to this page. A special thanks to our judges! Do you frequent any of these blogs? About the Author, Michael Stelzner. Collection of Links - The Best of 2010 & Trends for 2011 - Joseph Ruiz. Lately there's been a lot of activity in the social media space. Naturally this is the time of year to take a look back at the best practices from 2010 and to think about what might be in store in 2011.

Below is a collection of articles and blogs from many sources. Also special thanks to those providing links during the 1/5/11 #SMchat and @heidicohen. What have I missed? The Best Articles of 2010 by Baekdal Top 25 Most Useful Social Media Marketing Blog Posts of 2010 by Neal Schaffer Social Commerce Top 10 for 2010 {*style:<b> </b>*} Click Z 10 Social Media Highlights Data Inlcuded via @heidicohen Social Shopping by Levi' s good example of social and integrated platform Was Social Media a Big Factor in Holiday Purchases? Social Media influenced Just 5% to Visit Retail Sites Top 12 Reasons Businesses will Fail at Social Media By Pam Moore 111 Ways to Jumpstart 2011 How to get your marketing on track by Heidi Cohen 2011 - The Year of the Social Enterprise ? Twitter stats & info on Usage. Social Commerce Top 10 for 2010; Outlook for 2011. Two social commerce topics that created the biggest stir this year were location-based social networks like Foursquare and Facebook Places, and group coupon deals championed by sites like Groupon and Living Social.

Groupon became the year’s leading social commerce newsmaker when it reportedly spurned a $6 billion acquisition offer by Google earlier in December. Social commerce garnered much of my attention in 2010 as well, resulting in a series of articles here on the topic. In this, my final article for 2010, I list the ten most popular, based on (a) the highest number of clicks from Facebook and Twitter, (b) the total number of page views, and (c) the greatest reach within social media from Twitter “retweets.” 1. 10 Free Facebook Apps for Ecommerce Merchants Here is a list of ten free Facebook apps for ecommerce businesses divided into four categories: Landing Page Creation, Email Marketing, Facebook Shopping Carts, and Other. 2. 3 Group Coupon Companies for Purely Ecommerce Merchants 3. Where will social media and #socialrecruiting go in 2011? Being christmas, it’s time to look back at the things that have happened, and forward in to what might be.

These are my thoughts on how social media and social recruiting could change during 2011, in particular how we use the channels. The channels are definitely changing along with the way we use them. From a business perspective, I think social is going to be more about selective conversations and public broadcasts of very targeted, tagged content. With apps like Replyz on twitter, Jibe on Facebook and Linked In and many of the other similar tools available, there is much less need to be active in the streams. The tools find the conversations and the people who are relevant to you and bring them to you. The posts need to be key-word rich and findable.

This will change our social thinking as to how we communicate. Search. In blog terms, readers are close to bursting. However much others might try to denounce it, these popularity contests will become increasingly important. Bill. 10 Social Media 2010 Highlights (Data Included) Heidi Cohen | December 27, 2010 | 7 Comments inShare151 From the Gulf oil spill to the FIFA World Cup, social media is all about events and issues that matter to people.

The year 2010 was a tipping point for social media. Interestingly, with one exception, 2010's social media highlights gained traction because something happening in the world resonated with social media users, generally news or entertainment related. Let's review the top 10 social media highlights of 2010: 1. 2010 was Facebook's year. 2. This tweet became 2010's most retweeted tweet due to the trending topic, Stephen Colbert's social media following, and his television show. 3. Old Spice broke the rules of social media marketing with a two-day, 186 video campaign across social media platforms in real time. 4. 5. 6. 7. Based on Twitter's analysis, three World Cup soccer-related terms, FIFA World Cup, vuvuzelza and Pulpo Paul, dominated the top 10 Twitter trends. 8. 9. 10. What do you think of this list?

Happy marketing, 10 Apps to Watch in 2011. There are more than 200,000 apps in the Android market. There are more than 325,000 apps available for iOS devices. Even the fledgling Windows Phone 7 app marketplace already has greater than 5,300 apps. Throw in the wide world of web applications and, forget about it: you'd need many lifetimes to try them all. However, there are just 10 apps you really should keep a very close watch on in 2011. The list below represents the 10 applications — for mobile and the web — that Mashable editors think will be worthy of your attention in 2011. 1.

The Daily is the News Corp’s iPad-only newspaper that is set to launch in January with each daily edition costing $0.99 to download. -Vadim Lavrusik, Community Manager 2. Since was purchased and disbanded by Facebook, there’s certainly a need for free, web-based, acount-less and super simple file sharing. -Matt Silverman, Associate Features Editor 3. GetGlue is one of the few checkin apps that offers something the other major players (i.e. 4. 5. MarketingProfs: Marketing Resources for Marketing Professionals.

Which Brands Got the Most Social Media Buzz in '10? [INFOGRAPHIC] Apple may not be down with the whole social media thing — the brand doesn't have a Twitter account or a Facebook page — but it doesn't appear to need it. A report by Vitrue on the top social brands of 2010 shows the iPhone is the top social brand, the iPad is number five and Apple itself is number seven. The infographic below, based on the third annual Vitrue 100 report, shows that Apple's not the only brand gaining social media influence, though.

