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A former Cement Factory is now the workspace and residence of Ricardo Bofill. Image Courtesy of Ricardo Bofill Architect: Ricardo BofillProgram: Architectural offices /archives /model laboratory /exhibition space /Bofill's-apartment /guest rooms /gardensLocation: Barcelona, SpainTotal floor area: 3,100 square meters and gardensHouse area: 500 square metersDate Completed: 1975 There is nothing as good as an aged bottle of wine; and in this case the aged bottle of wine is a project which was completed in 1975, but is still worth mentioning! First and foremost we would like to thank our friend and founder of Room Service design store in Greece, Katerina Xynogala for providing us with the necessary information regarding The Cement Factory, which is featured in the latest Room Service catalogue.

The Cement Factory was discovered in 1973, it was an abandoned cement factory and partially in ruins, comprised of over 30 silos, underground galleries and huge engine rooms; Ricardo Bofill bought it and began renovation works. Sources: Room Service , Ricardo Bofill. CANABALT. English Russia » The Real S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Posted on May 29, 2008 by These guys play popular S.T.A.L.K.E.R. video game for real. They on purpose go to the Chernobyl area of the nuclear disaster explosion site dress in Stalker themed cloths and play, even involving armored vehicles and real guns. And that’s all just a few yards away from the disaster site, the place where there is still a high dose of radiation in the soil.

Add an Additional Room To Your Apartment. Located between art and architecture, the backpack house is a walk-in sculpture with their own spatial quality: a floating, lighted room, as a temporary scaffolding and a “minimal sculpture” also appears. Universally used as a mini-backpack, this house adds extra space at the front of each residential building attached. The design consists of a welded steel cabin, using steel cables on the roof or on the facade of the existing house is attached. The sculpture consists of a cube-made element with the dimensions width 2.50 m, 2.50 m in height and 3.60 m deep. The height of the top floor of the cube element is approximately 10.50 m, and the total weight of the sculpture is approximately 2.0 t. Via – Convertiblecity. Obscura Digital > > > > > > > > > > > > > Aphex twin - come to daddy. Lint. Riverdance #5" When I post a shot in my beachcombing category it's normally quite a safe bet that nobody else has photographed the bucket, or piece of driftwood, or whatever else it is I happen to stumble across as I wander along the beach; i.e. there's no competition, and the shot stands or falls on its own merits (or lack of them).

In this case though, there are hundreds of photographers taking photographs of this stranded ferry, so I wanted to make sure that I got at least one decent shot today – and I'm pleased with this one. Because of the angle it was taken from, it doesn't do a great job of conveying the scale of this boat, but I'm pretty pleased with the end result nonetheless. I haven't posted the EXIF data, as this was an HDR constructed from three bracketed exposures, but all were taken at around 180mm with my 70-200mm zoom.

As always, let me know what you think.