AT&T and Visa both led the 2010 gainers with a 45% jump. The data also show that being a consumer electronics brand is a plus, but it's a bit more difficult if you're in the fast food biz or sports. Top 20 Most Useful LinkedIn Blog Posts of 2010. Although Facebook and Twitter always steal the social media spotlight, 2010 should be remembered as the year where LinkedIn accelerated development and released a plethora of new applications, features, and functionality to their platform for professionals. While many complain of the ever-increasing restrictions and some question the validity of potentially keyword-stuffed search results on the professional networking platform, it is clear that LinkedIn is following a path of sticking to its roots as a trusted network built upon relationships while always looking for creative ways to generate additional revenue and traffic from new sources.

If you haven’t kept up with all of the changes, as well as the latest analysis on how to maximize your LinkedIn presence, you owe it to yourself to spend an hour reading through this list of the most useful blog posts of 2010 that I have compiled for you. 5 Ways to Develop Meaningful LinkedIn Connections by Stephanie Sammons [1,178] Linked In vs. 2010’s Top 12 Social Media Experts. Social media is a multi-directional conversation with millions of participants talking and sharing information. As with any social dialog, there are always some voices that are particularly worth listening to, whose contribution is especially valuable, and who set the conversation’s tone. Here’s my list of social media experts, whose contributions I found invaluable during 2010. 2010’s Top 12 Social Media Experts While this list could be much longer, here’s my list of the who’s who of social media and why I found their insights during 2010. 5 Social Media Up and Comers In addition to my top twelve social media influencers, here are five people to whom you should pay attention.

While not yet on everyone’s radar, each in his own way is making a mark on how we use and think about social media. #UsGuys. Congrats to those who’re on these lists. What do you think of this list? Happy marketing, Heidi Cohen For additional related reading, please check out these resources: Techguerilla talk - Matt Ridings. Top 25 Most Useful Social Media Marketing Blog Posts of 2010. The Best Articles of 2010 (by @baekdal) #notes. 2010 is almost over, and for me at least, it was both a really frustrating and stressful year, but it was also the best year ever on The traffic level increased 385%, estimated to reach half a million absolute unique readers per month here in December. I also launched Baekdal Plus, which is more in-depth content focusing on providing advice, insights, analysis, and trend forecasts - all in the format of a stream.

Here is a short summary of the best content in 2010: The best articles in 2010 (of those published in 2010) The best Plus articles in 2010 The best articles in 2010 (overall) A big part of is the design section. The best design articles in 2010 (overall) So let's get on with 2011. LinkedIn Company Profile – an Overview. Is Your Email Marketing Ready for 2011? Here are five ways to create a more social experience for your customers in the New Year. For email marketers, there only appeared to be one major trend that mattered in 2010. It's a game changer that presents both opportunities and challenges for businesses to connect with customers.

You guessed it: It's the impact of social media. You can't just "talk at" customers anymore. They now expect to be part of the conversation and part of your business story. Persuading readers to share the content of your email content is the key here. Email marketing and social media are complementary. As you plan your email marketing campaigns for 2011, take advantage of the opportunities to reach new prospects, revive existing customer relationships and recruit new fans who can spread the word about your business.

Here are five things you can do to create a more social e-mail experience in the new year: Make every message shareable. Here's to a happy, prosperous and social 2011. 2011 Predictions: Top 12 Reasons Businesses Will Fail at Social Media. With the new year comes new budgets, projects and social media goals. Many new businesses will be hopping on the social train. The question is how long will they last? Will they make it to their destination? Bigger question is do they know their destination? Top 12 Reasons Why Businesses will Fail at Social Media in 2011 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. I could write for days on the things organizations should and shouldn’t do for social media. If you are new to social media don’t let this get you down. Your Thoughts? Connect: Authored by: Pam Moore Half marketing, half geek, social media addict, CEO & Founder of Marketing Nutz @MktgNutz, entrepreneur, speaker, trainer, coach.

See complete profile. The Top Twelve Customer Management Trends for 2011. SMB 2011 Resolutions: Fine-tune That Social Media Strategy. This week on ReadWriteBiz, we're running down our list of recommended New Year's resolutions for small and medium-sized businesses. Today we talk about how to better allocate scarce resources to build a more effective social media strategy in 2001. Social media has exploded over the last few years and as 2010 comes to a close, you should now have enough data handy to help you determine what's working and what isn't.

Sure, everybody was freaking out about Twitter this year, and you jumped on that bandwagon, but is it paying off? If a particular social media tool isn't helping your business grow, now is a good time to either ramp up your efforts or cut it off and focus those meager resources elsewhere. Take a Close Look at Whatever Analytics You Have To best answer the Twitter question above, you'll need analytics of some kind.

If you're using Facebook in any capacity (hopefully your company has a page, not a profile) check out the past year's data in Facebook Insights. Was Social Media A Big Factor In Holiday Purchases? Reach Your Own Conclusion! Study Reveals Top 6 Social Media Goals for 2011.